首頁 產(chǎn)品展示>Perkins珀金斯850-854F柴油發(fā)動機3940930發(fā)動機控制模塊ecm、控制線




項目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    1   3940930    1   3940930    發(fā)動機控制模塊ecm          

    2   2314 F005  4   2314 F005  螺旋         

    3   T410586    1   T410586    接替者       

    4   2314 F003  1   2314 F003  螺旋         

    5   T415459    1   T415459    托架         

    6   T409240    2   T409240    纜拉桿       

    7   T414518    4   T414518    架設(shè)         

    8   2314 H003  3   2314 H003  螺旋             

    項目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    1   T415463    1   T415463    線束         

    2   T415391    1   T415391    托架         

    3   2314 H002  1   2314 H002  螺旋         

    4   T415399    1   T415399    托架         

    5   2314 H002  1   2314 H002  螺旋         

    6   2481 D501  1   2481 D501  夾        

Table of Contents

Flexible Exhaust Pipe - Remove and Install

(Flexible Exhaust Pipe for Top Mounted Clean

Emission Module (CEM))............... ............... 50

Exhaust Manifold - Remove and Install  (Exhaust

Manifold for 403F-15T Engine)........... .......... 51

Exhaust Manifold - Remove and Install  (Exhaust

Manifold for 404F-22 and 404F-22T)...... ...... 53

Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Install  (Exhaust

Elbow between the (Aftertreatment

Regeneration Device (ARD) and the Clean

Emission Module (CEM))............... ............... 55

Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Install  (Exhaust

Elbow between the Turbocharger and the

Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD))  56

Diesel Particulate Filter - Remove......... ......... 58

Diesel Particulate Filter - Remove......... ......... 59

Diesel Particulate Filter - Install........... ........... 61

Diesel Particulate Filter - Install........... ........... 63

Support and Mounting (CEM) - Remove and

Install (Support and Mounting (CEM) for 404F-

22 Engines).......................... ......................... 65

Support and Mounting (CEM) - Remove and

Install (Support and Mounting (CEM) for 403F-

15T Engines) ........................ ........................ 66

Support and Mounting (CEM) - Remove and

Install (Support and Mounting for Rear mounted

Clean Emission Module (CEM)) .......... ......... 68

Inlet Manifold - Remove and Install  (Inlet

Disassembly and Assembly Section

Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install

(Electrical Fuel Priming Pump for 404F-22 and

404F-22T Engines)..................... .................... 5

Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install

(Electrical Fuel Priming Pump for 403F-15T

Engines)............................. ............................. 7

Fuel Filter Base - Remove and Install (Fuel Filter

Base for 403F-15T, 404F-22, and 404F-22T

Engines)............................. ............................. 9

Fuel Injection Lines - Remove and Install (Fuel

Injection Lines and Leak Off Rail for 403F-15T,

404T-22, and 404F-22T Engines)......... ........ 12

Exhaust Cooler (NRS) - Remove and Install. . 14

Position Sensor (Governor Control) - Remove

and Install (Fuel Rack Solenoid).......... ......... 17

Fuel Injection Pump - Remove ............ ........... 18

Fuel Injection Pump - Install .............. ............. 20

Fuel Injector - Remove and Install (Fuel Injector

for 403F-15T, 404F-22, and 404F-22T

Engines)............................ ............................ 21

Fuel Injector - Remove and Install

(AftertreatmentRegeneration Device (ARD)

Primary Fuel Injector).................. .................. 22

Fuel Injector - Remove and Install

Manifold for 404F-22T Engines) .......... ......... 69

Inlet and Exhaust Valve Springs - Remove and

Install............................... .............................. 71

Inlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and Install 73

Engine Oil Line - Remove and Install ....... ...... 76

Engine Oil Cooler - Remove and Install..... ..... 78

Engine Oil Relief Valve - Remove and Install. 80

Engine Oil Pump - Remove.............. .............. 81

Engine Oil Pump - Install................ ................ 83

Water Pump - Remove and Install (403F-15T,

404F-22 and 404F-22T Engines)......... ......... 86

Water Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove

and Install........................... ........................... 88

Flywheel - Remove and Install............ ............ 91

Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove and Install .. . 93

Crankshaft Wear Sleeve (Rear) - Remove and

Install............................... .............................. 95

Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install

(AftertreatmentRegeneration Device (ARD)

Secondary Fuel Injector)................ ............... 24

Air Cleaner - Remove and Install.......... .......... 27

Turbocharger - Remove (Turbocharger for 404F-

22T Engines) ........................ ........................ 28

Turbocharger - Remove (Turbocharger for 403F-

15T Engines) ........................ ........................ 30

Turbocharger - Install (Turbocharger for 404F-

22TEngines) ......................... ........................ 31

Turbocharger - Install (Turbocharger for 403F-

15T Engines) ........................ ........................ 33

Check Valve (ARD Air Supply) - Remove and

Install............................... .............................. 35

Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve - Remove and

Install............................... .............................. 37

Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD) -

Remove and Install.................... ................... 39

Pump (ARD Air) - Remove and Install (Pump

(ARD Air) Low Mounted)................ ............... 42

Pump (ARD Air) - Remove and Install (High

Mounted Pump (ARD Air)).............. .............. 45

Belt (ARD Air Pump) - Remove and Install... .. 48

(Engines with Flywheel Housing and Back

Plate)............................... .............................. 96

Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install..... .... 99

Crankshaft Pulley - Remove and Install.... .... 100

Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove and Install.  102

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Table of Contents

Housing (Front) - Remove.............. .............. 103

Housing (Front) - Disassemble........... .......... 105

Housing (Front) - Assemble............. ............. 107

Housing (Front) - Install................ ................ 109

Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install (For

403F-15T Engines)................... ...................111

Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install (For

404F-22T Engine).................... ....................114

Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install

(Naturally Aspirated 404F-22 Engine) .... .....116

Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install

(Valve Mechanism Cover for 404F-22T

Engines)............................ ...........................118

Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install

(Valve Mechanism Cover for 404F-22

Engines)........................... ........................... 120

Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install

(Valve Mechanism Cover for 403F-15T

Engines)........................... ........................... 123

Rocker Shaft and Pushrod - Remove...... ..... 126

Rocker Shaft - Disassemble (Rocker Shaft for

403F-15T, 404F-22, and 404F-22T

Engines)........................... ........................... 127

Rocker Shaft - Assemble (Rocker Shaft for

403F-15T, 404F-22, and 404F-22T

Engines)........................... ........................... 128

Rocker Shaft and Pushrod - Install........ ....... 129

Cylinder Head - Remove (Cylinder Head for

403F-15T, 404F-22T, and 404F-22Engines) 130

Cylinder Head - Install (Cylinder Head for 403F-

15T, 404F-22, and 404F-22T Engines).... ... 132

Lifter Group - Remove and Install......... ........ 134

Camshaft - Remove (Camshaft for 403F-15T,

404F-22, and 404F-22T Engines)........ ....... 135

Camshaft - Disassemble ............... ............... 136

Camshaft - Assemble .................. ................. 137

Camshaft - Install (Camshaft for 403F-15T,

404F-22, and 404F-22T Engines)........ ....... 138

Engine Oil Pan - Remove and Install...... ...... 139

Balancer - Remove.................... ................... 141

Balancer - Install...................... ..................... 141

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Remove... ... 143

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Disassemble144

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Assemble.. . 146

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Install..... ..... 148

Connecting Rod Bearings - Remove (Connecting

Rods in Position)..................... .................... 150

Connecting Rod Bearings - Install (Connecting

Rods in Position)..................... .................... 150

Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove (Crankshaft

Main Bearings for 403F-15T, 404F-22, and

404F-22T Engines)................... .................. 151

Crankshaft Main Bearings - Install (Crankshaft

Main Bearings for 403F-15T, 404F-22, and

404F-22T Engines)................... .................. 154

Crankshaft - Remove.................. .................. 156

Crankshaft - Install.................... .................... 157

Crankshaft Gear - Remove and Install ..... .... 158

Crankshaft Gear (Balancer Drive) - Remove and

Install.............................. ............................. 160

Bearing Clearance - Check ............. ............. 161

Secondary Engine Speed/Timing Sensor -

Remove and Install................... .................. 162

Primary Engine Speed/Timing Sensor - Remove

and Install.......................... .......................... 163

Coolant Temperature Sensor - Remove and

Install.............................. ............................. 163

Engine Oil Pressure Switch - Remove and Install

(Engine Oil Pressure Switch in the Cylinder

Block)............................. ............................. 164

Engine Oil Pressure Switch - Remove and Install

(Engine Oil Pressure Switch in Valve

Mechanism Cover)................... ................... 166

Flame Detection Temperature Sensor - Remove

and Install.......................... .......................... 167

Temperature Sensor (DPF) - Remove and Install

(Temperature Sensor for the DPF Outlet).. . 168

Temperature Sensor (DPF) - Remove and Install

(Temperature Sensor for the DPF Inlet)... ... 169

Temperature Sensor (Catalyst Inlet) - Remove

and Install.......................... .......................... 170

Pressure Sensor (DPF) - Remove and Install 171

Boost Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install 173

Turbocharger Inlet Temperature Sensor -

Remove and Install................... .................. 174

Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor - Remove

and Install.......................... .......................... 175

Glow Plug - Remove and Install (Glow Plug for

the AftertreatmentRegeneration Device (ARD)

for 403F-15T, 404F-22, and 404F-22T

Engines)........................... ........................... 176

Glow Plugs - Remove and Install......... ......... 177

V-Belts - Remove and Install ............ ............ 178

Fan - Remove and Install............... ............... 179

Alternator - Remove and Install.......... .......... 181

Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install 182

Index Section

Index............................... .............................. 184

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Disassembly and Assembly



Fuel Priming Pump - Remove

and Install

(Electrical Fuel Priming Pump for

404F-22 and 404F-22T Engines)

Removal Procedure


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

Illustration 1



3. Compress hose clamp (5) and slide the hose

Care  must be  taken to  ensure  that fluids  are  con-

tained  during   performance  of  inspection,   mainte-

nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be

prepared to  collect the fluid  with suitable containers

before  opening any  compartment  or disassembling

any component containing fluids.

clamp away from fuel priming pump (6).

4. Disconnect hose (4) from fuel priming pump (6).

5. Plug hose (4) and cap fuel priming pump (6)


Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


6. Compress hose clamp (9) and slide the hose

clamp away from fuel priming pump (6).

7. Disconnect hose (10) from fuel priming pump (6).

1. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF


8. Plug hose (10) and cap fuel priming pump (6)


2. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

9. Disconnect harness assembly (1) from engine

harness assembly (2) (not shown).

10. Remove the nuts and bolts (7) from fuel priming

pump (6). Support the fuel priming pump as the

nuts and bolts are removed

11. Remove fuel priming pump (6) from bracket (3).

12. If necessary, remove isolators (8) from fuel

priming pump (6).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. Ensure that the fuel priming pump and bracket are

free from wear or damage. Replace any

components that are worn or damaged.

2. Clean the gasket surfaces of the cylinder block and

the bracket.

Illustration 2


13. If necessary, follow Step 13.a. through Step 3.g.

in order to remove bracket (3).




Position bracket (15) for the engine wiring

harness assemblies away from bracket (3).

Illustration 3


Compress hose clamp (13) and slide along

hose (14).

3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.g. in

order to install bracket (3).

Disconnect hose (14) from the connection on

bracket (3).


Position a new gasket (11) (not shown) onto

the cylinder block.




Remove bolts (12) from bracket (3).

Remove bracket (3) from the cylinder block.

Remove gasket (11) (not shown).




Position bracket (3) to the cylinder block.

Install bolts (12) to bracket (3) hand tight.

Tighten bolts (12) to a torque of 10 N·m

(89 lb in).




Connect hose (14) to the connection on

bracket (3).


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

Compress hose clamp (13) and slide along

hose (14) toward the bracket. Ensure that the

hose clamp is correctly positioned.



Position bracket (15) for the engine wiring

harness assemblies away onto bracket (3).

Ensure that the bracket for the engine wiring

harness assemblies is correctly orientated.

Care  must be  taken to  ensure  that fluids  are  con-

tained  during   performance  of  inspection,   mainte-

nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be

prepared to  collect the fluid  with suitable containers

before  opening any  compartment  or disassembling

any component containing fluids.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


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Disassembly and Assembly Section

17. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System

- Prime” for the correct procedure.


Fuel Priming Pump - Remove

and Install

(Electrical Fuel Priming Pump for

403F-15T Engines)

Removal Procedure


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may  cause rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

Illustration 4


4. If necessary, install isolators (8) to fuel priming

pump (6).


Care  must be  taken to  ensure  that fluids  are  con-

tained  during   performance  of  inspection,   mainte-

nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be

prepared to  collect the fluid  with suitable containers

before  opening any  compartment  or disassembling

any component containing fluids.

5. Position fuel priming pump (6) onto bracket (3).

6. Install the nuts and bolts (7) to fuel priming pump

(6). Support the fuel priming pump as the nuts and

bolts are installed

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


7. Tighten the nuts and bolts (7) to a torque of 10 N·m

(89 lb in).

1. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF


8. Remove the plug from hose (10) and cap from fuel

priming pump (6).

2. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

9. Connect hose (10) to fuel priming pump (6).

10. Compress hose clamp (9) and slide the hose

clamp along hose (10). Ensure that the hose clamp

is correctly positioned.

11. Remove the plug from hose (4) and the cap from

fuel priming pump (6).

12. Connect hose (4) to fuel priming pump (6).

13. Compress hose clamp (5) and slide the hose

clamp along hose (4). Ensure that the hose clamp

is correctly positioned.

14. Connect harness assembly (1) to engine harness

assembly (2) (not shown).

15. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.

16. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON


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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 5


Illustration 6


Typical example

13. If necessary, follow Step 13.a. through Step 13.c.

3. Compress hose clamp (5) and slide the hose

in order to remove bracket (3).

clamp away from fuel priming pump (6).


Position bracket (11) for the engine wiring

harness assemblies away from bracket (3).

4. Disconnect hose (4) from fuel priming pump (6).

5. Plug hose (4) and cap fuel priming pump (6)




Remove bolts (12) from bracket (3).

Remove bracket (3) from the cylinder block.

6. Compress hose clamp (9) and slide the hose

clamp away from fuel priming pump (6).


7. Disconnect hose (10) from fuel priming pump (6).


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

8. Plug hose (10) and cap fuel priming pump (6)


Contaminants may  cause rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

9. Disconnect harness assembly (1) from engine

harness assembly (2) (not shown).


Care  must be  taken to  ensure  that fluids  are  con-

tained  during   performance  of  inspection,   mainte-

nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be

prepared to  collect the fluid  with suitable containers

before  opening any  compartment  or disassembling

any component containing fluids.

10. Remove the nuts and bolts (7) from fuel priming

pump (6). Support the fuel priming pump as the

nuts and bolts are removed

11. Remove fuel priming pump (6) from bracket (3).

12. If necessary, remove isolators (8) from fuel

priming pump (6).

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


1. Ensure that the fuel priming pump and bracket are

free from wear or damage. Replace any

components that are worn or damaged.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

3. If necessary, install isolators (8) to fuel priming

pump (6).

4. Position fuel priming pump (6) onto bracket (3).

5. Install the nuts and bolts (7) to fuel priming pump

(6). Support the fuel priming pump as the nuts and

bolts are installed

6. Tighten the nuts and bolts (7) to a torque of 10 N·m

(89 lb in).

7. Remove the plug from hose (10) and cap from fuel

priming pump (6).

8. Connect hose (10) to fuel priming pump (6).

9. Compress hose clamp (9) and slide the hose

clamp along hose (10). Ensure that the hose clamp

is correctly positioned.

10. Remove the plug from hose (4) and the cap from

Illustration 7


fuel priming pump (6).

2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.d. in

11. Connect hose (4) to fuel priming pump (6).

order to install bracket (3).

12. Compress hose clamp (5) and slide the hose

clamp along hose (4). Ensure that the hose clamp

is correctly positioned.




Position bracket (3) onto the cylinder block.

Install bolts (12) to bracket (3) hand tight.

13. Connect harness assembly (1) to engine harness

assembly (2) (not shown).

Tighten bolts (12) to a torque of 25 N·m

(221 lb in).

14. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.


Position bracket (11) for the engine wiring

harness assemblies away onto bracket (3).

Ensure that the bracket for the engine wiring

harness assemblies is correctly orientated.

15. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON


16. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System

- Prime” for the correct procedure.


Fuel Filter Base - Remove and


(Fuel Filter Base for 403F-15T,

404F-22, and 404F-22T


Removal Procedure


Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly

clean the area around a  fuel system component that

will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-

nected fuel system component.

Illustration 8


Typical example

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