首頁(yè) 產(chǎn)品展示>Perkins1206-E70TTA柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)燃油泵與噴油器




項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T406274    1   T406274    燃油軌條         

    5   2314 H006  3   2314 H006  螺拴         

    6   T405864    1   T405864    管 - 燃油的噴射         

    14  2314 F004  1   2314 F004  螺旋         

    15  T407161    1   T407161    管 - 燃油的噴射         

    21  2314 F004  2   2314 F004  螺旋         

    22  T410437    1   T410437    保護(hù)裝備

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    2      1      燃油軌條         

    3   T405398    1   T405398    放泄閥       

    4      1      感應(yīng)傳感器

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    7   T408500    1   T408500    以管輸送 - 燃油 INJ 沒有 1 CYL        

    8   T408506    1   T408506    以管輸送 - 燃油 INJ 沒有 2 CYL        

    9   T408501    1   T408501    以管輸送 - 燃油 INJ 沒有 3 CYL        

    10  T407687    1   T407687    管夾         

    13  T411459    1   T411459    管夾  

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T409982    6   T409982    噴油器       

    5   T407139    1   T407139    綁腿         

    6   T406394    1   T406394    噴油器砂箱夾        

    7   3218 A016  1   3218 A016  螺旋         

    8   T410437    1   T410437    保護(hù)裝備

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    2      1      噴油器       

    3   T405750    1   T405750    噴油器墊圈       

    4   T406053    1   T406053    密封O型圈

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T409125    6   T409125    GLOWPLUG         

    2   T406849    1   T406849    BUSBAR       

    3   3881 A006  1   3881 A006  絕緣體       

    4   2318 A207  1   2318 A207  螺帽         

    5   2314 C038  1   2314 C038  螺旋         

    6   2487 F201  1   2487 F201  帽 

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T407493    1   T407493    時(shí)間安排箱       

    2   T406050    1   T406050    密封墊片 - 正時(shí)齒輪箱          

    3   T407454    1   T407454    正時(shí)齒輪蓋       

    4   T405824    1   T405824    密封墊片 - 正時(shí)齒輪箱蓋        

    5   T406781    1   T406781    密封 -前油封        

    6   T406093    1   T406093    惰輪傳動(dòng)機(jī)構(gòu)        

    7   T416351    1   T416351    輪轂         

    7   T406834    1   T416351    輪轂         

    8   T406040    1   T406040    板        

    9   2314 J010  3   2314 J010  螺旋         

    10  T407464    1   T407464    凸輪軸傳動(dòng)機(jī)構(gòu)          

    11  3112 X011  1   3112 X011  推力墊圈         

    12  3321 A003  1   3321 A003  墊圈         

    13  2314 J606  1   2314 J606  螺旋         

    14  2314 H003  7   2314 H003  螺旋         

    15  2314 H006  2   2314 H006  螺拴         

    16  2314 H034  3   2314 H034  螺旋         

    17  2314 H012  6   2314 H012  螺旋         

    18  2314 H003  10  2314 H003  螺旋         

    19  2116053    1   2116053    合釘  

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T407493    1   T407493    時(shí)間安排箱       

    2   T406050    1   T406050    密封墊片 - 正時(shí)齒輪箱          

    3   T410622    1   T410622    正時(shí)齒輪蓋       

    4   T405824    1   T405824    密封墊片 - 正時(shí)齒輪箱蓋        

    5   T410666    1   T410666    密封 -前油封        

    6   T406093    1   T406093    惰輪傳動(dòng)機(jī)構(gòu)        

    7   T416351    1   T416351    輪轂         

    7   T406834    1   T416351    輪轂         

    8   T406040    1   T406040    板        

    9   2314 J010  3   2314 J010  螺旋         

    10  T407464    1   T407464    凸輪軸傳動(dòng)機(jī)構(gòu)          

    11  3112 X011  1   3112 X011  推力墊圈         

    12  3321 A003  1   3321 A003  墊圈         

    13  2314 J606  1   2314 J606  螺旋         

    14  2314 H003  7   2314 H003  螺旋         

    15  2314 H006  2   2314 H006  螺拴         

    16  2314 H034  3   2314 H034  螺旋         

    17  2314 H012  6   2314 H012  螺旋         

    18  2314 H003  10  2314 H003  螺旋         

    19  2116053    1   2116053    合釘

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1   T405103    1   T405103    皮帶輪       

    2   T410698    1   T410698    張緊輪

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    1      1      油底殼    

    12  3681 K044  1   3681 K044  密封墊片 -油底殼    

    13  3575 A074  1   3575 A074  管 - 油的吸入       

    14  3683 H005  1   3683 H005  密封墊片         

    15  2314 H004  2   2314 H004  螺旋         

    16  2314 H007  2   2314 H007  螺旋         

    17  2316 T052  6   2316 T052  螺旋         

    18  T407498    4   T407498    限制器       

    19  2314 K161  28  2314 K161  螺旋         

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    2   T405964    1   T405964    油底殼    

    11  T406564    1   T406564    污水坑承接器 

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號(hào)碼        新件號(hào) 描述  

    3      1      油底殼    

    4   3681 K041  1   3681 K041  密封墊片 -油底殼    

    5   32186405   2   32186405   栓塞         

    6   T407088    2   T407088    密封O型圈       

    7   T405544    1   T405544    開關(guān)         

    8   CH12137    1   CH12137    密封O型圈       

    9   2817 A002  1   2817 A002  接線夾       

    10  T407498    26  T407498    限制器

System Configuration Parameters

System Configuration


The rating code is not reprogrammed when the

replacement ECM is for the same engine rating.

If the ECM is for a different engine rating, then the

following components may require replacement:

pistons, fuel injectors and other components. The

engine information ratings plate must also be

changed in order to reflect the new rating.


Some systems such as the cooling system or the

transmission may also require changes when the

engine is rerated. Contact the local OEM dealer for

further information.

System Configuration


“Engine Serial Number”

System configuration parameters affect the emissions

of the engine or the power of the engine. System

configuration parameters are programmed at the

factory. Normally, system configuration parameters

would never change through the life of the engine.

System configuration parameters must be

When a new ECM is delivered, the engine serial

number in the ECM is not programmed. The  “Engine

Serial Number” should be programmed to match the

engine serial number that is stamped on the engine

information plate.

reprogrammed if an Electronic Control Module (ECM)

is replaced. System configuration parameters are not

reprogrammed if the ECM software is changed.

Factory passwords are required to change these

parameters. The following information is a description

of the system configuration parameters.

Factory Installed Aftertreatment#1


The  “Factory Installed Aftertreatment #1 Identification

Number” parameter ensures that the correct

aftertreatment  package is installed.

“Full Load Setting”

DPF #1 Soot Loading Sensing

System ConfigurationCode

The  “Full Load Setting” is a number that represents

the factory adjustment to the fuel system in order to

fine-tune the fuel system. If the ECM is replaced, the

“full load setting” must be reprogrammed in order to

prevent a 630-2 diagnostic code from becoming


The  “DPF #1 Soot Loading Sensing System

Configuration Code” is used to determine the type of

diesel particulate filter soot loading sensing system .

This code is a combination of two letters that

identifies the orientation of the soot sensor and the

geometry of the DPF. This code is used by the ECM

software to identify the correct calibration table  in

order to match the soot sensor system  to the DPF.

The calibration table optimizes the soot readings

and the regeneration cycles.

“Full Torque Setting”

“Full Torque Setting” is like  “Full Load Setting” . If

the ECM is replaced, the full torque setting must be

reprogrammed in order to prevent a 630-2 diagnostic

code from becoming active.

Limp Home Engine Speed


The  “Limp Home Engine Speed” is the maximum

engine speed allowed when the engine has been


The  “Rating” is a code that prevents the use of an

incorrect power rating and/or emission rating for a

specific engine. Each horsepower rating and each

emission certification have a different code to all other

horsepower ratings and emission certifications. This

rating is a code that prevents the use of an incorrect

power rating and/or emission rating for a specific


Limp Home Engine Speed Ramp


The  “Limp Home Engine Speed Ramp Rate”  is the

rate at which the engine speed decelerates when the

engine has been derated.

When an ECM is replaced, this rating interlock code

must match the code that is stored in the ECM. If the

rating interlock code does not match the code that is

stored in the ECM, both of the following situations will


“ECM Software Release Date”

This parameter is defined by the rating interlock  and

this parameter is not programmable. The “ECM

Software Release Date” is used to provide the

version of the software. The Customer parameters

and the software change levels can be monitored by

this date. The date is provided in the month and the

year (JAN10). Jan is the month (January). 10 is the

year (2010).

•   The engine will not run.

•   The diagnostic code 631-2 Calibration Module :

Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect will be active.

Note: The flash programming of a new rating

interlock  replaces the old rating interlock .

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Symptom Troubleshooting

Symptom Troubleshooting

Display on the Control Panel

Note: The following procedure is only applicable if the

application is equipped with a display on the control



1. Check the display on the control panel for active

Acceleration Is Poor or Throttle

Response Is Poor

diagnostic codes.

2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing

with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,

“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.

Probable Causes

Flash Codes

•   Diagnostic codes

Note: The following procedure is only applicable if the

machine is equipped with the appropriate warning


•   Parameters in the Electronic Control Module


1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel for

flash codes. Flash codes are explained in

Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.

•   Electrical connectors

•   Air intake and exhaust system

•   Valve lash

2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot the

codes before continuing with this procedure. Refer

to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a

Diagnostic Code”.

•   Turbochargers

•   Fuel supply

ECM Parameters

•   Low compression (cylinder pressure)

•   Electronic unit injectors

•   Individual malfunctioning cylinder

1. Use the electronic service tool to make sure that

the FLS and FTS  parameters have been correctly


Recommended Actions

2. Use the electronic service tool to ensure that the

correct mode is selected on the Mode Selector

Switch .


Do not  crank the engine continuously  for more than

30 seconds. Allow  the starting motor  to cool for two

minutes before cranking the engine again.

3. Use the electronic service tool to verify that the

correct engine rating has been provided.

4. Use the electronic service tool to verify the

Diagnostic Codes

maximum engine speed limit.

5. Ensure that the repairs have restored the expected


Use one of the following methods to check for active

diagnostic codes:

•   The electronic service tool

6. If the repairs have not eliminated the faults,

proceed to “Electrical Connectors”.

•   The display on the control panel

Electrical Connectors

•   Flash Codes

Electronic Service Tool

1. Turn the start switch to the ON position.

1. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector.

2. Use the electronic service tool to verify that the

intake manifold pressure is zero ± 0.5 kPa

(zero ± 0.070 psi). Check the 5 VDC sensor supply

for the intake manifold pressure. Refer to

Troubleshooting, “5 VDC Sensor Supply Circuit -


2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic

service tool.

3. Investigate any active codes before continuing with

this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,

“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.

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Symptom Troubleshooting

3. Use the electronic service tool to verify the throttle

position status.

2. Check that the oil drains for the turbochargers are

not blocked or restricted.

4. Run the engine until the speed is equal to the

3. Check that the compressor housings for the

turbochargers are free of dirt and debris. Make

sure that the housings are not damaged.

maximum no-load speed.

5. Use the electronic service tool to make sure that

the throttle is set to reach the maximum no-load


4. Check that the turbine housings for the

turbochargers are free of dirt and debris. Make

sure that the housings are not damaged.

6. If the maximum no-load speed cannot be obtained

refer to Troubleshooting, “Throttle Switch Circuit -

Test” and Troubleshooting, “Mode Selection Circuit

- Test”.

5. Check that the turbine blades rotate freely in the


7. If the engine speed is erratic refer to

Troubleshooting, “Analog Throttle Position Sensor

Circuit - Test” or Troubleshooting, “Digital Throttle

Position Sensor Circuit - Test”.

6. Ensure that the wastegate on the high-pressure

turbocharger is adjusted correctly. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,

“Turbocharger - Inspect”. If the wastegate actuator

is faulty, replace the turbocharger. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger -

Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,

“Turbocharger - Install”.

8. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to “Air

Intake and Exhaust System”.

Air Intake and Exhaust System

7. If necessary, replace the faulty turbocharger. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger -

Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,

“Turbocharger - Install”.

1. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped.

2. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable.

3. Check the air intake and the exhaust system for the

following defects:

8. Check that the repairs have eliminated the faults.

9. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to

“Fuel Supply”.

•   Blockages

•   Restrictions

Fuel Supply

•   Damage to the air intake and exhaust lines and


1. Visually check the fuel tank for fuel. The fuel gauge

may be faulty.

4. Make all necessary repairs to the engine.

2. Ensure that the fuel supply valve (if equipped) is in

the full OPEN position.

5. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to

“Valve Lash”.

3. If the temperature is below 0 °C  (32 °F), check for

solidified fuel (wax).

Valve Lash

1. Check the valve lash. Refer to Systems Operation,

Testing, and Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash -


4. Check the primary filter/water separator for water in

the fuel.

5. Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.

2. If any repair does not eliminate the fault, proceed to


6. Check that the low-pressure fuel lines are tight and

secured properly.


7. Check that the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is

operating. If the EFLP is suspect, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”.

Note: The turbochargers that are installed on the

engine are nonserviceable items. If any mechanical

fault exists, then the faulty turbocharger must be


8. Replace the in-line fuel strainer that is upstream of

the primary fuel filter.

1. Ensure that the mounting bolts for the

turbochargers are tight.

9. Replace the primary and secondary fuel filters.

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Symptom Troubleshooting

10. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Fuel

Quality - Test”.

2. Disconnect the TPIR return line from the drain port

on the TPIR. Install a suitable blanking cap on the

open port in the TPIR return line

11. Check for air in the fuel system. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel -


3. Connect a temporary drain line to the drain port on

the TPIR.

4. Place the end of the temporary drain line into a

12. Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.

Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and

Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.

suitable calibrated container.

5. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, use a suitable multimeter to

measure the input voltage to the EFLP. Record the


13. If the fault is not eliminated, perform the following


Note: Before performing the following fuel system

tests, the engine must be run for a minimum of 30


6. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, measure the fuel flow from the

temporary drain line. For a 12 VDCsystem, refer to

Illustration 24 for the minimum acceptable flow

rate. For a 24 VDC system, refer to Illustration 25

for the minimum acceptable flow rate.

Note: When performing the following fuel system

tests, the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) will only

operate for 2 minutes unless the engine is running. If

necessary, cycle the keyswitch in order to reactivate

the pump.

Illustration 24


Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 12 VDC system

Illustration 23


(1) Return line pressure relief valve

(2) Secondary fuel filter base

(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)

(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port

Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR)

Flow Test

Refer to Illustration 23 .

Illustration 25


Perform the following procedure:

Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 24 VDC system

1. Make sure the keyswitch is in the OFF position.

7. Remove the temporary drain line from the drain

port on the TPIR. Connect the TPIR return line to

the TPIR.

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Symptom Troubleshooting

8. If the fuel flow in Step 6 is greater than the

minimum limit, proceed to “Low Compression

(Cylinder Pressure)”.

EFLP Flow Test at the Primary Fuel Filter


In order to check the fuel flow from the EFLP at the

primary fuel filter inlet, perform the following


9. If the fuel flow in Step 6 is below the minimum limit,

proceed to “Return Line Pressure Relief Valve


1. Make sure the keyswitch is in the OFF position.

10. If there is no fuel flow in Step 6, proceed to

“Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR) Return


2. Disconnect the fuel inlet connection from the

primary fuel filter head.

3. Install a suitable blank on the fuel inlet port on the

primary fuel filter head.

Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR)

Return Test

4. Place the open end of the fuel inlet line in a suitable

In order to check the return flow from the TPIR,

perform the following procedure:

calibrated container.

5. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure the

input voltage at the EFLP. Record the result.

1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked

or kinked.

6. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure the

flow from the fuel inlet line. Record the result.

2. If the TPIR return line is clear, confirm that the

Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is operating. Make

sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and the

TPIR are not blocked or kinked.

7. Check the recorded voltage and fuel flow on the

graph in Illustration 26

3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP

is operating, replace the TPIR.

4. If the fault is still present, proceed to “Low

Compression (Cylinder Pressure)”.

Return Line Pressure Relief Valve Test

In order to check the return line pressure relief valve

in the secondary fuel filter base, perform the following


1. Make sure the keyswitch is in the OFF position.

2. Disconnect the return line banjo connection on the

top of the secondary fuel filter.

Illustration 26


Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 12 VDC system

3. Use a suitable blank to plug the return line.

4. Install a suitable drain line to the return line point on

the top of the secondary fuel filter.

5. Place the open end of the drain line in a suitable

calibrated container.

6. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure the

flow from the drain line.

7. If the flow from the drain line is less than 0.4 L

(24.4 cubic inch) per minute, proceed to “EFLP

Flow Test at the Primary Fuel Filter Inlet”.

8. If the flow from the drain line is more than 0.4 L

(24.4 cubic inch) per minute, replace the

secondary fuel filter head. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Fuel Filter Base - Remove and


Illustration 27


Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 24 VDC system

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Symptom Troubleshooting

8. If the fuel flow is below the minimum value for the

recorded voltage, replace the EFLP. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Priming Pump -

Remove and Install”.

1. Use the electronic service tool to perform the

automatic “Cylinder Cut Out Test” . If the

compression test that was performed in “Low

Compression (Cylinder Pressure)” was

satisfactory, the “Cylinder Cut Out Test” will

identify any faulty injectors.

9. If the fuel flow is above the minimum value for the

recorded voltage, proceed to “Check the Return

Fuel Lines”.

2. Remove any faulty electronic unit injectors. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit

Injector - Remove”.

Check the Return Fuel Lines

3. Install new electronic unit injectors. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit

Injector - Install”.

1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked

or kinked.

2. Make sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and

the TPIR are not blocked or kinked.

4. Repeat the test in 1. If the fault is still apparent,

remove the replacement electronic unit injector

and install the original electronic unit injector. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit

Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and

3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP

is operating, replace the TPIR.

4. If the fault is still present, proceed to “Low

Compression (Cylinder Pressure)”.

Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.

5. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, refer to

“Individual Malfunctioning Cylinders”.

Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)

1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Compression -


Individual MalfunctioningCylinders

1. With the engine speed at a fast idle, use the

electronic service tool to perform the manual

“Cylinder Cut Out Test” . As each cylinder is cut

out, listen for a change in the sound from the

engine. When a cylinder is cut out, there should be

a noticeable change in the sound of the engine. If a

change in the sound of the engine is not noted, the

isolated cylinder is not operating under normal

conditions. If the isolation of a cylinder results in a

change in the sound that is less noticeable, the

cylinder may be operating below normal

2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders,

investigate the cause and rectify any faults.

Possible causes of low compression are shown in

the following list:

•   Loose glow plugs

•   Faulty piston

•   Faulty piston rings

performance. Investigate the cause of the fault on

any cylinder that is not operating. Investigate the

cause of the fault on any cylinder that is operating

below normal performance.

•   Worn cylinder bores

•   Worn valves

•   Faulty cylinder head gasket

•   Damaged cylinder head

3. Perform all necessary repairs.

4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the faults.

2. If the fault is still present, contact Perkins Global

Technical Support.


Alternator Is Noisy

5. If no faults are detected, proceed to “Electronic Unit


Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting

for information on possible electrical causes of this


Electronic Unit Injectors

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Symptom Troubleshooting

Probable Causes

•   Alternator drive belt

Recommended Actions

Alternator Drive Belt

•   Alternator mounting bracket

•   Alternator drive pulley

•   Alternator bearings

Inspect the condition of the alternator drive belt. If the

alternator drive belt is worn or damaged, check that

the drive belt for the alternator and the pulley are

correctly aligned. If the alignment is correct, replace

the drive belt. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,

“Alternator Belt - Remove and Install”.

Recommended Actions

Charging Circuit

Alternator Drive Belt

Inspect the battery cables, wiring, and connections in

the charging circuit. Clean all connections and tighten

all connections. Replace any faulty parts.

Inspect the condition of the alternator drive belt. If the

alternator drive belt is worn or damaged, check that

the drive belt for the alternator and the pulley are

correctly aligned. If the alignment is correct, replace

the drive belt. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,

“Alternator Belt - Remove and Install”.


Verify that the alternator is operating correctly. Refer

to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,

“Alternator - Test”. The alternator is not a serviceable

item. The alternator must be replaced if the alternator

is not operating correctly. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Alternator - Remove” and Disassembly

Alternator Mounting Bracket

Inspect the alternator mounting bracket for cracks

and wear. Repair the mounting bracket or replace the

mounting bracket. Ensure that the alternator drive belt

and the alternator drive pulley are in alignment.

and Assembly, “Alternator - Install”.


ARD Combustion Supply Air

Pressure Is Low

Alternator Drive Pulley

Remove the nut for the alternator drive pulley and

then inspect the nut and the drive shaft. If no damage

is found, install the nut and tighten the nut to the

correct torque. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,

“Alternator - Install” for the correct torque.

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following diagnostic

trouble code:

Alternator Bearings

Check for excessive play of the shaft in the alternator.

Check for wear in the alternator bearings. The

alternator is a nonserviceable item. The alternator

must be replaced if the bearings are worn. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator - Remove”

and Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator - Install”.


Alternator Problem

Probable Causes

•   Alternator drive belt

•   Charging circuit

•   Alternator

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Symptom Troubleshooting

Table 85

Diagnostic Trouble Codes for ARD Combustion Supply Air Pressure Is Low

J1939 Code

Code Description



Aftertreatment#1 Secondary Air Pressure : Low - least severe

The air pressure that is supplied to the ARD

falls below a minimum acceptable value that

is calculated by the ECM.

One or more of the following codes will al-

ways be present:





The diagnostic code will be reset when a

successful regenerationhas occurred or the

fault has been rest by the electronic service


Table 86

Associated Diagnostic Trouble Code

Suspect Parameter Number


Failure Mode Identi-

fier (FMI)










•   An associated diagnostic trouble code is not

present. Proceed to Test Step 2.

•   An associated diagnostic trouble code is present.

Repair: Troubleshoot the associated code.

Refer to TroubleshootingDiagnostic Trouble


Illustration 28


Components of the ARD combustion air supply


The combustion air valve (3) receives operating

voltage from the engine ECM. The combustion air

valve sends a position signal to the engine ECM. An

ARD air pressure sensor (1) sends a pressure signal

to the engine ECM. The ECM uses the pressure

signal to determine the volume of combustion air that

is being provided to the combustion air valve. The

ECM controls the position of the combustion air valve

in order to provide the correct volume of combustion

air to the ARD.

Test Step 2. Inspect the Piping Between

the High Pressure Turbocharger and the

Combustion Air Valve

A. Inspect the piping between the high-pressure

turbocharger and the combustion air valve.

B. Check for cracks in the piping.

C. Check for loose joints or damaged joints.

Expected Result:

Test Step 1. Check for Associated

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Table 86 lists the diagnostic trouble codes that

are associated with a 3837-17 code. Determine if a

code in Table 86 is present.

The piping is damaged or cracked.


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Symptom Troubleshooting

•   The piping is damaged or cracked.



Repair: Replace the piping or repair the piping.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

ARD Failed to Ignite

•   The piping is not damaged or cracked. Proceed to

Test Step 3.

System Operation Description:

Test Step 3. Inspect the Piping from the

Combustion Air Valve to the Pressure


Use this procedure to troubleshoot the following


A. Inspect the piping (2) from the combustion air

valve to the pressure sensor.

B. Check for cracks in the piping.

C. Check for air leaks.

D. Check the clamps on the piping. Make sure that

the clamps are tight.


•   The piping is damaged or cracked.

Repair: Replace the piping or repair the piping.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

•   The piping is not damaged. Proceed to Test Step


Test Step 4. Perform the “ARD Air

System Service Test”

Use the electronic service tool to perform the

ARD Air System Service Test.


•   The ARD Air System Service Test is successful.

Repair: Use the electronic service tool in order

to perform a “manual regeneration”  and return

the unit to service.


•   The ARD Air System Service Test did not complete

successfully. – The combustion air valve is faulty.


A. Replace the combustion air valve. Refer to

Disassembly and AssemblyAir Control Valve

- Remove and Install.

B. Repeat this Test Step in order to confirm that

the fault has been eliminated.

C. If the fault is still present, contact Perkins

Global Technical Support.

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0731-84424872? 15580888444
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