首頁 產(chǎn)品展示>Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1874252 C94X引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊

Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1874252 C94X引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊

Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1874252 C94X引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊供應商,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1874252 C94X引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊技術價格規(guī)格咨詢服務,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1874252 C94X引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊零配件供應,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1874252 C94X引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊售后服務中心,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1874252 C94X引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1874252 C94X引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊詳細的技術參數(shù),


項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   1874252 C93X  1   1874252 C94X  引擎控制組件ECM電腦控制模塊          

    2   1842452 C1 1   1842452 C1 螺拴         

    3   1817960 C1 3   1817960 C1 公制的螺拴       

    4   40255 R1   4   40255 R1   螺旋         

    5   934309 R1  4   934309 R1  墊圈         

    6   30910 R1   4   30910 R1   螺帽         

    7   1837747 C1 4   1837747 C1 襯套         

    8   1889878 C1 1   1889878 C1 接替者       

    9   1817810 C1 2   1817810 C1 公制的螺拴   

Trouble with the starting system could be  caused

by the battery or by charging system  problems. If

the battery is suspect, refer  to Troubleshooting,

“Battery”. If the starting system is suspect, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Engine Will Not Crank”.


V-Belt - Test

The engine is equipped  with an automatic belt

tensioner. Manual adjustment of  the belt is not


Poly V-Belt


Ensure that the engine is stopped before any servicing

or repair is performed.

To maximize the engine performance, inspect the

poly v-belt for wear and for cracking. Replace the

poly v-belt if the belt is worn or damaged.

•  Check the poly v-belt for cracks, splits, glazing,

grease, displacement of the cord and evidence of

fluid contamination.

The poly v-belt must be  replaced if the following

conditions are present.

•  The poly v-belt has a crack in more than one rib.

•  More than one section of the poly v-belt is displaced

in one rib of a maximum length of 50.8 mm (2 inch).

To replace the poly v-belt, refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Alternator Belt - Remove and Install”.

If necessary, replace the  belt tensioner. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator Belt  -

Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.

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Index  Section



Electronic Control System Components................. 11

ECM...................................................................  19

Engine Sensors.................................................. 21

Introduction ......................................................... 11

Sensor Locations for the Engine........................ 12

Wiring Harness .................................................. 19

Engine Crankcase Pressure (Blowby) - Test.........  62

Engine Oil Cooler - Inspect.................................... 72

Test Oil Cooler Heat Exchanger for Leaks......... 73

Engine Oil Pressure - Test..................................... 65

High Oil Pressure............................................... 65

Low Oil Pressure................................................ 65

Engine Oil Pump - Inspect..................................... 65

Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust.......................  62

Valve Lash Adjustment ...................................... 63

Valve Lash Check .............................................. 63

Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect......................... 66

Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect........ 66

Engine Oil Leaks into the Combustion Area of the

Cylinders..........................................................  66

Engine Oil Leaks on the Outside of the Engine.. 66

Exhaust Cooler (NRS) - Test (If Equipped)............ 61

Exhaust Temperature - Test................................... 61

Air in Fuel - Test..................................................... 52

Alternative Fuel Supply to Fuel Filter Base........ 52

Alternative Fuel to Fuel Pump Test....................  52

Combustion Leaks to Fuel Test.......................... 53

Air Inlet and Exhaust System .......................... 37, 58

Charge Air Cooler (CAC) ................................... 38

Crankcase Breather...........................................  41

NOx Reduction System (NRS) (If equipped) ..... 39

Turbocharger ..................................................... 40

Valve System Components................................ 41

Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect.................. 58

Alternator - Test ..................................................... 85


Basic Engine.................................................... 46, 75

Camshaft............................................................ 48

Crankshaft.......................................................... 47

Cylinder Block....................................................  46

Cylinder Head .................................................... 47

Gears and Timing Gear Case............................  48

Introduction........................................................  46

Pistons, Rings, and Connecting Rods ............... 47

Vibration Damper...............................................  48

Battery - Test ......................................................... 86


Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston......... 53

Flywheel - Inspect.................................................. 79

Bore Runout  (Radial Eccentricity) of  the


Flywheel...........................................................  79

Face Runout  (Axial Eccentricity) of  the

Charging System - Test ......................................... 86

Connecting Rod - Inspect......................................  76

Distortion of The Connecting Rod...................... 76

Connecting Rod Bearings - Inspect....................... 77

Cooling System ............................................... 43, 68

Cooling System - Check (Overheating).................  68

Cooling System - Inspect....................................... 69

Cooling System - Test............................................ 70

Checking the Filler Cap...................................... 71

Test For The Water Temperature Gauge ........... 72

Testing The Radiator And Cooling  System For

Leaks................................................................ 71

Crankshaft Thrust - Measure................................. 81

Cylinder Block - Inspect......................................... 77

Cylinder Head - Inspect.........................................  77

Resurfacing the Cylinder Head..........................  78

Cylinder Liner Projection - Inspect......................... 78

Flywheel...........................................................  79

Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 80

Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity) of the Flywheel

Housing............................................................  81

Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) of the Flywheel

Housing............................................................  80

Fuel Quality - Test.................................................. 53

Fuel System..................................................... 28, 52

Fuel Injector ....................................................... 31

Fuel Supply System...........................................  34

Injection Control Pressure (ICP) System ........... 30

Fuel System - Inspect............................................ 52

Fuel System - Prime..............................................  54

Priming with leak off Tool ................................... 54

Fuel System Pressure - Test ................................. 55

Alternate Fuel Supply to Fuel Filter Base Test... 56

Fuel Filter Base Pressure Test........................... 55

Fuel Inlet Restriction Test................................... 55

Fuel Pump Operation Test.................................  56


Electric Starting System - Test............................... 86

Electrical System.............................................  49, 85

Charging System Components..........................  50

Engine Electrical System ................................... 49

Grounding Practices .......................................... 49

Starting System Components............................  50


Gear Group - Inspect............................................. 82

Gear Group (Front) - Time..................................... 56

General Information................................................. 4

Glossary of Electronic Control Terms ...................... 7

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Index  Section


Important Safety Information ................................... 2

Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ......... 67


Lubrication System..........................................  41, 65


Main Bearings - Inspect......................................... 77


Piston Ring Groove - Inspect................................. 75

Inspect the Clearance of the Piston Ring........... 75

Inspect the Piston and the Piston Rings ............ 75

Inspect the Piston Ring End Gap....................... 76

Inspect the Piston Skirt......................................  76

Power Sources......................................................  26

ECM Power Supply............................................ 26

Introduction........................................................  26

Power supply for the Air Intake Grid Heater ...... 28

Power Supply for the Pressure Sensors............  28


Systems Operation Section.....................................  4


Table of Contents..................................................... 3

Testing and Adjusting Section ............................... 52

Turbocharger - Inspect .......................................... 58

Inspection of the Compressor and the Compressor

Housing............................................................  59

Inspection of the Turbine Wheel and the Turbine

Housing............................................................  59


V-Belt - Test...........................................................  87

Poly V-Belt.........................................................  87

Valve Depth - Inspect ............................................ 64

Valve Guide - Inspect ............................................ 64

Vibration Damper - Check ..................................... 83


Water Pump - Inspect............................................  74

Water Temperature Regulator - Test ..................... 74

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Index  Section

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Index  Section

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