首頁(yè) 產(chǎn)品展示>Perkins1206-E70TTA柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)水泵




項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    2      1      水泵         

    9   T407626    1   T407626    密封墊片 - 水的泵

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    3      1      水泵         

    4   T412517    1   T412517    密封墊片         

    5   T412535    1   T412535    栓塞         

    6   T412540    1   T412540    密封         

    7   T412539    1   T412539    栓塞         

    8   T412542    1   T412542    密封O型圈

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T414226    1   T414226    恒溫節(jié)溫器組合          

    1   T409202    1   T409202    恒溫節(jié)溫器組合          

    2   2314 H005  3   2314 H005  螺旋  

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T411746    1   T411746    啟動(dòng)馬達(dá)         

    2   2313 M101  3   2313 M101  圖釘         

    3   2318 A605  3   2318 A605  螺帽  

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T405773    1   T405773    凸輪軸       

    4   T411902    12  T411902    挺桿         

    4   T405810    12  T411902    挺桿         

    5   3142 V011  12  3142 V011  PUSHROD          

    5   T405746    12  3142 V011  PUSHROD

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    2      1      凸輪軸       

    3   0500012    1   0500012    半圓鍵

Table 87

Diagnostic Trouble Codes for ARD Failed to Ignite

Code Description

J1939  Code



Aftertreatment #1 Failed to Ignite

The ARD has failed to ignite for a regeneration cycle or the ARD

failed to ignite during an ARD Ignition Test. Usually, this code is ac-

companied by another logged code that indicates the condition that

caused the failure to ignite.

System Operation

(Table 88, contd)


Aftertreatment #1

Air Pressure Control

: Not Responding


Motorized Valve - Test

The combustion air system routes pressurized air

from the outlet of the high-pressure turbocharger to

the ARD. The combustion air is mixed with fuel inside

the ARD combustion head. The air/fuel mixture is

ignited and the air/fuel mixture is burned in order to

increase the temperature of the exhaust gas. The

high temperature exhaust gas burns off the soot in

the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). This process is

known as DPF regeneration.




Aftertreatment #1

Fuel Pressure #1 :

High - Moderate Se-

verity (2)

ARD Pilot Fuel Pressure Is


Aftertreatment #1

Fuel Pressure #1 :

Low - Least Severe


ARD Pilot Fuel Pressure Is


The ECM sends a pulse width modulated signal to

the combustion air valve. The actuator in the

combustion air valve regulates the combustion air to

the ARD combustion head.

Aftertreatment #1

Fuel Pressure #1 :

Low - Moderate Se-

verity (2)

ARD Pilot Fuel Pressure Is


The ECM also sends pulse width modulated signals

to the pilot fuel control valve. The fuel control valves

regulate the amount of fuel that is injected into the

ARD combustion head.



Engine Intake Mani-   Intake Manifold Air Pres-

sure Is Low

fold #1 Pressure

Low (2)

The ECM controls the ARD ignition system.

Whenever the ARD is required to operate, the ECM

operates the ARD ignition coil which then generates

high voltage pulses in the ignition cable. The high

voltage pulses create sparks at the spark plug in the

ARD head. The spark ignites the fuel/air mixture in

the ARD.

Aftertreatment Fuel    ARD Nozzle - Test

Injector #1 : Not Re-

sponding Properly




Aftertreatment #1

Ignition: Current Be-

low Normal

ARD Ignition - Test

ARD Ignition - Test

ARD Ignition - Test

Aftertreatment #1

Ignition : Current

Above Normal

If the amount of fuel or air that enters the ARD

combustion head is incorrect or there are no ignition

sparks, combustion may not occur.

Aftertreatment #1

Transformer Secon-

dary Output : Cur-

rent Below Normal

Test Step 1. Check for Associated

Diagnostic Trouble Codes


Aftertreatment #1

Transformer Secon-

dary Output : Cur-

rent Above Normal

ARD Ignition - Test

A. Establish communication between the electronic

service tool and the engine ECM.

B. Table 88 lists the diagnostic trouble codes that are

associated with the “3473-31 Aftertreatment #1

Failed to Ignite” code. Determine if any of the

codes in Table 88 are present.


•   An associated diagnostic trouble code is not

present. Proceed to Test Step 3.

Table 88

Associated Diagnostic Codes

•   An associated diagnostic trouble code is present.

Associated Diagnostic


J1939 Code


Repair: Refer to TroubleshootingDiagnostic

Trouble Codes in order to troubleshoot the

associated diagnostic code.



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Symptom Troubleshooting

Test Step 2. Inspect the ARD Ignition


A. Visually inspect the components for the ARD

ignition system. Check for the following faults:

•   Loose connections or damaged


•   Moisture on the connectors or the


•   Damage caused by excessive heat

•   Damage caused by chafing

•   Incorrect routing of wiring

•   Damaged insulation

B. Verify that each end of the ground wire is securely

connected to both ground points.

Illustration 29


Measuring the current flow

(1) ARD combustionhead

(2) Metal part of heater wire

(3) Insulated part of heater wire

C. Push the boot on each end of the ignition wire.

There should not be a “click” when you push the

boot onto either part. If a “click” is felt, the clip

inside the boot was not connected.

B. Connect a suitable clamp-ammeter around the

insulated part of the heater wire (3). Make sure that

the jaws of the ammeter are away from the metal

part of the heater wire (2).

D. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each harness

wire at the 3-pin connector for the ignition coil.


C. Establish communication between the electronic

service tool and the ECM. Refer to

TroubleshootingElectronic Service Tools for the

proper procedure.

•   The wiring is not OK. – There is a fault in the

wiring. A wire end is not connected or a wire is

damaged. Proceed to Test Step 9.

•   The wiring is OK. Proceed to Test Step 3.

The  ignition   system  may   cause  an   electrical

shock hazard,  which may  cause personal  injury

or  death.  Avoid contacting  the  ignition  system

components and  the ignition system  wiring dur-

ing operation.

Test Step 3. Check the Current Flow to

the ARD Nozzle Heater

A. Verify that the engine is off.

D. Start the engine. Activate the  “ARD Nozzle Heater

Test”  .

E. Record the current reading on the ammeter.

F. Disable the  “ARD Nozzle Heater Test” . Stop the

engine. Remove the clamp-ammeter.

G.Disconnect the electronic service tool.


•   The ammeter reads at least 7 Amps for a 12 VDC

system or 3.5 Amps for a 24 VDC system. – The

current consumption is normal. Proceed to Test

Step 4.

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Symptom Troubleshooting

•   The ammeter reads less than 7 Amps for a 12

C. Use the “ARD Ignition Transformer Primary

VDC system or 3.5 Amps for a 24 VDC system.

Status”  override on the electronic service tool to

turn on the ARD ignition system.

Repair: Investigate the cause of the low current

consumption. Refer to TroubleshootingARD

Nozzle Heater - Test.

Expected Result:

The spark indicator flashes.



Test Step 4. Check for Voltage at the

Spark Plug

•   The spark indicator flashes. Proceed to Test Step


•   The spark indicator does not flash.

Repair: Proceed to TroubleshootingARD

Ignition - Test.


Test Step 5. Clean the Components in the

ARD Combustion Head



T400026 Spark Indicator

(4) Connector for spark plug

(5) Spark window

(6) Connector for ignition wire


If the engine  is running, the ARD  spark plug will

continue to fire. Turn the key  to the OFF position

before servicing the ARD spark plug.

Illustration 31


Use of the plug bore brush

A. Disconnect the ignition wire from the ARD spark


(7) ARD combustionhead

(8) Ground probe

(9)  305-2389 Plug Bore Brush

B. Connect the spark indicator between the ignition

wire and the ARD spark plug.

The  ignition   system  may   cause  an   electrical

shock hazard,  which may  cause personal  injury

or  death.  Avoid contacting  the  ignition  system

components and  the ignition system  wiring dur-

ing operation.

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Symptom Troubleshooting

The components are clean and the spark plug is not

visibly damaged.


•   Result 1: The components are clean and the spark

plug is not visibly damaged.

Repair: Perform the following procedure:

A. Install the original spark plug.

The ignition system may cause an  electrical

shock hazard, which may cause personal in-

jury or  death. Avoid  contacting the ignition

system components and the ignition system

wiring during operation.

B. Use the electronic service tool to perform an

ARD ignition test.



(10) Flame detection temperature sensor

Note: The ARD Ignition Test cannot be

performed if the DPF soot loading is above

80%. When the DPF soot loading is above

80%, use the electronic service tool to

perform a Manual DPF Regeneration.


If the engine  is running, the ARD  spark plug will

continue to fire. Turn the key  to the OFF position

before servicing the ARD spark plug.

C. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.

A. Remove the spark plug from the ARD combustion


D. If the fault is still present, install a

replacement spark plug. Refer to

B. Clean ground probe (2) inside ARD combustion

head (1) by running T400005 Plug Bore Brush

through the hole in the ARD combustion head. Run

the brush through the hole several times. Refer to

Illustration 30

SpecificationsElectronic Control Wiring

Group (ARD) for the correct torque value.

E. Use the electronic service tool to perform an

ARD ignition test.

Note: The ARD Ignition Test cannot be

performed if the DPF soot loading is above

80%. When the DPF soot loading is above

80%, use the electronic service tool to

perform a Manual DPF Regeneration.

C. Inspect the spark plug. Look for the following


Carbon Deposits – Use a nonmetallic

cleaning pad to clean the spark plug.

Bent Probe – Check the probe for damage.

F. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.

Proceed to Test Step 6.

Damaged Insulator – Check the insulator

for damage.

•   Result 2: The spark plug is damaged.

Repair: Perform the following procedure:

Note: The spark plug may be damaged if the

spark plug is dropped. Do not install a sp, ark plug

that has been dropped.

A. Install a replacement spark plug. Refer to

SpecificationsElectronic Control Wiring

Group (ARD) for the correct torque value.

D. Remove flame detection temperature sensor(10).

E. Clean the flame detection temperature sensor. Use

a nonmetallic cleaning pad to clean the sensor.

B. Use the electronic service tool to perform an

ARD ignition test.

F. Install the flame detection temperature sensor.

Expected Result:

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Symptom Troubleshooting

Note: The ARD Ignition Test cannot be

performed if the DPF soot loading is above

80%. When the DPF soot loading is above

80%, use the electronic service tool to

perform a Manual DPF Regeneration.

The  ignition   system  may   cause  an   electrical

shock hazard,  which may  cause personal  injury

or  death.  Avoid contacting  the  ignition  system

components and  the ignition system  wiring dur-

ing operation.

C. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.

Proceed to Test Step 6.

C. Use the electronic service tool in order to perform

the  “ARD Ignition Test”  .

Test Step 6. Check the ARD Air System

Use the electronic service tool to perform the

ARD Air System Service Test.

Note: The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed

if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. When the

DPF soot loading is above 80%, use the electronic

service tool to perform a Manual DPF



•   The ARD Air System Service Test is successful.

Proceed to Test Step 7.


•   The ARD Air System Service Test is failed.

•   The ARD ignition test was successful and no

codes were logged. – Return the unit to service.

Repair: Investigate the cause of the test failure.

Refer to TroubleshootingARD Combustion

Supply Air Pressure Is Low.


•   The ARD ignition test was not successful and

codes were logged. Proceed to Test Step 8.


Test Step 7. Replace the ARD Filter

Connector in the ARD Combustion Head

Test Step 8. Inspect ARD Swirl Plate

Illustration 34




(12) Swirl plate slots

ARD Combustion Head

(11) ARD pilot filter connector

A. Remove the ARD head. Refer to Disassembly and

AssemblyCombustion Head Group (ARD) -

Remove and Install - Clean Emissions Module for

the proper procedure to remove the ARD

combustion head.

A. Replace pilot filter connector (11) in the ARD

combustion head. Refer to Illustration 33 .

B. Clear all diagnostic codes.

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Symptom Troubleshooting

Note: Soot accumulation is normal. Slot fouling is

defined as more than 1/2 the inner row slots being

100 percent blocked. Partially blocked inner row

slots are normal and do not affect regeneration

performance. Refer to Illustration 34 .

A. Clear all diagnostic codes.

B. Click the “Disconnect”  icon on the electronic

service tool in order to disconnect the electronic

service tool from the engine.

B. Inspect the swirl plate for fouled slots (12).


C. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Wait for 5


D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

•   The swirl plate is fouled.

E. Click the “Connect”  icon on the electronic service

Repair: Perform the following procedure:


A. Clean the swirl plate. Refer to Testing and

AdjustingSwirl Plate (ARD Combustion) -


F. Start the engine. Allow the engine to idle for 3


Note: Do not use the operators switch for a

stationary regeneration. The service tests provide

enhanced diagnostics that are necessary for

proper troubleshooting and repair.

B. Install the ARD head. Refer to Disassembly

and AssemblyCombustion Head Group

(ARD) - Remove and Install - Clean

Emissions Module.

G.Start a  “Manual DPF Regeneration” in the

electronic service tool.

C. Reset all active codes and clear all logged

codes. Use the electronic service tool to

perform the “ARD Ignition Test” and verify

that there are no fuel leaks.

Note: The ECM tests the nozzles for plugging

after the “Manual DPF Regeneration”  is

complete. Approximately 10 minutes are required

in order for the test to provide a result. A code will

become active if the nozzles are plugged.

Note: The ARD Ignition Test cannot be

performed if the DPF soot loading is above

80%. When the DPF soot loading is above

80%, use the electronic service tool to

perform a Manual DPF Regeneration.


•   The “Manual DPF Regeneration”   completed

successfully. There are no additional codes. – The

system is operating correctly.

Proceed to Test Step 9.

•   The swirl plate is not fouled.

Repair: Perform the following procedure:


•   The “Manual DPF Regeneration”  did not

complete successfully. There are additional

diagnostic codes.

A. Replace the ARD combustion head. Refer to

Disassembly and AssemblyCombustion

Head Group (ARD) - Remove and Install.

Repair: Troubleshoot the additional diagnostic

codes before returning the unit to service. Refer

to Troubleshooting for the correct procedure.

B. Reset all active codes and clear all logged

codes. Use the electronic service tool to

perform the “ARD Ignition Test” and verify

that there are no fuel leaks.

Verify that the fault has been eliminated.

Note: The ARD Ignition Test cannot be

performed if the DPF soot loading is above

80%. When the DPF soot loading is above

80%, use the electronic service tool to

perform a Manual DPF Regeneration.



ARD Is Disabled

Proceed to Test Step 9.

Use this procedure in order to troubleshoot a failed

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) regeneration. Use this

procedure if one of the following diagnostic trouble

codes are active.

Test Step 9. Perform a Manual DPF


Note: This test must be performed through the

electronic service tool. The electronic service tool

enhances the diagnostics during the service test.

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