首頁 產(chǎn)品展示>Perkins柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)2674227渦輪增壓器




項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    1   2674227    1   2674227    渦輪增壓器       

    24     2      密合墊       

    25  36885008   1   36885008   密合墊 -渦輪增壓器         

    26  26740561   1   26740561   修補(bǔ)總成 -渦輪增壓器       

    26  26740688   1   26740688   修補(bǔ)總成 -渦輪增壓器       

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    2      1      蓋        

    3   26740599   1   26740599   心        

    3   28730822   1   28730822   心        

    18  26740541   1   26740541   砂箱夾       

    18  28730843   1   28730843   砂箱夾       

    19  26740712   1   26740712   螺帽         

    19  28730844   1   28730844   鎖緊螺母         

    20     1      殼        

    21  26740538   8   26740538   螺旋         

    21  28730845   8   28730845   螺旋         

    22  26740713   8   26740713   墊圈         

    23     8      墊圈         

    23  26740537   8   26740537   墊圈         

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    4      1      螺帽         

    5   26740553   1   26740553   輪        

    5   28730824   1   28730824   輪        

    6      1      活塞         

    7      1      CIRCLIP          

    7      1      CIRCLIP          

    8      1      輪        

    9      1      O 圈         

    10     1      推力墊圈         

    11     1      墊圈         

    12     1      推力板       

    13     1      軸承         

    14  26740559   1   26740559   殼        

    14  28730823   2   28730823   殼        

    15     2      圈        

    16  26740558   1   26740558   軸        

    16  28730819   1   28730819   輪        

    17     1      圈        

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    4   33415508   1   33415508   密合墊       

    5   0827607    6   0827607    圖釘         

    6   2188134    6   2188134    螺帽         

    7   0920053    6   0920053    墊圈         

    41  37741321   1   37741321   構(gòu)件         

    42  0200033    1   0200033    水管         

    43  21825201   2   21825201   夾        

    44  33823411   1   33823411   連接         

    45  21825200   2   21825194   夾        

    63  0576116    1   0576116    螺帽         

    64  0566007    1   0566007    橄欖         

    65  37735101   1   檢查歷史   承接器       

    66  36861448   1   36862206   密合墊 - 濾油器的冒口          

    67  0746610    1   0746610    螺旋         

    68  0096634    1   0096634    螺旋         

    69  0920055    2   0920055    墊圈         

    70  0206008    1   0206008    管套節(jié)       

    71  35712151   1   35712151   管        

    72  36832151   1   3683 D006  密合墊       

    73  0748523    2   0748523    螺旋         

    74  0920054    2   0920054    墊圈         

    81  0827809    4   0827809    圖釘         

    82  2188135    4   2188135    螺帽         

    83  0920004    4   0920004    墊圈         

    98  41243041   1   41243041   管        

    99  36832138   1   36832138   密合墊       

    100 0748414    2   0748414    固定螺釘         

    101 0920053    2   0920053    墊圈         

    106 0826244    1   0826244    圖釘         

    107 0576002    1   0576002    螺帽         

    108 36151505   1   36151505   墊圈         

    109 0920053    1   0920053    墊圈         

    110 0826242    2   0826242    圖釘         

    111 0576002    2   0576002    螺帽         

    112 36151505   2   36151505   墊圈         

    113 0920053    2   0920053    墊圈

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    1   U5LB1224   1   U5LB1224   密合墊總成 -底      

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    5   3681 P032  1   3681 P032  密合墊 - 正時(shí)齒輪箱        

    6   36826124   1   36826124   密合墊       

    7   36817166   1   36817166   密合墊 - 再操作系統(tǒng)殼          

    8   3681 T018  1   3681 T018  密合墊 - 油的密封殼        

    9   36862206   1   36862206   密合墊 - 濾油器的冒口          

    11  36822143   1   36822143   密合墊       

    12  36846424   1   36846424   密合墊       

    13  3685 R007  1   3685 R007  密合墊 - 提升泵         

    14  36862226   1   36862226   密合墊 - 提升泵         

    15  36866474   1   36866474   密合墊       

    19  3687 M024  1   3687 M024  密合墊 - 水的泵         

    20  36867227   1   36867227   密合墊 - 水的連接       

    21  3684 C002  1   3684 C002  密合墊       

    23  36832153   1   36832153   密合墊       

    28  3687 H017  1   3687 H017  密合墊 - 燃料的 INJ 泵         

    29  2415813    1   2415813    密封 - O 的圈       

    30  2415715    3   2415715    密封 - O 的圈       

    31  36816731   1   U5MK0398   密合墊 -油底殼          

    32  21826373   1   21826373   密合墊 -油底殼          

    33  36866426   1   36866426   密合墊       

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    11  2651854    1   2651854    凸緣         

    12  2651852    1   2651852    指壓計(jì)       

    13  33531326   1   33531326   承接器       

    31  2481905    2   2481905    夾        

    32  2481909    2   2481909    水管夾           

End By:

a.  Install a new crankshaft front  seal. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Front

Seal - Install”.


Front Cover - Remove

Removal Procedure


Start By:

Illustration 113

Typical example

a.  Remove the front plate. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Front Plate - Remove”.

2.  Remove bolts (3) and (4).

b. Remove  the crankshaft front seal. Refer  to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Front

Seal - Remove”.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained

during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-

ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to

collect the fluid with suitable containers before  open-

ing any  compartment or  disassembling any  compo-

nent containing fluids.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and



Illustration 114

3.  Remove bolts (5), fasteners (6) and bolt (7).

4.  Remove front cover (8) and joint (9) (not shown).


Front Cover - Install

Installation Procedure

Table 32


Illustration 112

Required Tools


1.  Remove bolts (1) and plate (2). Remove  the

O-ring seal from the front housing.



Part Description



Threadlock and Nutlock




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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

5.  Install bolts (3). Tighten the bolts to a torque of

55 N·m (41 lb ft).


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

6.  Apply Tooling (A) to bolt (7).

7.  Install bolts (4), (5) and (7).

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

8.  Tighten bolts (4), (5) and (7) to a torque of 28 N·m

(21 lb ft).

1.  Ensure that the front cover and the mating surface

of the front housing  are clean and free from



Illustration 117

9.  Install a new O-ring seal to the  front housing.

Position plate (2) and install bolts (1). Tighten the

bolts to a torque of 55 N·m (41 lb ft).

End By:

a.  Install a new crankshaft front  seal. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Front

Seal - Install”.


Illustration 115

b. Install the  front plate. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Front Plate - Install”.


Gear Group (Front) - Remove

Removal Procedure

Table 33


Illustration 116

Required Tools


Typical example

2.  Align a new joint (9) (not shown) with the dowels

in the front housing. Install the joint.






Part Description

Crankshaft Turning Tool

Timing Pin (Crankshaft)





3.  Align front cover (8) with the dowels in the front

housing. Install the front cover.




4.  Install fasteners (6). Tighten the fasteners to a

torque of 100 N·m (74 lb ft).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

Start By:

a.  Remove the front cover. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Front Cover - Remove”.

b. Remove  the valve mechanism cover. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism

Cover - Remove and Install”.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

1.  Use Tooling (A) in order to rotate the crankshaft so

that number one piston is at the top center position

on the compression stroke. Refer to  Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Finding Top

Centre Position for No.1 Piston”.


Illustration 119

2.  Install Tooling (B) to the flywheel housing. Use

Tooling (B) in order to align  the flywheel in the

correct position. Refer to Systems  Operation,

Testing and Adjusting,  “Finding Top Centre

Position for No.1 Piston”.

4.  Ensure that the timing marks on gears (3), (4) and

(5) are aligned.


Illustration 120


Illustration 118

5.  Follow Step 5.a through Step 5.c  in order to

remove idler gear (4).

3.  Loosen nuts (1) on all rocker arms .  Unscrew

adjusters (2) on all rocker arms until all valves are

fully closed.

a.  Remove bolt (8).

b. Carefully use a pry bar in order to remove gear

(4) and hub (10).

Note: Failure to ensure that ALL adjusters are fully

unscrewed can result in contact between the valves

and pistons.

c.  Remove hub (10) from gear (4).

6.  Follow Step 6.a through Step 6.c  in order to

remove idler gear (6).

a.  Remove bolt (7).

b. Carefully use a pry bar in order to remove gear

(6) and hub (9).

c.  Remove hub (9) from gear (6).

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