首頁 產(chǎn)品展示>Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1840171 C6飛輪殼

Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1840171 C6飛輪殼

Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1840171 C6飛輪殼供應商,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1840171 C6飛輪殼技術(shù)價格規(guī)格咨詢服務,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1840171 C6飛輪殼零配件供應,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1840171 C6飛輪殼售后服務中心,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1840171 C6飛輪殼,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動機1840171 C6飛輪殼詳細的技術(shù)參數(shù),


項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   1840171 C6 1   1840171 C6 飛輪殼       

    2   686702 C2  1   686702 C2  板        

    3   1817953 C1 2   1817953 C1 公制的螺拴       

    4   1820606 C1 8   1820606 C1 公制的螺拴       

    5   1822086 C1 2   1822086 C1 合釘         

    6   1841227 C1 1   1841227 C1 密封墊片 - 飛輪殼

8.  Blow heat exchanger oil passages dry  using

filtered compressed air.

3.  Inspect the water pump shaft for unusual noise,

excessive looseness and/or vibration  of the



4.  Inspect the pulley for the water pump for wear or

Water Temperature Regulator

- Test

for damage.

Personal injury can result from escaping fluid un-

der pressure.

If a pressure indication is shown on the indicator,

push the release valve in order to relieve pressure

before removing any hose from the radiator.

1.  Remove the water temperature regulator from the


2.  Heat water in a suitable  container until the

temperature is 98 °C (208 °F).

3.  Hang the water temperature regulator in  the

container of water.  The water temperature

regulator must be below the surface of the water

and away from the sides and the bottom of the


4.  Keep the water at the correct temperature for 10


5.  After 10 minutes, remove the water temperature

regulator. Ensure that the  water temperature

regulator is open.

Replace the water temperature regulator if the

water temperature regulator is not open at  the

specified temperature. Refer to Specifications,

“Water Temperature Regulator”.


Water Pump - Inspect

1.  Inspect the water pump for leaks at vent hole. The

water pump seal is lubricated by coolant in  the

cooling system. A normal condition is for a small

amount of leakage to occur as the engine cools

down and the parts contract.

2.  For the correct procedures  to remove and

install the water pump,  refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Water Pump -  Remove ” and

Disassembly and Assembly, “Water  Pump -


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Testing and  Adjusting Section

Basic Engine

3.  Install a new intermediate compression ring to

the piston. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,

“Pistons and Connecting Rods - Assemble” for the

correct procedure.


Piston Ring Groove - Inspect

4.  Check the clearance for  the piston ring by

placing a suitable feeler gauge (1) between the

piston groove and the top of piston  ring. Refer

to Specifications, “Piston and  Rings” for the


Table 17

Required Tools

5.  Install a new oil control ring to the piston. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly,  “Pistons and

Connecting Rods - Assemble” for  the correct



Part Number

Part Description




Piston Groove Gauge


Note: Tooling (A) can only be used to measure the

top compression ring groove.

Inspect the Piston and the Piston


1.  Check the piston for wear and other damage.

2.  Check that the piston rings are free to move in the

grooves and that the rings are not broken.

Inspect the Clearance of the Piston


1.  Remove the piston rings and clean the grooves

and the piston rings.


Illustration 60

Typical example

6.  Check the clearance for the piston ring by placing

a suitable feeler gauge (1) between the  piston

groove and the  top of piston ring. Refer  to

illustration 60. Refer to Specifications, “Piston and

Rings” for the dimensions.


Illustration 59

Typical example

2.  Install Tooling (A) to the top compression ring

groove. Measure and record the overall diameter

of the piston and the gauge. Refer to illustration

59. Refer to Specifications, “Piston and Rings” for

the dimensions.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

Inspect the Piston Skirt


Connecting Rod - Inspect

These procedures  determine the following

characteristics of the connecting rod:

•  The distortion of the connecting rod

•  The parallel alignment  of the bores  of the

connecting rod

Note: If the crankshaft or  the cylinder block are

replaced, the piston height for all cylinders must be


Note: When the piston pin is installed, always install

new retaining rings on each end of the piston pin.

Distortion of The Connecting Rod


Illustration 61

1.  Use the following tools in order to measure the

distances for the connecting rod (2)  which are

specified in Illustration 63:

Typical example

1.  Using a suitable micrometer to measure and

record the diameter of the piston skirt. Refer to

illustration 61. Measured at 90 degrees from the

gudgeon pin, at a point 27.43  mm (1.08 inch)

below the oil control ring.

•  Appropriate gauges for measuring distance

•  Measuring pins (1)

Inspect the Piston Ring End Gap


Illustration 63

Measure the connecting rod for distortion.

(1) Measuring pins

(2) Connecting rod


Illustration 62

(L) The length between the centers of the piston pin bearing and

the crankshaft journal bearing is shown in Illustration 63.

Typical example

1.  Clean all carbon from the top of the cylinder bores.

2.  Measure the connecting rod for distortion and

parallel alignment between the bores.

2.  Place each piston ring (1) in the cylinder bore just

below the cylinder ring ridge (2).

The bores for the crankshaft  bearing and the

bearing for the piston pin must be  square and

parallel with each other within the required limits.

If the piston pin bearing is removed, the limit “L” is

the following value: ± 0.25 mm (± 0.010 inch)

3.  Use a suitable feeler gauge (3) to measure piston

ring end gap. Refer to Specifications, “Piston and

Rings” for the dimensions.

Note: The coil spring must be removed from the oil

control ring before the gap of the oil control ring is


The limits are measured at a distance of 127 mm

(5.0 inch) from each side of the connecting rod.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

If the piston pin bearing is not removed, the limit “L”

is the following value: ± 0.06 mm (± 0.0024 inch)

3.  The top deck of the cylinder block must not be

machined. This will affect the depth of the cylinder

liner flange and the  piston height above the

cylinder block.

L is  equal to  219.456 ±  0.051 mm

(8.63998 ± 0.00201 inch).

4.  Check the front camshaft bearing for wear. Refer

to Specifications, “Camshaft Bearings” for the

correct specification of the camshaft bearing. If a

new bearing is needed, use a suitable adapter to

press the bearing out of the bore. Ensure that the

oil hole in the new bearing faces the front of the

block. The oil hole in the bearing must be aligned

with the oil hole in the cylinder block. The bearing

must be aligned with the face of the recess.

3.  Inspect the piston pin bearing and the piston pin

for wear.

4.  Measure the clearance of the piston pin in the

piston pin bearing. Refer to the Specifications,

“Connecting Rod” for dimensions.


Connecting Rod Bearings -



Cylinder Head - Inspect

The connecting rod bearings fit tightly in the  bore

in the rod. If the bearing joints are worn, check the

bore size. An indication of  wear can be installed

components that are loose.

1.  Remove the cylinder head from the engine. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Cylinder Head -

Remove” for the correct procedure.

2.  Remove the water temperature regulator housing.

Refer to Disassembly and  Assembly for the

correct procedure.

Connecting rod bearings are available with smaller

inside diameters than the original  size bearings.

These bearings are for crankshafts that have been


3.  Inspect the cylinder head for signs  of gas or

coolant leakage.

If necessary, replace the connecting rod bearings.

Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Connecting

Rod Bearings - Remove”  and Disassembly and

Assembly, “Connecting Rod Bearings - Install” for the

correct procedure.

4.  Remove the valve springs and valves.

5.  Clean the bottom face of  the cylinder head

thoroughly. Clean the coolant  passages and

the lubricating oil passages. Make sure that the

contact surfaces of the cylinder  head and the

cylinder block are clean, smooth, and flat.


Main Bearings - Inspect

6.  Inspect the bottom face of the cylinder head for

pitting, corrosion, and cracks. Inspect the area

around the valve seat inserts and the holes for the

fuel injection nozzles carefully.

Main bearings are available  with smaller inside

diameters than the original size bearings.  These

bearings are for crankshafts that have been ground.

7.  Test the cylinder head for leaks at a pressure of

124 to 138 kPa (18 to 20 psi).

If necessary, replace the  main bearings. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Main

Bearings - Remove  and Install” for the correct


Check the following:

•  Fuel injector nozzle sleeve areas

•  Valve ports


Cylinder Block - Inspect

•  Upper deck

•  Lower deck

If any leaks are observed from any fuel injector

nozzle sleeves, replace injector  sleeves and

pressure test the cylinder head again. If cylinder

head leakage is observed, replace the cylinder


1.  Clean all of the coolant passages and  the oil


2.  Check the cylinder block for cracks and damage.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section


Cylinder Liner Projection  -


Table 18

Required Tools

Part Number        Part Description



Clamp Bolt (M16 x 2











Hard Washer

Clamp washer

Clamp washer




Cylinder  liner

projection tool





Illustration 64

1.  Clean the cylinder liner flange and the cylinder

block surface. Remove any nicks on the top of the

cylinder block (1).

Flatness of the cylinder head (typical example)

(A) Side to side

(B) End to end

(C) Diagonal

2.  Install the cylinder liners to the cylinder  block

without seals or bands. Ensure that the cylinder

liners are installed to the original positions.

8.  Measure the cylinder head for flatness. Use a

straight edge and a feeler gauge  to check the

cylinder head for flatness.

•  Measure the cylinder head from one side to the

opposite side (A).

•  Measure the cylinder head from one end to the

opposite end (B).

•  Measure the cylinder head from one corner to

the opposite corner (C).

Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head” for the

requirements of flatness.

Resurfacing the Cylinder Head

Illustration 65


The bottom face of cylinder head can be resurfaced if

any of the following conditions exist:

3.  Install Tooling (B), Tooling (C), and Tooling (D) to

Tooling (A). Install Tooling (A) around the liner (2).

Refer to illustration 65.

•  The bottom face of the cylinder head  is not flat

within the specifications.

4.  Tighten the clamp bolts to a torque of 14  N·m

(10 lb ft).

•  The bottom face of the cylinder head is damaged

by pitting, corrosion, or wear.

5.  Use Tooling (E) to measure the cylinder  liner

projection at three locations evenly spaced around

the cylinder sleeve.

Note: The thickness of the cylinder head must not be

less than 159.97 mm (6.298 inch) after the cylinder

head has been machined.

6.  Record the measurements for the cylinder.

7.  Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each cylinder.

8.  Add the three readings for each cylinder. Divide

the sum by three in order to find the average.

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