John Deere約翰迪爾強鹿柴油機活塞與缸套的測量方法與標準值參數(shù)
1. Measure skirt OD (A) at right angles to piston pin bore,28 mm (1.1 in.) from the bottom of the piston (B).
2. Record measurement and compare measurementobtained from matching liner.
Piston Skirt—OD 28 mm (1.1 in.) from Bottom of Piston 106.38—106.40 mm (4.188—4.189 in.)
A—Skirt OD
B—Bottom of Piston Dimension
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS measure liners at room temperature.
3. Measure liner bore parallel to piston pin at top end of ring travel (A).
4. Measure bore in same position at bottom end of ring travel (B).
5. Measure bore at right angle to piston pin at top end of ring travel (C).
6. Measure bore in same position at bottom end of ring travel (D).
7. Compare measurements A, B, C, and D to determine if liner is tapered or out-of-round.
8. Compare liner ID with matched piston OD. Replace piston and liners (as a set) if they exceed wear specifications given.
Cylinder Liner—ID 106.48—106.52 mm (4.192—4.194 in.)
Cylinder Liner (Top or Bottom)—
Maximum Out-of-Round ............................................. 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
Cylinder Liner—Maximum Taper................................ 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
Piston-to-Liner Clearance(Measured at Bottom of PistonSkirt) (Naturally Aspirated
Engines)—Clearance 0.08—0.14 mm (0.003—0.005 in.)
Piston-to-Liner Clearance(Measured at Bottom of PistonSkirt) (Turbocharged Engines)—
Clearance 0.08—0.15 mm(0.003—0.006 in.)