首頁 產品展示>Perkins1206-E70TTA柴油發(fā)動機渦輪增壓器U000850Y




項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   T407711    1   T415671    管        

    2   CH11561    1   CH11561    密封墊片         

    3   2314 H002  2   2314 H002  螺旋         

    4   3683 A022  1   3683 A022  密封墊片         

    5   2314 H003  2   2314 H003  螺旋         

    6   CH12205    1   CH12205    密封墊片         

    7   2314 H005  2   2314 H005  螺旋         

    9   T417970    1   T417970    管 - 渦輪增壓器的油補給        

    9   T407851    1   檢查歷史   管        

    12  T418053    1   T418053    班卓琴螺拴       

    12  T407851    1   檢查歷史   管

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   T419127    1   T419127    渦輪增壓器    U000850Y  

    1   T412146    1   T419127    渦輪增壓器       

    1   T417718    1   T419127    渦輪增壓器 U000849Y     

    2   T407006    1   T407006    密封墊片         

    3   2313 M378  4   2313 M378  圖釘         

    4   2318 A634  4   2318 A634  螺帽         

    5   T405987    1   T405987    導氣管       

    6   T407169    1   T407169    砂箱夾       

    7   T412183    1   T412183    導氣管       

    8   T409262    1   T409262    砂箱夾       

    9   T409262    1   T409262    砂箱夾       

    10  T410456    1   T410456    導氣管       

    11  T409262    1   T409262    砂箱夾

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   T412150    1   T412150    渦輪增壓器       

    2   T405580    1   T405580    托架         

    3   2313 M383  4   2313 M383  圖釘         

    4   2318 A634  4   2318 A634  螺帽         

    5   2313 T080  4   2313 T080  圖釘         

    6   2318 A634  4   2318 A634  螺帽         

    7   T407961    1   T407961    水管         

    8   2481 D075  1   2481 D075  水管夾       

    9   2481 D075  1   2481 D075  水管夾

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   T418475    1   T418475    機油冷油器       

    2   3278 A006  1   3278 A006  栓塞         

    3   2415 H003  1   2415 H003  密封O型圈       

    4   2314 J018  2   2314 J018  螺旋         

    5   2314 J019  2   2314 J019  螺旋         

    6   T407196    1   T407196    管 -排氣         

    9   2314 H004  2   2314 H004  螺旋         

    10  T407203    1   T407203    托架         

    11  2314 H005  2   2314 H005  螺旋         

    12  2314 J002  2   2314 J002  螺旋         

    13  T407726    1   T407726    管 -冷卻器       

    16  2314 H004  4   2314 H004  螺旋         

    17  T415681    1   T415681    管 -冷卻器       

    20  2314 H004  4   2314 H004  螺旋         

    21  T410790    1   T410790    管 -排氣         

    24  T411589    1   T411589    螺拴         

    25  T411589    1   T411589    螺拴         

    26  T414193    1   T414193    接線夾       

    26  T412950    1   T414193    接線夾       

    26  T414193    1   T414193    接線夾

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Electronic Troubleshooting

2. Connect cable (2) between the “COMPUTER”

end of communication adapter (3) and the RS232

serial port of PC (1).

On – The lamp will be on when the shutdown level in

the engine protection strategy has been reached. The

“Warning” lamp will also be on.

Note: The Adapter Cable Assembly(4) is required to

connect to the USB port on computers that are not

equipped with an RS232 serial port.

Warning Lamp

3. Connect cable (4) between the “DATA LINK” end

of communication adapter (3) and the service tool


Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

then go off unless there is an active warning.

Flashing – The lamp will be flashing when a

“warning” or a  “warning and derate” is active. This

situation includes low oil pressure.

4. Place the keyswitch in the ON position. If the

Electronic Service Tool and the communication

adapter do not communicate with the Electronic

Control Module (ECM), refer to the diagnostic

procedure Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service

Tool DoesNot Communicate”.

On – The lamp will be on when the shutdown level

has been reached. The “Shutdown”  lamp will also be



DPF Lamp

Indicator Lamps

Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

then go off unless there is an active warning.

On – The lamp will be on when a  “warning” is active.

The warning will occur when the level of soot in the

DPF has reached 80 percent. The lamp will be on

when the derate level has been reached. This

situation will occur when the level of soot in the DPF

has reached 100 percent. The “Warning” lamp will

also be flashing. The lamp will be on when the

shutdown level has been reached. This situation will

occur when the level of soot in the DPF has reached

116 percent. The “Warning”  lamp will also be

flashing and the “Shutdown”  lamp will be on.

Indicator Lamps

Seven lamps are available as options. The following

five lamps will normally be installed in the application:

“Shutdown”  lamp

“Warning”  lamp

“DPF”  lamp

“DPF Disabled” lamp

“Regeneration Active” lamp

DPF Disabled Lamp

Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

then go off unless there is an active warning.

The following two optional lamps for other items may

also be installed:

On – The lamp will be on when regeneration has

been disabled by the operator or by the engine ECM.

“Wait to start”  lamp

“Low oil pressure”  lamp

The  “Shutdown” lamp and the “Warning”  lamp can

also be used to indicate a diagnostic trouble code by

use of the “Flash Code”  feature. The “Flash Code”

feature can be used to indicate all active diagnostic

codes and logged diagnostic codes.

Regeneration Active Lamp

Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

then go off unless there is an active warning.

Functions of the Lamps

On – The lamp will be on during active regeneration

when the machine is not operating under load and the

outlet temperature of the DPF is more than 450° C

(842° F).

Shutdown Lamp

Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

then go off unless there is an active warning.

Wait to Start Lamp

Flashing – The lamp will be flashing when the engine

is derated because of an active diagnostic code. An

example of an active diagnostic code is  “System

Voltage High”  .

Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

then go off unless “Wait to Start” is active.

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On – The lamp is on during a  “Wait to Start”  period.




Electronic Troubleshooting

Low Oil Pressure

Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,

the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will

then go off unless there is an active warning.

On – The lamp will come on when a low oil pressure

event is detected. The “Warning”  lamp and the

“Shutdown” lamp may also come on.

Color of Lamps

Typically, the “Shutdown”  lamp is colored red and

the  “Warning” lamp is colored amber. The color of

the other lamps can vary.

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Electronic Troubleshooting

Operation of the Indicator Lamps

Table 4













DPF Dis-    Lamp State



Description of the


Engine State







Lamp Check    When the keyswitch is moved   The keyswitch is in the ON po-

to the ON position, the lamps   sition but the engine has not

come on for 2 seconds and the yet been cranked.

lamps will then go off.











No Faults

With the engine in operation,    The engine is operating with

there are no active warnings,    no detected faults.

diagnostic codes, or event



If the warning lamp comes on   The engine is operating nor-


during engine operation, the

lamp indicates that an active

mally but there is one or more

faults with the electronic man-

diagnostic code (an electrical    agement system for the

fault) is present.








If the warning lamp comes on   The engine is operating but

(An engine de-  and the shutdown lamp flashes there is one or more active di-

rate is caused   during engine operation, an

by certain ac-   active diagnostic code (an

tive codes.)     electrical fault) is present. The

diagnostic is sufficiently seri-

agnostic codes that have initi-

ated an engine derate.

ous in order to cause an en-

gine derate.







When the warning lamp

The engine is operating nor-

(Warning only)  flashes during operation of the  mally. However, there is one or

engine, one or more of the       more of the monitored engine

warning values for the engine   parameters that are outside of

protection strategy has been

exceeded. However, the value

has not been exceeded to a

level that will cause the engine

to derate or a shutdown.

the range that is acceptable.







(Warning and   lamps flash if a value for the

The warning and shutdown

The engine is operating. How-

ever, one or more of the moni-


engine protection strategy has  tored engine parameters is

exceeded the level for an en-    outside of the acceptable

gine derate.

range. The acceptable range

has been exceeded to a level

which requires a warning and

an engine derate.


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Electronic Troubleshooting

(Table 4, contd)













DPF Dis-    Lamp State



Description of the


Engine State









If both the warning lamp and

the shutdown lamp come on

during engine operation, one

of the following conditions


The engine is either shutdown

or an engine shutdown is immi-

nent. One or more monitored

engine parameters have ex-

ceeded the limit for an engine

shutdown. This pattern of

lamps can be caused by the

detection of a serious active di-

agnostic code.

1. One or more of the shut-

down values for the engine

protection strategy has been


2. A serious active diagnostic

code has been detected.

After a short time, the engine

will shut down.






High exhaust    The engine is operating at a

If the engine is operating at a


low idle speed and the exhaust low idle speed, the exhaust

system temperature is above    temperature is high during an

450° C (842° F). The lamp will  active regeneration.The ex-

remain on until the exhaust

temperature falls below 450

deg C, or the engine is oper-

ated above the low idle speed.

haust temperatureis also high

during the cooling period im-

mediately after an active







High DPF soot  The soot loading in the DPF is  The soot loading in the DPF



has reached 80%. The lamp

warns the operator that an ac-

tive regeneration is required.










DPF is


Active regeneration has been   Active regenerationhas  been

disabled by the operator or the disabled.



Very high DPF  The soot loading in the DPF is  The soot loading in the DPF

soot loading


has reached 100%. The en-

gine will be derated. The lamp

warns the operator that an ac-

tive regeneration is required.






Very high DPF  The soot loading in the DPF is  The soot loading in the DPF

soot loading


has reached 116%. The en-

gine will be shut down after 5

minutes. The engine can be re-

started and a regeneration

should be performed. If a re-

generation is not performed

within 5 minutes, the engine

will shut down again. The en-

gine can be restarted. The

electronic service tool must be

used to perform a


Flash Codes

The  “Flash Code” feature is used to flash the code of

all active diagnostic codes and logged diagnostic


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Electronic Troubleshooting

The sequence for the flash code is started by cycling

the keyswitch twice within a period of 3 seconds.

After a delay of 2 seconds, the  “Shutdown” lamp will

flash once for half a second. This sequence indicates

the start of the active fault codes. After a further delay

of 2 seconds, the “Warning”  lamp will flash

repeatedly in order to indicate the active diagnostic

codes. Each flash will be on for half a second and off

for 300 ms. The “Warning”  lamp will remain off for 2

seconds between each digit of a code. If there is

more than one active diagnostic code, the

“Shutdown” lamp will go off for 2 seconds. The lamp

will then come on for half a second. The  “Warning”

lamp will go off for 2 seconds before starting the next

code. If there are no active diagnostic codes, the

“Warning” lamp will flash the code “551” . Refer to

Troubleshooting Guide, “No Diagnostic Code


As an example, an active diagnostic code of  “21”  is

indicated by the “Warning”  lamp operating in the

following sequence:

•   On for 500 ms

•   Off for 300 ms

•   On for 500 ms

•   Off for 2000 ms

•   On for 500 ms

•   Off

Illustration 7


Timing of the flash codes

After all of the active diagnostic codes have been

displayed, the “Shutdown”  lamp will go off for 2

seconds. The “Shutdown”  lamp will flash twice in

order to indicate the start of the sequence that will

display the logged diagnostic codes. The process for

flashing logged diagnostic codes is identical to the

process for flashing active diagnostic codes.

Note: If there are no logged codes, the  “551”  code

should be flashed again.

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Electronic Troubleshooting

After all of the codes have been displayed, the

“Shutdown” lamp will flash three times in order to

indicate that there are no further codes. Cycling the

keyswitch twice within a period of 3 seconds will start

the process again. All codes will be displayed in

ascending numerical order.

Use the electronic service tool to read the parameters

in the suspect ECM. Record the parameters in the

suspect ECM. Install the flash file into the new ECM.

After the ECM is installed on the engine, the

parameters must be programmed into the new ECM.

Note: When a new ECM is not available, an ECM can

be used from an engine that is not in service. The

ECM must have the same serial number suffix.

Ensure that the replacement ECM and the part

number for the flash file match the suspect ECM. Be

sure to record the parameters from the replacement

ECM. Use the “Copy Configuration ECM

Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Diagnostic Code

Cross Reference” for the diagnostic code that relates

to the flash code.

Note: Flash codes are always sent in ascending

numerical order.

Replacement”  function in the electronic service tool.



If  the   flash  file   and  engine   application  are   not

matched, engine damage may result.

Replacing the ECM

Perform the following procedure in order to replace

the ECM.


Care  must be  taken to  ensure  that fluids  are  con-

tained  during   performance  of  inspection,   mainte-

nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be

prepared to  collect the fluid  with suitable containers

before  opening any  compartment  or disassembling

any component containing fluids.

1. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector.

2. Use the “Copy Configuration ECM Replacement”

function from the electronic service tool. If the

“Copy Configuration” is successful, proceed to

Step 4. If the “Copy Configuration” failed, proceed

to Step 3.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and



Note: Record any Logged Faults and Events for your

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.


Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

3. Record the following parameters:

•   Record all of the parameters on the

“Configuration”  screen.

The engine is equipped with an Electronic Control

Module (ECM). The ECM contains no moving parts.

Follow the troubleshooting procedures in this manual

in order to be sure that replacing the ECM will correct

the fault. Verify that the suspect ECM is the cause of

the fault.

•   Record all of the parameters on the “Throttle

Configuration”  screen.

•   Record all of the parameters on the “Mode

Configuration”  screen.

Note: Ensure that the ECM is receiving power and

that the ECM is properly grounded before

replacement of the ECM is attempted. Refer to the

schematic diagram.

•   Record the serial numbers of the electronic unit

injectors. The injector serial numbers are

shown on the “Injector Trim Calibration”


A test ECM can be used in order to determine if the

ECM on the engine is faulty. Install a test ECM in

place of the suspect ECM. Install the flash file with the

correct part number into the test ECM. Program the

parameters for the test ECM. The parameters must

match the parameters in the suspect ECM. Refer to

the following test steps for details. If the test ECM

resolves the fault, reconnect the suspect ECM. Verify

that the fault returns. If the fault returns, replace the


Note: If the parameters cannot be read, the

parameters must be obtained elsewhere. Some

parameters are stamped on the engine information

plate, but most parameters must be obtained from the

TMI data on the Perkins  secured web site.

4. Remove power from the ECM.

5. Remove the ECM. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Electronic Control Module - Remove

and Install”.

Note: If an ECM is used as a test ECM, select  “Test

ECM Mode” on the electronic service tool before the

engine serial number is entered.

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Electronic Troubleshooting

6. Install the replacement ECM. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Electronic Control Module -

Remove and Install”.



7. If the replacement ECM is used as a test ECM,

select  “Test ECM Mode” on the electronic service


The Electronic Control Module (ECM) can detect

faults in the electronic system and with engine

operation. A self-diagnostic check is also performed

whenever power is applied to the ECM.

8. Download the flash file.


Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector.

When a fault is detected, a diagnostic trouble code is

generated. This code conforms to the SAE J1939

standard. An alarm may also be generated.



Select  “WinFlash” from the  “Utilities”  menu

of the electronic service tool.

Diagnostic Trouble Code – When a fault in the

electronic system is detected, the ECM generates a

diagnostic trouble code. The diagnostic trouble code

indicates the specific fault in the circuitry.

Select the downloaded flash file.

9. If necessary, use the electronic service tool to clear

the rating interlock . To clear the rating interlock ,

enter the factory password when the electronic

service tool is first connected. Activating the Test

ECM mode will also clear the rating interlock .

Diagnostic codes can have two different states:

•   Active

•   Logged

10. Use the electronic service tool to program the

parameters. Perform the following procedure.

Active Code – An active diagnostic code indicates

that an active fault has been detected by the control

system. Active codes require immediate attention.

Always service active codes prior to servicing logged



If the “Copy Configuration”  procedure was

successful, use the “Copy Configuration, ECM

Replacement”  function to load the

Logged Code – Many generated codes are stored in

the permanent memory of the ECM. The codes are

logged for 100 operating hours unless a code is

cleared by use of the electronic service tool.

configuration file into the ECM.

Note: During the following procedure, factory

passwords may be required.


If the “Copy Configuration”  procedure failed,

configure the parameters individually. The

parameters should match the parameters from

step 3.

Logged codes may not indicate that a repair is

needed. The fault may have been temporary. The

fault may have been resolved since the logging of the

code. If the system is powered, an active diagnostic

trouble code may be generated whenever a

Perform the “Fuel System Verification Test”  .

component is disconnected. When the component is

reconnected, the code is no longer active. Logged

codes may be useful to help troubleshoot intermittent

faults. Logged codes can also be used to review the

performance of the engine and the electronic system.

11. Determine the most recent ash service of the

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF):


If the DPF had an ash service within the last

500 hours, no action is required.



If the DPF was not ash serviced within 500

hours, perform an ash service on the DPF.

Refer to Special Instruction REHS5045,

“Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Maintenance

on Tier 4 Products Equipped with a Diesel

Particulate Filter (DPF)”. Refer to Systems

Operation and Testing and Adjusting, “Diesel

Particulate Filter - Clean” for the correct


Sensors and Electrical


The Electronic Control Module (ECM) and most of the

engine sensors are located on the left side of the

engine. Refer to Illustration 8 . For the remaining

sensors that are attached to the engine, refer to

Illustration 10 . For the sensors and components on

the Clean Emissions Module (CEM), refer to

Illustration 12 .

Note: After an ash service regeneration, there will

be a delay in soot accumulation shown on the


Note: In the following illustrations, some components

have been removed in order to improve visibility.

12. Check for logged diagnostic codes. Factory

passwords are required to clear logged events.

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Electronic Troubleshooting

Illustration 8


Sensor locations on the left side of the engine

(1) Coolant temperature sensor

(5) Intake manifold pressure sensor

(9) Barometric pressure sensor

(2) Fuel temperature sensor

(3) Solenoid for the high-pressure fuel pump

(4) Intake manifold air temperature sensor

(6) Fuel rail pressure sensor

(7) 31-pin connector for the CEM

(8) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(10) Primary speed/timing sensor

(11) Oil pressure sensor

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