首頁(yè) 產(chǎn)品展示>珀金斯珀金斯403F-15T、404F-22、404F-22T維修保養(yǎng)測(cè)試調(diào)整(英文)一


珀金斯4403F-15T 404F-22(T)維修保養(yǎng)測(cè)試調(diào)整供應(yīng)商,珀金斯4403F-15T 404F-22(T)維修保養(yǎng)測(cè)試調(diào)整技術(shù)價(jià)格規(guī)格咨詢服務(wù),珀金斯4403F-15T 404F-22(T)維修保養(yǎng)測(cè)試調(diào)整零配件供應(yīng),珀金斯4403F-15T 404F-22(T)維修保養(yǎng)測(cè)試調(diào)整售后服務(wù)中心,珀金斯4403F-15T 404F-22(T)維修保養(yǎng)測(cè)試調(diào)整,珀金斯4403F-15T 404F-22(T)維修保養(yǎng)測(cè)試調(diào)整詳細(xì)的技術(shù)參數(shù),


Systems Operation

Testing and Adjusting

403F-15T, 404F-22 and 404F-22T

Industrial Engines

EL (Engine)

EN (Engine)

EP (Engine)

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Important Safety Information

Most  accidents    tha t involve  produc  t  op eration,  ma intena nc e and   repair   are  caus  ed  by  failure  to

ob serve  basic   safety   rules  or  precautions  .  An accident    can   often  be  avoided   by  recog nizing  pote ntially

ha za rdous  situations   before   an  accident    oc curs . A person    mus t be  alert   to pote ntial  ha za rds.  This

person   should   also  ha ve  the  ne cessary   training,  skills  and   tools  to perform   the se  func tions properly.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair  of this product can be dangerous and

could result in injury  or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this  product, until you have

read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Sa fety precautions     and  warning s  are   provided   in this  ma nua l and   on  the  produc t.  If the se  ha za rd

warning s  are  not  he eded,   bod ily injury  or death   could   oc cur to  you  or to  othe r persons  .

The  ha za rds are   identified   by  the  “Safety  Alert  Symb ol”  and  followed  by  a  “Signa l  Word” suc h  as

“DANGER”, “WARNING”  or “CAUTION”.  The Sa fety  Alert  “WARNING” label  is  shown   below.

The  me aning  of  this safety   alert   symb ol is  as  follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is  Involved.

The  me ssage   tha t appears     und er the   warning  explains    the  ha za rd and   can  be   either  written  or

pictorially   presente  d.

Op erations  tha t  ma y caus e  produc  t dama  ge  are  identified   by  “NOTICE” labels   on  the  produc  t and   in

this  pub lication.

Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The

warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,

work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,

you must satisfy yourself that it is safe  for you and for others. You should also ensure that the

product will not be damaged or be  made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or

repair procedures that you choose.

The  informa tion, specifications   ,  and  illustrations   in  this  pub lication  are   on the  basis    of informa tion tha t

was  available    at  the  time  tha t the  pub lication   was  written.   The  specifications   , torque  s,  pressure  s,

me asure me nts , adjustme  nts , illustrations ,  and  othe r  items  can  cha  ng e at  any  time.  These  cha ng es  can

affect   the  service   tha t is given   to the  produc  t.  Ob tain the  comp  lete  and  mos t current   informa tion before

you  start any   job. Pe  rkins  dealers   or   Pe rkins  distributors     ha ve  the  mos t current   informa tion  available.

When  replacement  parts  are  required  for  this

product Perkins recommends using Perkins

 replacement  parts.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

ture failures, product damage, personal injury or


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Water Pump - Inspect................... .................. 73

Basic Engine

Systems Operation Section

Piston Ring Groove - Inspect............. ............. 75

Connecting Rod - Inspect................ ............... 75

Connecting Rod Bearings - Inspect........ ........ 76

Main Bearings - Inspect................. ................. 76

Cylinder Block - Inspect................. ................. 76

Cylinder Head - Inspect................. ................. 77

Piston Height - Inspect.................. .................. 77

Flywheel - Inspect...................... ..................... 78

Flywheel Housing - Inspect .............. .............. 79

Gear Group - Inspect................... ................... 80

General Information..................... ..................... 4

Glossary of Electronic Control Terms ....... ...... 10

Electronic Control System Components..... .... 14

Fuel System.......................... .......................... 31

Air Inlet and Exhaust System............. ............. 35

Clean Emissions Module................ ................ 37

Lubrication System..................... .................... 40

Cooling System ....................... ....................... 41

Basic Engine.......................... ......................... 42

Electrical System...................... ...................... 43

Electrical System

Alternator - Test ....................... ....................... 81

Battery - Test.......................... ......................... 82

Charging System - Test ................. ................. 82

Coolant Temperature Switch - Test......... ........ 82

Electric Starting System - Test............ ............ 82

Engine Oil Pressure Switch - Test ......... ......... 83

Fuel Shutoff Solenoid - Test.............. .............. 83

Glow Plugs - Test...................... ...................... 84

Testing and Adjusting Section

Fuel System

Fuel System - Inspect................... .................. 46

Air in Fuel - Test....................... ....................... 46

Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston. . 47

Fuel Injection Timing - Check ............. ............ 47

Fuel Transfer Pump - Test ............... ............... 48

Fuel Injector - Test ..................... ..................... 49

Fuel Quality - Test...................... ..................... 52

Fuel System - Prime.................... ................... 52

Gear Group (Front) - Time............... ............... 52

Governor - Adjust...................... ...................... 52

Index Section

Index................................ ............................... 86

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect...... ..... 59

Diesel Particulate Filter - Clean........... ........... 59

Wastegate - Test....................... ...................... 60

Exhaust Cooler (NRS) - Test (If Equipped)... .. 61

Compression - Test..................... .................... 62

Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust........ ........ 62

Valve Depth - Inspect................... ................... 65

Valve Guide - Inspect................... ................... 66

Lubrication System

Engine Oil Pressure - Test............... ............... 67

Engine Oil Pump - Inspect............... ............... 67

Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect......... ......... 68

Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect. 69

Cooling System

Cooling System - Check (Overheating)..... ..... 70

Cooling System - Inspect................ ................ 71

Cooling System - Test................... .................. 71

Water Temperature Regulator - Test........ ....... 73

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Systems Operation Section

Systems Operation Section

The engine oil pump is a gerotor type pump. The

engine oil pump is located in the center of the idler

gear. The engine oil pump sends lubricating oil to the

main oil gallery through an oil relief valve that is

located on the right side of the cylinder block. The

rocker arm levers receive pressurized oil through an

externally located oil line. The oil line runs from the

main oil gallery to the cylinder head.


General Information

Coolant from the bottom of the radiator passes

through the belt driven centrifugal water pump. The

coolant is cooled by the radiator and the temperature

is regulated by a water temperature regulator.

Engine Description

Note: When you are ordering new parts, refer to the

engine identification number in order to receive the

correct parts. Refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Product Identification

Information” for the correct numbers for your engine.

Engine Model Views

The following model views show typical features of

the 403F-15T, 404F-22, and 404F-22T engines. Due

to individual applications, your engine may appear

different from the illustrations.

The 403F-15T, 404F-22, and 404F-22T engines are

diesel engines that are controlled with a mechanically

actuated fuel injection pump. The engine cylinders

are arranged in-line.

The cylinder head assembly has one inlet valve and

one exhaust valve for each cylinder. Each cylinder

valve has a single valve spring. The pistons have two

compression rings and an oil control ring.

It is important to ensure the correct piston height so

that the piston does not contact the cylinder head.

The correct piston height also ensures the efficient

combustion of fuel which is necessary in order to

conform to requirements for emissions.

The crankshaft for the 403F-15Tengines have four

main bearing journals. The crankshaft for the 404F-

22, and 404F-22Tengines have five main bearing

journals. End play for all the engines is controlled by

the thrust washers that are located on the rear main

bearing. The 403F-15 engine has aluminum bearing

caps on the rear main bearing that act as thrust


The timing gears are stamped with timing marks in

order to ensure the correct alignment of the gears

during assembly. When the No. 1 piston is at top

center compression stroke, the teeth that are

stamped on the crankshaft gear and the camshaft

gear will be in alignment with the idler gear.

The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which then

turns the camshaft gear.

The fuel injection pump and the fuel priming pump are

mounted on the cylinder block. Both pumps are

operated by the camshaft lobes.

The fuel injection pump conforms to requirements for

emissions. Adjustments to the fuel injection pump

timing and high idle should only be made by trained

personnel. The fuel injection pumps have mechanical

governors that control the engine rpm.

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Systems Operation Section


Illustration 1


Typical example

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Systems Operation Section


Illustration 2


Typical example

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Systems Operation Section


Illustration 3


Typical example

(1) Top oil filler

(2) Fan

(3) Side oil filler

(4) Cylinder block drain plug

(5) Oil gauge (Dipstick)

(6) Rear oil drain plug

(7) Oil filter

(8) Electric fuel pump

(9) Secondary fuel filter

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 4


Typical example

(10) Air intake

(14) Flywheel housing

(15) Starting motor

(16) Solenoid for starting motor

(17) Front oil drain plug

(18) NOx reduction system cooler

(19) Coolant outlet

(11) Turbocharger

(12) Aftertreatment system

(13) Flywheel

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 5


Typical example

(20) Engine crankcase breather

(21) Rear lifting eye bracket

(22) Air pump

(23) Air pump drive belt

(24) Alternator

(25) Fan and alternator drive belt

(26) Coolant intake

(27) Water pump

(28) Front lifting eye

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Systems Operation Section

Loose Components for the Engine

Alternating Current (AC) – Alternating current is an

electric current that reverses direction at a regular

interval that is reoccurring.

ARD Air Pump – The ARD air pump provides a

pressurized supply of air to the ARD combustion


ARD Air Pump Relay – The ARD air pump relay

controls the operation of the ARD air pump.

ARD Glow Plug – The ARD glow plug ignites the fuel

that is injected into the ARD combustion chamber.

ARD Glow Plug Relay – The ARD glow plug relay is

controlled by the ECM in order to provide power to

the ARD glow plug in the ARD combustion chamber.

Before Top Center (BTC) – BTC is the 180 degrees

of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches the

top center position in the normal direction of rotation.

Boost Pressure – The difference between the

turbocharger outlet pressure and atmospheric

pressure is commonly referred to as boost pressure.

The sensor for the intake manifold air pressure

measures the amount of boost.

Breakout Harness – The breakout harness is a test

harness that is designed to connect into the engine

harness. This connection allows a normal circuit

operation and the connection simultaneously

provides a Breakout T in order to measure the


Illustration 6


Typical example

Bypass Circuit – A bypass circuit is a circuit that is

used as a substitute circuit for an existing circuit. A

bypass circuit is typically used as a test circuit.

(32) Electronic Control Unit (ECM)

(33) In line fuel filter

CAN Data Link (see also J1939 CAN Data Link)  –

The CAN Data Link is a serial communications port

that is used for communication with other

microprocessor-based devices.


Glossary of Electronic Control


Clean Emissions Module (CEM) – Refer to

“Aftertreatment”  .

Active Diagnostic Code – An active diagnostic code

alerts the operator or the service technician that an

electronic system malfunction is currently present.

Refer to the term “Diagnostic Code” in this glossary.

Code – Refer to “Diagnostic Code” or  “Event Code”


Cold Mode – Cold mode is a mode for cold starting

and for cold engine operation. This mode is used for

engine protection, reduced smoke emissions, and

faster warm-up time.

Aftertreatment – Aftertreatment  is a system that is

used to remove pollutants from exhaust gases. The

system consists of the regeneration system, a diesel

oxidation catalyst, and a diesel particulate filter.

Communication Adapter Tool – The communication

adapter provides a communication link between the

ECM and the Electronic Service Tool.

AftertreatmentRegeneration Device (ARD) – This

item is sometimes referred to as the regeneration

system. The ARD is a device that intermittently raises

the temperature of the exhaust gases in order to

regenerate the diesel particulate filter.

Component Identifier (CID) – The CID is a number

that identifies the specific component of the electronic

control system that has experienced a diagnostic


Air-To-Air Aftercooler – An air-to-air aftercooler is a

device that is used on turbocharged engines in order

to cool inlet air that has undergone compression. The

inlet air is cooled after the inlet air passes through the

turbocharger. The inlet air is passed through an

aftercooler (heat exchanger) that uses ambient air for

cooling. The inlet air that has been cooled advances

to the inlet manifold.

Coolant Temperature Sensor – The coolant

temperature sensor detects the engine coolant

temperature for all normal operating conditions and

for engine monitoring.

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Systems Operation Section

Data Link – The Data Link is a serial communication

port that is used for communication with other

microprocessor-based devices.

operation under all conditions. The electronic engine

control also controls the engine operation under all


Derate – Certain engine conditions will generate

event codes. Also, engine derates may be applied.

The map for the engine derate is programmed into

the ECM software. The derate can be one or more of

three types: reduction of rated power, reduction of

rated engine speed and reduction of rated machine

speed for OEM products.

Engine Control Module (ECM) – The ECM is the

control computer of the engine. The ECM provides

power to the electronics. The ECM monitors data that

is input from the sensors of the engine. The ECM acts

as a governor in order to control the speed and the

power of the engine.

Electronic Service Tool – The electronic service tool

allows a computer (PC) to communicate with the


Desired Engine Speed – The desired engine speed

is input to the electronic governor within the ECM.

The electronic governor uses the signal from the

throttle position sensor, the engine speed sensor, and

other sensors in order to determine the desired

engine speed.

Engine Monitoring – Engine Monitoring is the part of

the electronic engine control that monitors the

sensors. This also warns the operator of detected


Diagnostic Trouble Code – A diagnostic trouble

code is sometimes referred to as a fault code. These

codes indicate an electronic system malfunction.

Engine Oil Pressure Switch – The engine oil

pressure switch provides a warning of low engine oil

pressure. The switch controls a warning lamp at the

operator position.

Diagnostic Lamp – A diagnostic lamp is sometimes

called the check engine lamp. The diagnostic lamp is

used to warn the operator of the presence of an

active diagnostic code. The lamp may not be included

in all applications.

Engine Speed Sensor – An engine speed sensor is

a Hall effect sensor that provides a digital signal to

the ECM. The ECM interprets this signal as the

engine speed. Two sensors are used to provide the

speed signals to the ECM. The primary sensor and

the secondary sensor are associated with the


Diesel Oxidation Catalyst – The Diesel Oxidation

Catalyst is also known as the (DOC). The DOC is a

device in the exhaust system that oxidizes certain

elements in the exhaust gases. These elements can

include carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons and the

soluble organic fraction (SOF) of particulate matter.

Event Code – An event code may be activated in

order to indicate an abnormal engine operating

condition. These codes usually indicate a mechanical

problem instead of an electrical system problem.

Diesel Particulate Filter – The Diesel Particulate

Filter (DPF) filters particulates from the exhaust

gases. When the particulates have built up on the

internal surfaces of the DPF, the temperature of the

exhaust gas is raised by the Aftertreatment

Regeneration Device (ARD) in order to burn off the

particulates. This regeneration process prevents the

DPF from becoming blocked. The regeneration

process therefore allows the DPF to continue to

operate efficiently.

Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) – This identifier

indicates the type of failure that is associated with the

component. The FMI has been adopted from the SAE

practice of J1587 diagnostics. The FMI follows the

parameter identifier (PID) in the descriptions of the

fault code. The descriptions of the FMIs that are used

on these engines are in the following list:

0 – The data is valid but the data is above the normal

operational range.

Digital Sensor Return – The common line (ground)

from the ECM is used as ground for the digital


1 – The data is valid but the data is below the normal

operational range.

3 – The voltage is above normal or the voltage is

Digital Sensors – Digital sensors produce a pulse

width modulated signal. Digital sensors are supplied

with power from the ECM.

shorted high.

4 – The voltage is below normal or the voltage is

shorted low.

Digital Sensor Supply – The power supply for the

digital sensors is provided by the ECM.

6 – The current is above normal or the circuit is


Direct Current (DC) – Direct current is the type of

current that flows consistently in only one direction.

7 – The mechanical system is not responding


DT, DT Connector, or Deutsch DT – This is a type

of connector that is used on the engines. The

connectors are manufactured by Deutsch .

8 – There is an abnormal frequency, an abnormal

pulse width, or an abnormal time period.

10 – There is an abnormal rate of change.

11 – The failure mode is not identifiable.

12 – The device or the component is damaged.

Duty Cycle – Refer to “Pulse Width Modulation”  .

Electronic Engine Control – The electronic engine

control is a complete electronic system. The

electronic engine control monitors the engine

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Systems Operation Section

13 – The device requires calibration.

Inlet Manifold Air Temperature Sensor – The inlet

manifold air temperature sensor detects the air

temperature in the inlet manifold.

14 – There is a special instruction for the device.

15 – The signal from the device is high (least severe)


Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor – The Inlet Manifold

Pressure Sensor measures the pressure in the inlet

manifold. The pressure in the inlet manifold may be

different to the pressure outside the engine

(atmospheric pressure). The difference in pressure

may be caused by an increase in air pressure by a


16 – The signal from the device is high (moderate

severity) .

31 – The device has failed and the engine has shut


Integrated Electronic Controls – The engine is

designed with the electronic controls as a necessary

part of the system. The engine will not operate

without the electronic controls.

Flash File – This file is software that is inside the

ECM. The file contains all the instructions (software)

for the ECM and the file contains the performance

maps for a specific engine. The file may be

reprogrammed through flash programming.

J1939 CAN Data Link – This data link is a SAE

standard diagnostic communications data link that is

used to communicate between the ECM and other

electronic devices.

Flash Programming – Flash programming is the

method of programming or updating an ECM with an

electronic service tool over the data link instead of

replacing components.

Logged Diagnostic Codes – Logged diagnostic

codes are codes which are stored in the memory.

These codes are an indicator of possible causes for

intermittent problems. Refer to the term  “Diagnostic

Code”  for more information.

Fuel Injection Pump – This is a device that supplies

fuel under pressure to the fuel injectors and controls

the injection timing.

Fuel Ratio Control (FRC) – The FRC is a limit that is

based on the control of the ratio of the fuel to air. The

FRC is used for purposes of emission control. When

the ECM senses a lower inlet manifold air pressure

(less air into the cylinder), the FRC decreases the

FRC Limit (less fuel into the cylinder).

NOx Reduction System – The NOx Reduction

System recycles a portion of the exhaust gases back

into the inlet air in order to reduce the formation of

nitrous oxide (NOx) in the combustion process. The

recycled exhaust gas passes through a cooler before

being introduced into the inlet air.

Full Load Setting (FLS) – The FLS is the number

that represents the fuel system adjustment. This

adjustment is made at the factory in order to fine-tune

the fuel system. The correct value for this parameter

is stamped on the engine information ratings plate.

This parameter must be programmed.

OEM – OEM is an abbreviation for the Original

Equipment Manufacturer. This is the manufacturer of

the application that uses the engine.

Open Circuit – An open circuit is a condition that is

caused by an open switch, or by an electrical wire or

a connection that is broken. When this condition

exists, the signal or the supply voltage can no longer

reach the intended destination.

Full Torque Setting (FTS) – The FTS is the

parameter that represents the adjustment for the

engine torque. This adjustment is made at the factory

in order to fine-tune the fuel system. This adjustment

is made with the FLS. This parameter must be


Parameter – A parameter is a value or a limit that is

programmable. This helps determine specific

characteristics or behaviors of the engine.

Glow Plug – The glow plug is an optional starting aid

for cold conditions. One glow plug is installed in each

combustion chamber in order to improve the ability of

the engine to start. The ECM uses information from

the engine sensors such as the engine temperature

to determine when the glow plug relay must provide

power to each glow plug. Each of the glow plugs then

provides a very hot surface in the combustion

chamber in order to vaporize the mixture of air and

fuel. This improves ignition during the compression

stroke of the cylinder.

Password – A password is a group of numeric

characters or a group of alphanumeric characters that

is designed to restrict access to parameters.

Power Cycling – Power cycling refers to the action of

cycling the keyswitch from any position to the OFF

position, and to the START/RUN position.

Programmable Software – The software is

programmed into the ECM. The software contains all

the instructions (software) for the ECM and the

software contains the performance maps for a

specific engine. The software may be reprogrammed

through flash programming.

Glow Plug Relay – The glow plug relay is controlled

by the ECM in order to provide high current to the

glow plugs that are used in the starting aid system.

Primary Speed Sensor – This sensor determines

the position of the crankshaft during engine operation.

If the primary speed sensor fails during engine

operation, the secondary speed sensor is used to

provide the signal.

Harness – The harness is the bundle of wiring (loom)

that connects all components of the electronic


Hertz (Hz) – Hertz is the unit of frequency in cycles

per second.

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Systems Operation Section

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) – The PWM is a

signal that consists of pulses that are of variable

width. These pulses occur at fixed intervals. The ratio

of  “TIME ON” versus total “TIME OFF”  can be

varied. This ratio is also referred to as a duty cycle.

Signal – The signal is a voltage or a waveform that is

used in order to transmit information typically from a

sensor to the ECM.

Supply Voltage – The supply voltage is a continuous

voltage that is supplied to a component in order to

provide the electrical power that is required for the

component to operate. The power may be generated

by the ECM or the power may be battery voltage that

is supplied by the engine wiring.

System Configuration Parameters – System

configuration parameters are parameters that affect

emissions and/or operating characteristics of the


Tattletale – Certain parameters that affect the

operation of the engine are stored in the ECM. These

parameters can be changed by use of the electronic

service tool. The tattletale logs the number of

changes that have been made to the parameter. The

tattletale is stored in the ECM.

“T”  Harness – This harness is a test harness that is

designed to permit normal circuit operation and the

measurement of the voltage simultaneously.

Typically, the harness is inserted between the two

ends of a connector.

Throttle Position – The throttle position is the

interpretation by the ECM of the signal from the

throttle position sensor or the throttle switch.

Illustration 7


Rated Fuel Limit – This is a limit that is based on the

power rating of the engine and on the engine rpm.

The Rated Fuel Limit enables the engine power and

torque outputs to conform to the power and torque

curves of a specific engine model. These limits are in

the flash file and these limits cannot be changed.

Throttle Position Sensor – The throttle position

sensor is an electronic sensor that is usually

connected to an accelerator pedal or a hand lever.

This sensor sends a signal to the ECM that is used to

calculate desired engine speed.

Top Center Position – The top center position refers

to the crankshaft position when the engine piston

position is at the highest point of travel. The engine

must be turned in the normal direction of rotation in

order to reach this point.

Reference Voltage – Reference voltage is a

regulated voltage and a steady voltage that is

supplied by the ECM to a sensor. The reference

voltage is used by the sensor to generate a signal


Total Tattletale – The total tattletale is the total

number of changes to all the parameters that are

stored in the ECM.

Relay – A relay is an electromechanical switch. A

flow of electricity in one circuit is used to control the

flow of electricity in another circuit. A small current or

voltage is applied to a relay in order to switch a much

larger current or voltage.

Wait To Start Lamp – This is a lamp that is included

in the cold starting aid circuit in order to indicate when

the wait to start period is active. The lamp will go off

when the engine is ready to be started. The glow

plugs may not have deactivated at this point in time.

Secondary Speed Sensor – This sensor determines

the position of the camshaft during engine operation.

If the primary speed sensor fails during engine

operation, the secondary speed sensor is used to

provide the signal.

Wastegate – This is a device in a turbocharged

engine that controls the maximum boost pressure that

is provided to the inlet manifold.

Sensor – A sensor is a device that is used to detect

the current value of pressure or temperature, or

mechanical movement. The information that is

detected is converted into an electrical signal.

Short Circuit – A short circuit is a condition that has

an electrical circuit that is inadvertently connected to

an undesirable point. An example of a short circuit is

a wire which rubs against a vehicle frame and this

rubbing eventually wears off the wire insulation.

Electrical contact with the frame is made and a short

circuit results.

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Systems Operation Section


Electronic Control System


The engine has an Electronic Control Module (ECM).

There are also a number of engine sensors. The

ECM controls the engine operating parameters

through the software within the ECM and the inputs

from the various sensors. The software contains

parameters that control the engine operation. The

parameters include all of the operating maps and

customer-selected parameters.

The electronic control system has the following


•   ECM

•   Pressure sensors

•   Temperature sensors

•   Crankshaft speed sensors

Illustration 9 is a block diagram of the control system

on a normally aspirated engine. Illustrations 8  and 10

are block diagrams of the control system on

turbocharged engines.

Block diagram for the 403F-15T engine

Illustration 8


Typical example

(1) Air cleaner

(2) Air inlet temperaturesensor

(3) Aftertreatment Regeneration Device

(ARD) air pump

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Systems Operation Section

(4) ARD glow plug relay

(5) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) differential

pressure sensor

(6) ARD glow plug

(7) ARD combustion chamber temperature


(13) DPF outlet temperature sensor

(14) Boost pressure sensor

(15) ARD body

(16) ARD injector No.1

(17) ARD injector No.2

(18) Injector leak-off return line

(19) Coolant temperature sensor

(20) Primary speed sensor

(21) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(22) Engine

(25) Fuel injection pump and fuel control


(26) Fuel rack actuator

(27) Fuel rack position sensor

(28) Fuel transfer pump

(29) Secondary fuel filter

(30) Primary fuel filter

(31) In line fuel filter

(8) Turbocharger

(9) ARD combustion chamber

(10) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and


(32) Fuel tank

(33) Fuel restrictor

(11) DOC inlet temperature sensor

(12) DPF inlet temperaturesensor

(23) Oil pressure switch

(24) Engine glow plug relay

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Block diagram for the 404F-22 engine

Illustration 9


Typical example

(1) Air cleaner

(10) DOC inlet temperature sensor

(22) Engine glow plug relay

(2) Air inlet temperaturesensor

(3) Aftertreatment Regeneration Device

(ARD) air pump

(4) ARD glow plug relay

(5) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) differential

pressure sensor

(6) ARD glow plug

(7) ARD combustion chamber temperature


(11) DPF inlet temperature sensor

(12) DPF outlet temperature sensor

(13) ARD body

(14) ARD injector No.1

(15) ARD injector No.2

(16) Injector leak-off return line

(17) Coolant temperature sensor

(18) Primary speed sensor

(19) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(20) Engine

(23) Fuel injection pump and fuel control


(24) Fuel rack actuator

(25) Fuel rack position sensor

(26) Fuel transfer pump

(27) Secondary fuel filter

(28) Primary fuel filter

(29) In line fuel filter

(30) Fuel tank

(31) Fuel restrictor

(8) ARD combustion chamber

(9) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and


(21) Oil pressure switch

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Block diagram for the 404F-22T engine

Illustration 10


Typical example

(1) Air cleaner

(12) DPF inlet temperature sensor

(26) Engine glow plug relay

(2) Air inlet temperaturesensor

(3) Aftertreatment Regeneration Device

(ARD) air pump

(4) ARD glow plug relay

(5) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) differential

pressure sensor

(6) ARD glow plug

(7) ARD combustion chamber temperature


(13) DPF outlet temperature sensor

(14) Boost pressure sensor

(15) ARD body

(16) ARD injector No.1

(17) ARD injector No.2

(27) Fuel injection pump and fuel control


(28) Fuel rack actuator

(29) Fuel rack position sensor

(30) Fuel transfer pump

(31) Secondary fuel filter

(32) Primary fuel filter

(33) In line fuel filter

(18) Valve for the NOx Reduction System


(19) Exhaust gas cooler (NRS)

(20) Injector leak-off return line

(21) Coolant temperature sensor

(22) Primary speed sensor

(23) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(24) Engine

(34) Fuel tank

(35) Fuel restrictor

(8) Turbocharger

(9) ARD combustion chamber

(10) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and


(11) DOC inlet temperature sensor

(25) Oil pressure switch

Sensor Locations for the Engine

The illustrations in this section show the typical

locations of the sensors for the industrial engine.

Specific engines may appear different from the

illustration due to differences in applications.

Note: In the following illustrations, some components

have been removed in order to improve visibility.

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 11


Sensor locations on the left side of the 403F-15T engine

(1) Coolant temperature sensor

(2) Primary speed sensor

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 12


Close up views of sensor locations on the left side of the 403F-15T engine

(1) Coolant temperature sensor

(2) Primary speed sensor

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 13


Sensor and component locations on the top and right side of the 403F-15T engine

(3) DPF differential pressure sensor

(4) ARD glow plug

(5) ARD glow plug resistor

(7) Oil pressure switch

(8) Air inlet temperaturesensor

(9) ARD air pump

(11) Fuel injection pump and fuel control rack

(12) Fuel rack solenoid and position sensor

(13) Electric fuel priming pump

(6) Boost pressure sensor (if equipped)

(10) Secondary speed sensor

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 14


Close-up views of sensor and component locations on the top and right side of the 403F-15T engine

(3) DPF differential pressure sensor

(4) ARD glow plug

(5) ARD glow plug resistor

(7) Oil pressure switch

(8) Air inlet temperaturesensor

(9) ARD air pump

(11) Fuel pump and fuel rack

(12) Fuel rack solenoid and position sensor

(13) Electric fuel lift pump

(6) Boost pressure sensor (if equipped)

(10) Secondary speed sensor

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 15


Typical sensor locations on the left side of the 404F-22 engines

(14) Coolant temperaturesensor

(15) Primary speed sensor

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 16


Close-up views of typical sensor locations on the left side of the 404F-22 engines

(14) Coolant temperaturesensor

(15) Primary speed sensor

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 17


Typical sensor locations on the right side and top of the 404, F-22 engines

(16) DPF differential pressure sensor

(17) ARD glow plug

(20) Air inlet temperaturesensor

(21) ARD air pump

(23) Fuel injection pump and fuel control


(18) Boost pressure sensor (if equipped)

(19) Oil pressure switch

(22) Secondary speed sensor

(24) Fuel rack solenoid and position sensor

(25) Electric fuel priming pump

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 18


Close-up views of typical sensor locations on the right side and top of the 404F-22  engines

(16) DPF differential pressure sensor

(17) ARD glow plug

(20) Air inlet temperaturesensor

(21) ARD air pump

(23) Fuel injection pump and fuel control


(18) Boost pressure sensor (if equipped)

(19) Oil pressure switch

(22) Secondary speed sensor

(24) Fuel rack solenoid and position sensor

(25) Electric fuel priming pump

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Systems Operation Section

Sensor Locations for the Clean Emissions Module

Illustration 19


Sensors and components on a typical Clean Emissions Module (CEM)

(1) DPF outlet pressure connection

(2) DPF intake pressure connection

(3) DOC intake temperaturesensor

(4) DPF intake temperaturesensor

(5) DPF outlet temperaturesensor

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Systems Operation Section


Engine Speed

The ECM has software that compares the desired

engine speed to the actual engine speed. The actual

engine speed is determined through the crankshaft

speed sensor. If the desired engine speed is greater

than the actual engine speed, the ECM will instruct

the fuel injection pump to supply more fuel to the fuel

injectors in order to increase engine speed.

Fuel Injection

The programmable software inside the ECM sets

certain limits on the amount of fuel that can be

provided to the fuel injectors.

The ECM controls the following characteristics:

•   Operation of the NOx reduction system (if


•   Regeneration

Diagnostic Codes

Illustration 20


When the ECM detects an electronic system

problem, the ECM generates a diagnostic code. Also,

the ECM logs the diagnostic code in order to indicate

the time of the problem's occurrence. The ECM also

logs the number of occurrences of the problem.

Diagnostic codes are provided in order to indicate

that the ECM has detected an electrical problem or

an electronic problem with the engine control system.

In some cases, the engine performance can be

affected when the condition that is causing the code


Typical example

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) (1) functions as

a computer for the fuel system.

The electronic system consists of the ECM, the

engine sensors, and inputs from the application. The

ECM is the computer. The flash file is the software for

the computer. The flash file contains the operating

maps. The operating maps define the following

characteristics of the engine:

If the operator indicates that a performance problem

occurs, the diagnostic code may indicate the cause of

the problem. Use a laptop computer to access the

diagnostic codes. The problem should then be


•   Engine rating

•   Torque curves

•   High and low idle speed (rpm)

•   Emissions

Event Codes

The ECM has an excellent record of reliability. Any

problems in the system are most likely to be the

connectors and the wiring harness. The ECM should

be the last item in troubleshooting the engine.

Event Codes are used to indicate that the ECM has

detected an abnormal engine operating condition.

The ECM will log the occurrence of the event code.

This does not indicate an electrical malfunction or an

electronic malfunction. If the temperature of the

coolant in the engine is higher than the permitted

limit, then the ECM will detect the condition. The ECM

will then log an event code for the condition.

The programmable software contains all the fuel

setting information. The information determines the

engine performance.

Speed Sensors

Flash programming is the method of programming or

updating the programmable software. Refer to

Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming” for the

instructions on the flash programming of the

programmable software.

The engine has two speed sensors installed to

measure crankshaft speed.

The ECM is sealed and the ECM needs no routine

adjustment or maintenance.

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 21


Typical example

The primary speed sensor (1) is located on the left-

hand side of the engine towards the bottom of the

front housing.

The primary speed sensor generates a signal by

detecting the movement of the crankshaft. The signal

that is generated by the speed sensor is transmitted

to the ECM.

The ECM uses the signal from the speed sensor to

determine the engine speed.

Illustration 22


Typical example

The secondary speed sensor (2) is located on the

right-hand side of the engine towards the top of the

front housing.

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Illustration 23


Typical example

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Pressure Sensors and Switches

Illustration 24


Typical example

The boost pressure sensor is an active sensor.

The boost pressure sensor provides the ECM with a

measurement of inlet manifold pressure.

The operating range of the boost pressure sensor is

39 to 400 kPa (6 to 58 psi).

The engine oil pressure switch provides the ECM with

a measurement of engine oil pressure. The ECM can

warn the operator of possible conditions that can

damage the engine. This includes the detection of an

oil filter that is blocked.

The engine oil pressure switch is operated when a

pressure of 50 to 80 kPa (7 to 12 psi) is detected.

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Systems Operation Section

Temperature Sensors

Illustration 25


Typical example

The air inlet temperature sensor and the coolant

temperature sensor are passive sensors. Each

sensor provides a temperature input to the ECM. The

ECM controls following operations:

•   Fuel delivery

The operating range for the sensors .....−40° to 130°C

(−40° to 234°F)

The sensors are also used for engine monitoring.


Fuel System

General Operation of the Fuel


Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,

“General Information” for locations of the components

for the fuel system.

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 26


Typical example

(1) Fuel tank

(2) Primary fuel filter/water separator

(3) Fuel transfer pump

(4) Secondary fuel filter

(5) Fuel injection pump

(6) Fuel injectors

(7) Fuel return line from the fuel injection

pump and the fuel injectors to the fuel


When the engine is cranking, the fuel is pulled from

the fuel tank (1) by the electric fuel transfer pump (3).

A primary fuel filter/water separator (2) is installed

between the fuel tank (1) and the fuel transfer pump

(3). The primary fuel filter/water separator has an

inline style filter. Refer to Operation and Maintenance

Manual for more information on the service of the

primary fuel filter/water separator. The fuel transfer

pump forces the fuel through the secondary fuel filter

(4) to the fuel injection pump (5).

The fuel injection pump sends fuel at high pressure to

each fuel injector nozzle (6). The fuel injector nozzle

sprays fuel into a precombustion chamber which

slows the rate of combustion in the cylinder. The

following items will result from reducing the rate of

fuel combustion: prevention of engine knock,

reduction of noise and reduction of emissions.

The secondary fuel filter (4) can also function as a

water separator. The secondary fuel filter can be

drained through a valve that is located at the bottom

of the filter housing.

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The fuel rack is connected to the linkage, which

controls the fuel injection pump. This linkage is

located in the front housing.

These engines have a mechanical governor in order

to control engine speed. The governor operates for all

engine rpm. The governor weight assembly is

installed on the front of the gear of the camshaft. The

other components of the governor are installed in the

front housing.

Illustration 27


Phases of operation of the fuel injection nozzle

(A) Closed valve

(B) Open valve

(C) Fully open valve

The fuel injection nozzle injects fuel into the

precombustion chamber at different angles during

two phases. Most of the fuel is injected when the

valve is fully open (C). This process is called indirect

fuel injection. The results are more even combustion

and complete combustion of the fuel at a reduced

temperature. Improved fuel combustion will increase

power output while reducing emissions and reducing

fuel consumption.

Excess fuel from the fuel injection nozzles and the

fuel injection pump flows through fuel return line (7),

through the injectors in the ARD and back to the fuel

tank (1). The excess fuel aids the cooling of the fuel

injection nozzles. Also, the fuel return line removes

any air that is trapped in the fuel injection nozzles and

the fuel injection pump.

Illustration 28


Typical example of the governor control mechanism

in the front housing

(1) Connection for the linkage to the fuel injection pump

(2) Control lever

(3) Lever return spring

(4) Governor adjustment screw

(5) Arm

The fuel injection pump needs fuel for lubrication. If

the precision parts of the pump are not adequately

lubricated, the components may be easily damaged.

The engine must not be started until the fuel injection

pump is full of fuel that is free of air.

The movement of the governor weight assembly is

transferred to the fuel rack on the fuel injection pump

by the control lever (2), the governor lever (5), and the

linkage to the fuel injection pump. The governor main

spring (3) connects the governor lever to the control

lever. The governor main spring controls the

movement of the governor weight assembly on the

camshaft. When the angle of the control lever

changes, the tension on the governor main spring

changes. This action controls the linkage to the fuel

rack on the fuel injection pump, which controls the

engine rpm.

The system must be primed by the electric fuel

priming pump when any part of the system is drained

of fuel. The following list contains examples of both

service and repairs when you must prime the system:

•   The fuel filter is changed.

•   The low-pressure fuel line is removed.

•   The fuel injection pump is removed.

•   The fuel injection nozzles are removed.

•   The fuel tank is drained.

The maximum fuel adjustment screw is mounted in

the front housing. The maximum fuel adjustment

screw is set to the full fuel position. This limits the

maximum fuel that can be injected into the engine in

case the fuel rack solenoid and position sensor is in

fully open position. The fuel rack solenoid and

position sensor controls the fuel delivery by limiting

the mechanical fuel allowance.

•   A leak exists in the low-pressure side of the fuel


In order to release air from the fuel injection pump

and the fuel injection nozzles, refer to Systems

Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Fuel System -


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Adjustments to the pump timing should only be made

by personnel that have had the correct training. The

timing for the fuel injection pump should only change

if the camshaft or the cylinder block are replaced. The

fuel injection pump timing should not change if the

fuel injection pump is reinstalled with a shim that is

the same size.

The fuel injection pump is a pressurized system that

is totally enclosed. The pump sends the correct

amount of fuel under high pressure at the correct time

through the fuel injection nozzles to the individual

cylinders. The fuel injection occurs near the end of

the compression stroke. The fuel injection pump

regulates the amount of fuel that is delivered to the

fuel injection nozzles. This action controls the engine

rpm by the governor setting or the position of the

throttle control.

The fuel rack automatically returns to the excess fuel

position when the engine is stopped. The excess fuel

position aids the cold starting of the engine.

The camshaft is driven by the idler gear in the front

gear case. Lobes on the camshaft cause the pushrod

for each cylinder to reciprocate. The reciprocating

motion first draws the fuel. The reciprocating motion

then pressurizes the fuel. A fuel delivery valve (2) for

each cylinder acts as a check valve in order to

A spring connects the linkage to the fuel injection

pump and mechanical stop control (2). When the

engine is first started, the spring automatically

increases the fuel flow to the cylinders.

Fuel Injection Pump

prevent a loss of pressure to the fuel injection nozzle.

The correct operation of the fuel injection pump

requires the pump to be completely full of fuel and

empty of air. When vent screw (5) is loosened, air can

escape from the fuel injection pump.

The fuel injection pump will lubricate the components

during operation.

Fuel Injection Nozzles

Illustration 29


Fuel injection pump (typical example)

(1) Fuel line to the fuel injection nozzles

(2) Fuel delivery valve

(3) Nuts and bolts for mounting the fuel injection pump to the

cylinder block

Illustration 30


(1) Fuel injection nozzle

(2) Washer

(4) Shim

(5) Vent screw for the fuel injection pump

(6) Fuel flow from the fuel transfer pump

The washer (2) helps to prevent blowby. The washer

also sets the projection of the fuel injection nozzle (1)

into the precombustion chamber. This projection

affects the time that is required for combustion in the

cylinder. If the projection is excessive, engine knock

can occur at high rpm.

The engines have the energized-to-run system for

starting the engine and stopping the engine. The fuel

rack solenoid and position sensor must be energized

in order for fuel to flow to the engine cylinders.

Note: When a fuel injection nozzle (1) is installed in

the cylinder head, a new washer (2) should be


The fuel injection pump is a cassette type pump. The

cassette type pump contains the following

components: fuel delivery valves, fuel rack and

pushrods. The fuel injection pump is installed directly

into the cylinder block.

The operating pressure of the fuel injection nozzle is

set and tested at the factory. Refer to Specifications,

“Fuel Injection Nozzles” for the pressure settings of

the fuel injection nozzle.

The part number and code letters for the fuel injection

pump are stamped on the front of the pump.

During operation, extra fuel is used as coolant and

lubricant for components of the fuel injection nozzle.

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Systems Operation Section

Fuel Transfer Pump

The mixture of air and fuel is compressed in the

cylinder in order to heat the mixture to the

temperature of combustion.

Power to the electric fuel transfer pump is supplied

through a relay when the keyswitch is turned to the

START position. The motor that is located inside the

electric fuel transfer pump will start to spin. The

electric fuel transfer pump then creates a vacuum in

order to force fuel from the fuel tank. Pressure is

created in order to pump the fuel to the fuel injection


3.  Power

The mixture of air and fuel ignites at the top of the

compression stroke. The expansion of gases from

the combustion forces the piston downward. This

force creates the power of the engine.

The outlet valve and the inlet valve operate as check

valves. The valves maintain residual fuel pressure in

the fuel system when the electric fuel transfer pump is

not operating. The valves also prevent fuel from

flowing in the wrong direction.

4.  Exhaust

The piston moves upward in order to force the

gases of combustion from the cylinder through the

open exhaust valve.

Glow Plugs

The sequence of the strokes by all of the pistons in all

of the engine cylinders provides constant air flow from

the air inlet system during the engine operation.

Each cylinder has a glow plug in order to aid the cold

starting of the engine. The glow plugs are controlled

by the Electronic Control Module (ECM).


In cold ambient temperatures, energizing the glow

plugs for a time period will heat the cylinder

sufficiently for easy starting of the engine.

A turbocharger increases the temperature and the

density of the air that is sent to the engine cylinder.

This condition causes a lower temperature of ignition

to develop earlier in the compression stroke. The

compression stroke is also timed in a more accurate

way with the fuel injection. Surplus air lowers the

temperature of combustion. This surplus air also

provides internal cooling.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cold

Weather Starting” for the correct method of starting

the engine is cold conditions.


A turbocharger improves the following aspects of

engine performance:

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

•   Power output is increased.

•   Engine torque is increased.

•   Engine efficiency is increased.

Naturally aspirated engines pull outside air through

an air cleaner directly into the inlet manifold. The air

flows from the inlet manifold to the engine cylinders.

The fuel is mixed with the air in the engine cylinders.

After the fuel combustion occurs in the engine

cylinder, the exhaust gases flow directly to the outside

air through the exhaust manifold and the exhaust


Turbocharged engines pull outside air through an air

cleaner into the air intake of the turbocharger. The

suction is caused by the turbocharger compressor

wheel. Then, the turbocharger compressor wheel

compresses the air. The air flows through the inlet

manifold which directs an even distribution of the air

to each engine cylinder. Air is pulled into the engine

cylinder during the intake stroke of the piston. Then,

the air is mixed with fuel from the fuel injection


Each piston makes four strokes:

1.  Intake

Air is drawn into the cylinder through the open inlet

valve. Fuel is sprayed into the engine by the fuel

injection nozzle.

2.  Compression

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Systems Operation Section

NOx Reduction System (NRS) -

Turbocharged Engines

The NOx Reduction System (NRS) operates with the

transfer of the hot exhaust gas from the exhaust

manifold to the exhaust cooler. The hot exhaust gas

is cooled in the exhaust cooler. The now cooled

exhaust gas passes through the assembly of the

exhaust gas valve to an electronic controlled valve.

The electronically controlled valve is electronically

actuated. The valve is controlled by the Electronic

Control Module (ECM).

The reed valves that are located in the exhaust gas

valve (NRS) have two main functions. The first

function is to prevent the reverse flow of charge air

from the inlet side of the engine to the exhaust side of

the engine. The second function of the reed valve is

to obtain exhaust gas when the peak exhaust

pressure is above the average inlet pressure.

The electronically controlled valve opens to allow the

flow of cooled exhaust gas from the exhaust cooler to

mix with the air flow from the inlet. The mixing of the

cooled exhaust gas and the air flow from the inlet

reduces the oxygen content of the gas mixture. This

results in a lower combustion temperature, so

decreases the production of NOx.

Illustration 31


Components of a turbocharger (typical example)

(1)  Air intake

(2) Compressor housing

(3) Compressor wheel

(4) Bearing

In some instances, the engine will need to use the

electronically controlled exhaust gas valve for the

NOx Reduction System (NRS) in order to generate

the required flow of exhaust gas.

(5) Oil inlet port

(6) Bearing

(7) Turbine housing

(8) Turbine wheel

(9) Exhaust outlet

(10) Oil outlet port

(11) Exhaust inlet

Cylinder Head And Valves

A turbocharger is installed between the exhaust and

intake manifolds. The turbocharger is driven by

exhaust gases which flow through the exhaust inlet

(11). The energy of the exhaust gas turns the turbine

wheel (8). Then, the exhaust gas flows out of the

turbine housing (7) through the exhaust outlet (9).

Turbine wheel (8) and compressor wheel (3) are

installed on the same shaft. Therefore, turbine wheel

(8) and compressor wheel (3) rotate at the same rpm.

The compressor wheel is enclosed by compressor

housing (2). The compressor wheel compresses the

intake air. The intake air flows into the engine

cylinders through the inlet valves of the cylinders.

The oil from the main gallery of the cylinder block

flows through the oil inlet port (5) in order to lubricate

the turbocharger bearings (4) and (6). The

pressurized oil passes through the bearing housing of

the turbocharger. The oil is returned through the oil

outlet port (10) to the oil pan.

The turbocharger has a wastegate. The wastegate is

controlled by the boost pressure. This allows some of

the exhaust gases to bypass the turbine wheel at

higher engine speeds. The wastegate is a type of

flapper valve that automatically opens at a preset

level of boost pressure in order to allow exhaust gas

to flow around the turbine. The wastegate allows the

design of the turbocharger to be more effective at

lower engine speeds.

Illustration 32


Cross section of the inlet and exhaust valves in the

cylinder head (typical example)

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Systems Operation Section

The camshaft gear is driven by the idler gear. The

camshaft gear, the idler gear, and the crankshaft gear

are timed together. When the camshaft turns, the

valve lifters are moved up and down. The pushrods

move the rocker arms. The rocker arms make the

inlet valves and the exhaust valves open and close.

This is in sequence with the firing order of the engine.

The valve springs force the valves back to the closed


Crankcase Breather


The crankcase breather gases are part of the engines

measured emissions output.  Any tampering with the

breather system  could invalidate  the engines  emis-

sions compliance.

The engine has a low-pressure closed circuit breather

system installed.

The valve mechanism cover contains a closed

breather assembly. The breather is sealed from the

outside air by a diaphragm. The gases in the valve

cover, which are caused by blowby, pass from the

crankcase to the next component depending on the

type of aspiration system the engine has.

Illustration 33


Cylinder head and valves (typical example)

(1) Collets

(2) Valve spring retainer

(3) Valve spring

(4) Valve seal

On the naturally aspirated engine, the crankcase gas

is recirculated internally directly into the inlet

manifold. The inlet connection is a straight out

connection. The inlet connection contains the inlet

temperature sensor and the air supply for the air


(5) Valve guide

(6) Cylinder head

(7) Cylinder head gasket

(8) Pushrod

(9) Lifter

(10) Exhaust valve

(11) Inlet valve

On the turbocharged engine, the crankcase gas is

routed through an external pipe from the valve

mechanism cover to the Oil Mist Separator (OMS).

This uses a filter element to separate the oil vapor

from the blow-by gases. The gas exits the filter. The

gas is then piped into the air inlet hose. The gas then

flows into the turbocharger before entering the engine

again through the inlet manifold.

The valves and the rocker shaft assembly control the

flow of air into the cylinders and out of the cylinders

during engine operation. The cylinder head assembly

has two valves for each cylinder. Each valve has one

valve spring (3). The ports for inlet valve (11) and

exhaust valve (10) are on the left side of the cylinder


The valve moves along a steel valve guide (5). The

valve guides can be replaced.


The inlet valve and the exhaust valve are opened and

closed by the rotation and movement of the following


Clean Emissions Module

•   Crankshaft

•   Idler gear

To meet current emissions legislation requirements, a

small amount of certain chemical compounds that are

emitted by the engine must not be allowed to enter

the atmosphere.

•   Camshaft

•   Valve lifters

•   Pushrods

•   Rocker arms

•   Valve springs

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 34


Typical example

(1) Aftertreatment Regeneration Device


(2) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)

(3) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

The CEM for the engine consists of the following


If applicable, a flexible exhaust pipe can connect the

engine to the Clean Emissions Module (CEM). Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly for the correct

procedure to install the flexible exhaust pipe.

•   Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD)

•   Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)

•   Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

The solid particulate matter that is collected by the

DPF consists of soot (carbon) from incomplete

combustion of the fuel and inorganic ash from the

combustion of any oil in the cylinder.

The Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) oxidizes the

carbon monoxide and the hydrocarbons that are not

burnt in the exhaust gas into carbon dioxide and

water. This is a through flow device that will continue

to operate during all normal engine operating


The rate of accumulation of ash is slow. The filter is

designed to contain all the ash that is produced until

the defined service interval. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual for more information.

The soot that is collected must be removed at regular

intervals by a process of regeneration.

The wall flow Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) collects

all solid particulate matter in the exhaust gas.

The wall flow DPF continuously regenerates at

modest temperatures, using passive regeneration to

continually control soot loading.

The Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD)

increases the exhaust gas temperature to a sufficient

level. The soot that is collected in the DPF is


Active regeneration occurs when the engine does not

create enough heat in order to regenerate the DPF.

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Systems Operation Section

Air is supplied to the ARD through pressurized air

from the turbocharger and air pump. Fuel is supplied

from the leakoff line to the ARD.

Limited speed strategy – The limited speed strategy

will be activated after the soot level has reached 100

percent. At this time, the engine will automatically

drop to the programmed speed of 1800 rpm with 50

percent engine load. The only method to unlock the

limited speed is to perform a regeneration.

Fuel is injected onto a wire gauze by the first injector.

The fuel is ignited by the glow plug. The ARD is air


Forced engine shutdown strategy – The forced

engine shutdown strategy will be activated when the

soot level reaches 140 percent soot level. The engine

will operate between 800 and 1800 rpm. After 30

seconds, the engine will automatically shut down.

The engine can be restarted but will only operate for

30 seconds before shutting down again.

The combustion of the fuel generates heat. Once the

temperature recorded by the inlet temperature sensor

has reached 300° C (572° F), the second injector will

inject fuel into the exhaust gas stream. The fuel from

the second injector ignites when the fuel comes into

contact with the face of the DOC due to the heat

created by first injection event.

Force Switch Regeneration – Regeneration initiated

by the force switch is allowed at all times.

The DOC oxidizes the soot into carbon dioxide, which

then passes through the filter and into the


Passive Regeneration – Passive regeneration is

allowed at all times.

The ARD may automatically switch ON and OFF. The

ARD may be manually controlled by the operator. The

ARD is controlled by the sensor for the soot level. The

sensor for the level of soot will ensure that the level of

soot in the filter is kept within limits. This is referred to

as a regeneration of the filter.

Active Regeneration – Active regeneration will be

allowed once soot level is greater than 60 percent.

Regeneration Types and Operating


In order to regenerate the DPF at the right time, the

engine ECM must know how much soot is in the DPF.

Measurement of soot is accomplished through the

following means:


There are two types of regeneration. These

regenerations are referred to as passive regeneration

and active regeneration.

•   Delta pressure measurement across the DPF

•   Calculated model based on developed engine out

soot measurements

Passive Regeneration

The soot level may be displayed as a graphical bar,

or as an actual percentage. Soot level can also be

viewed through the electronic service tool.

Passive regeneration occurs when the engine is

operating and the exhaust temperatures reach

sufficient levels.

The frequency of regeneration will depend on the

operating conditions of the engine. The frequency of

regeneration will depend on the ambient conditions of

the operation of the engine. Regeneration will be

most frequent if the application operates with a high

transient content or the atmospheric temperature or

the altitude is high.

Active Regeneration

Active regeneration occurs when the soot load in the

DPF reaches 60 percent. The ARD must be used to

create the heat necessary to regenerate the DPF.

The ARD may perform an active regeneration while

the engine is at any operating condition.

Soot Level Outputs

Active regenerations consume more fuel and take a

shorter time to complete compared to passive

regenerations. This longer time is due to maintaining

lower desired DPF inlet temperatures to avoid

damaging the DPF from extreme changes in


The soot level percentage that is generated by the

engine ECM is used in determining:

•   When to activate the DPF lamp

•   When to activate the DPF and flashing warning

lamp (for high soot load events)

Active regeneration has one distinct operating region.

The operating region is determined by the soot level.

The region is between 60 and 140 percent soot level.

The parameters listed below outline the operating

criteria that are monitored to activate and sustain

active regeneration.

•   When to activate the forced engine shutdown


DPF Lamp – The DPF lamp will be illuminated at a

80 percent soot level on engines.

Note: All of the parameters listed below are

independently developed for each application. All

applications may not meet the exact criteria outlined


DPF and Flashing Warning Lamp – The action lamp

will be illuminated at a 100 percent soot level for

engines. The DPF lamp will remain on with the action


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Systems Operation Section

Regeneration switch – The disable regeneration

switch is not enabled.


Differential Pressure Sensor (DPF ) – This sensor

measures the difference in pressure of the gases as

the gases pass through the DPF.

Engine Coolant Temperature – The engine coolant

temperature should be above 70° C (158° F)

Engine Load Factor – The engine load factor should

be between 0 percent and 80 percent.

Inlet Temperature Sensor – This sensor determines

the temperature of the air that is entering the DOC

and the DPF.

DPF Outlet Temperature – The DPF outlet

temperature should be above 100° C (212° F).

Outlet Temperature Sensor – This sensor

determines the temperature of the air that is exiting

the DPF.

Manual Regenerations

Temperature Sensor – This sensor measures the

temperature within the ARD.

Manual regeneration is accomplished by pressing the

force regeneration switch. Refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual for correct location of switch.

Glow Plug

Fuel System for the Clean

Emissions Module

The orifice for the fuel creates a high amount of

atomization of the fuel for ignition and operation.

The fuel is sent directly to the ARD from the leakoff

line for the engine fuel injectors.



When an active regeneration begins, fuel to the ARD

fuel injectors is controlled by the ECM. The ECM

controls the amount of fuel based on the standard

regeneration control strategy. As the active

regeneration progresses, different levels of fuel are

required by the ARD.

The lubrication system contains the following


Excess fuel for the ARD is then returned to the fuel


•   Oil pump

•   Engine oil relief valve

•   Engine oil cooler (turbocharged engines)

•   Oil filter

Air System for the Clean Emissions


Exhaust Air

•   Oil pan

Exhaust air flows from the turbine housing to the

ARD. The exhaust air then flows through the DOC

and the DPF.

•   Oil strainer and suction pipe

•   Oil level gauge

Combustion Air

•   Oil pressure switch

•   An oil supply line to the cylinder head

An air pump supplies the pressurized air to the ARD.

There is a reed valve to stop exhaust gas going back

through the system when the air pump is not active.

The oil pump is contained within the idler gear. The

engine oil relief valve is installed in the right side of

the cylinder block.

The air supplied to the ARD is proportional to the

engine speed as the air pump is driven from the


The oil filter is a spin-on filter that is disposable.

The combustion air is used with the supplied fuel and

the glow plug to ignite the fuel in the wire gauze.

Electronic Controls

All electronic devices on the CEM are controlled by

the engine ECM. The ECM sends signals in order to

complete the following functions: sending fuel

pressure to the ARD, the ignition and the actuation of

the glow plug.

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Systems Operation Section

When the engine rpm increases, the flow rate of the

oil pump increases. The increase in the flow rate from

the oil pump causes the pressure to increase. The

relief valve opens if the oil pressure is too high. When

the oil pressure on the plunger of the relief valve is

greater than the force of the spring in the relief valve,

the relief valve opens. The lubricating oil which flows

through the relief valve is returned to the oil pan.

The oil filter is installed on the right side of the

cylinder block. Turbocharged engines have an engine

oil cooler that is installed between the oil filter and the

cylinder block. The oil flows through the oil filter into

the main oil gallery. The main oil gallery is drilled

through the total length of the right side of the cylinder


Illustration 35


Oil flows from the main oil gallery through an

externally mounted oil supply line to the cylinder

head. An oil pressure switch measures the oil

pressure at this location. This oil lubricates the rocker

arm assembly. The oil passes through the rocker

shaft to the bore of each rocker arm lever. Then, the

oil flows from the rocker arm levers through holes that

are located in the top of the rocker arm levers. The

valve stems, the valve springs, and the tappets are

lubricated by the splash and the mist of the oil.

Idler gear and components of the oil pump

(1) Snap ring

(2) Collar

(3) Spring

(4) Shim

(5) Oil pump cover

(6) Inner rotor

(7) Spring

(8) Outer rotor

(9) Bush

(10) Idler gear

(11) Thrust washer

The lubricating oil flows through drilled holes in the

main oil gallery to passages in the main journals of

the crankshaft. Then, the oil flows to the main

bearings of the crankshaft. Also, the oil flows through

passages in the crankshaft to the large end bearings

of the connecting rods. The piston bearings, the

pistons, and the cylinder bores are lubricated by the

splash and the mist of the oil.

Pressure for the lubrication system is supplied by an

engine oil pump which uses rotors. The oil pump is

part of the idler gear (10). The idler gear is driven by

the crankshaft gear.

The oil pump has an inner rotor (6) and an outer rotor

(8). The axes of rotation of the rotors are off-center

relative to each other. There is a pin that is inserted

through a hole in the oil pump cover (5) into the outer

rotor. The pin functions as a key in order to keep the

outer rotor in a fixed position with the idler gear.

A hole is located in the bore of each main bearing.

This hole allows oil to flow through passages that

lubricate the journals of the camshaft for the valves.

The bearing for the front journal receives oil from the

front main journal of the crankshaft. The camshaft is

lubricated by the splash of the oil.

The outer rotor is pressed into the bush (9). The bush

is pressed in, to the idler gear (10).

The timing gears are lubricated by the splash of the

oil. Lubricating oil from the timing case returns to the

oil pan.

The inner rotor has four lobes which mesh with the

five lobes of the outer rotor. When the outer lobe

rotates, the distance increases between the lobes of

the outer rotor and the lobes of the inner rotor in order

to create suction. Then, the space between the lobes

is filled with oil. When the distance decreases

between the lobes, pressure is created. This pressure

forces the oil into the chamber for the engine oil relief



Cooling System

Lubricating oil from the oil pan flows through a

strainer and a line to the suction side of the engine oil

pump. The suction side is in the timing gear case.

The lubricating oil flows from the outlet side of the

pump to a relief valve. The relief valve is installed on

the right side of the cylinder block. The lubricating oil,

which flows around the relief valve, flows to the oil


The coolant system contains the following


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•   Radiator


Basic Engine

•   Pressure cap for the radiator

•   Fan for the radiator

•   Drive pulley (if equipped) for the fan

•   Water pump

Cylinder Head and Block

The cylinder head assembly has one inlet valve and

one exhaust valve for each cylinder. Each valve has a

single valve spring and a valve seal. The valve and

the valve spring are held in position by a valve spring

retainer and two collets. The valve seal fits over the

top of the valve guide. The valve guides can be


•   Drive pulley for the water pump

•   Water temperature regulator

•   Housing for the water temperature regulator

•   Coolant temperature switch

The ports for the inlet and for the exhaust valves are

on the left side of the cylinder head.

The coolant flows from the bottom of the radiator to

the centrifugal water pump. The water pump is

installed on the cylinder block above the timing case.

The water pump is driven by a pulley. The crankshaft

pulley turns a belt which drives the pulley of the water


The cylinder block does not have cylinder liners. The

cylinder walls are honed.

The valve mechanism cover is made from aluminum.

The cover contains the following components:

The water pump forces the coolant to flow to the

water temperature regulator. When the engine is cold,

the water temperature regulator is closed. Then, the

coolant flows directly into the cylinder head. When the

engine warms, the water temperature regulator

begins to open. Then, the regulator allows some of

the coolant to flow to the top of the radiator.

•   A closed breather assembly

•   An oil filler cap

•   A seal for the face toward the cylinder head

•   Holes for four cap nuts

The regulator opens fully when the engine reaches

the normal operating temperature. When the

regulator is fully open, the flow to the radiator is the

maximum. However, the regulator does not close the

flow of coolant into the cylinder head.

•   Holes for two setscrews

The cap nuts are threaded onto studs. The steel

studs are threaded into the cylinder head.

The setscrews are threaded onto the cover for the

rocker shaft assembly.

Coolant flows continuously through the cylinder head

and the top of the cylinder block. This coolant flows

into the back of the water pump from the cylinder

block. This coolant then mixes with the coolant that is

pumped from the radiator by the water pump.

The valve mechanism cover contains a crankcase

breather. The gases in the valve cover, which are

caused by blowby, pass from the crankcase to the

inlet manifold.

The water temperature regulator maintains the

correct engine temperature by adjusting the direct

flow of coolant to the top of the radiator. The coolant

is cooled by the radiator. Heat is removed from the

coolant by cooler air which passes over the radiator

fins. The fan causes a high volume of air to flow

between the radiator fins in order to provide sufficient

cooling. The coolant flows from the radiator through

the bottom hose to the coolant pump.

Pistons and Connecting Rods

The pistons of the engine have a combustion

chamber in the crown of the piston in order to provide

an efficient mix of the fuel and the air.

The piston pin is off-center in order to reduce the

noise level.

The engine has a housing for the water temperature

regulator. The housing is installed on the left side of

the cylinder head.

The pistons have two compression rings and an oil

control ring.

The correct piston height is important in order to

ensure that the piston does not contact the cylinder

head. The correct piston height also ensures the

efficient combustion of fuel which is necessary in

order to conform to requirements for emissions. The

piston must not be machined in order to obtain the

correct piston height.

The water temperature regulator housing is mounted


A piston and connecting rod are matched to each


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Systems Operation Section

One height of piston is available. The inside of the

piston is marked “Shibaura” . This reference mark

faces the right side of the engine. Refer to Systems

Operation Testing and Adjusting, “Piston Height -

Inspect” for procedures to measure the piston height.

The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which then

turns the camshaft gear.

The idler gear contains the oil pump. The idler gear

turns the gear for the tachometer.

Identification marks on the connecting rod and the

connecting rod cap must align. The identification

marks face the right side of the engine.

The crankshaft pulley drives the pulley on the water

pump and the pulley which drives the alternator.


The main bearing caps have a chamfered edge on

one side. The chamfer faces the front of the engine.

Electrical System

Timing Gear Case and Gears

The timing gear case contains the following


Engine Electrical System

The electrical system has two separate circuits.

•   Charging circuit

•   Front oil seal for the crankshaft pulley

•   Bearing for the crankshaft gear

•   Engine oil pump

•   Starting circuit

Some of the electrical system components are used

in more than one circuit. The following items are

common in each of the circuits:

•   Adjustment screw for setting the maximum fuel


•   Adjustment screw for setting the maximum speed


•   Battery

•   Circuit breaker

•   Cables

•   Mechanical stop control

•   Linkage for the fuel injection pump

•   Fuel Control lever for the governor

•   Throttle

•   Wires for the battery

The charging circuit is in operation when the engine is

running. An alternator converts mechanical energy to

electrical energy for the charging circuit. A voltage

regulator in the circuit controls the electrical output in

order to keep the battery at full charge.

The crankshafts for the 403F-15 engines have four

main journal bearings. The crankshafts for the 404F-

22, and 404F-22T engines have five main journal

bearings. The crankshaft has a front bearing that is

pressed in the cylinder block.


The disconnect  switch, if  equipped, must  be  in the

ON position in order to let the electrical system  func-

tion. There  will be damage  to some of  the charging

circuit components  if the  engine is running  with the

disconnect switch in the OFF position.

The thrust washers are hemispherical in shape. The

403F-15 engines have two thrust washers that are

located on both sides of the bottom half of holder for

the rear main bearing. The 404F-22, and 404F-22T

engines have a third thrust washer that is located on

the rear side of the upper half of the holder for the

rear main bearing.

If the engine has a disconnect switch, the starting

circuit can operate only after the disconnect switch is

put in the “ON”   position.

Note: The thrust washers on the 403F-15 engines

are machined into the aluminum holder for the rear

main bearing.

The starting switch is in operation only when the start

switch is activated.

The crankshaft has a front oil seal and a rear oil seal.

The charging circuit is connected through the

ammeter. The starting circuit is not connected through

the ammeter.

The timing case is made of aluminum. The timing

gears are stamped with timing marks in order to

ensure the correct assembly of the gears.

The number one piston is at the top center position on

the compression stroke when the following timing

marks are aligned:

•   Idler gear, crankshaft gear and camshaft gear

•   Crankshaft pulley and timing case

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Systems Operation Section

Charging System Components



Never operate the alternator without the battery in the

circuit. Making  or breaking  an alternator connection

with heavy load  on the circuit can  cause damage to

the regulator.


Illustration 37


Typical regulator assembly

The voltage regulator is a solid-state electronic

switch. The voltage regulator senses the voltage of

the system. The regulator then uses switches to

control the current to the field windings. This controls

the voltage output in order to meet the electrical

demand of the system.

Starting System Components

Illustration 36



(1) Regulator


(2) Roller bearing

(3) Stator winding

(4) Ball bearing

(5) Rectifier bridge

(6) Field winding

(7) Rotor assembly

(8) Fan

The alternator is driven by the crankshaft pulley

through a belt. When the engine is running, the pulley

rotates the shaft inside the alternator. The rotor

assembly is attached to the shaft. The rotor assembly

has many magnetic poles. The magnetic poles are

similar to fingers. An air space exists between each of

the opposite poles. The poles have residual

magnetism that produces a small amount of magnet-

like lines of force (magnetic field). This magnetic field

is produced between the poles. As the rotor assembly

begins to turn between the field winding and the

stator windings, a small amount of alternating current

(AC) is produced in the stator windings. The

Illustration 38


Typical solenoid schematic

alternating current is produced from the small

magnetic lines of force that are created by the

residual magnetism of the poles. The AC is changed

into direct current (DC) when the current passes

through the diodes of the rectifier bridge. Most of this

current provides the battery charge and the supply for

the low amperage circuit. The remainder of the

current is sent to the field windings. The DC current

flow through the field windings (wires around an iron

core) increases the strength of the magnetic lines of

force. These stronger magnetic lines of force increase

the amount of AC that is produced in the stator

windings. The increased speed of the rotor assembly

also increases the current output of the alternator and

the voltage output of the alternator.

A solenoid is an electromagnetic switch that performs

two basic functions:

•   The solenoid closes the high current starting motor

circuit with a low current start switch circuit.

•   The solenoid engages the starting motor pinion

with the ring gear.

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Systems Operation Section

The solenoid has windings (one set or two sets)

around a hollow cylinder. A plunger with a spring load

device is inside of the cylinder. The plunger can move

forward and backward. When the start switch is

closed and electricity is sent through the windings, a

magnetic field is created. The magnetic field pulls the

plunger forward in the cylinder. This moves the shift

lever in order for the pinion drive gear to engage with

the ring gear. The front end of the plunger then makes

contact across the battery and across the motor

terminals of the solenoid. The starting motor then

begins to turn the flywheel of the engine.

The starting motor has a solenoid (2). When the start

switch is activated, solenoid (2) will move starter

pinion (4) in order to engage starter pinion (4) to the

ring gear on the engine flywheel. Starter pinion (4)

and the ring gear will engage when the circuit

between the battery and the starting motor is closed

by the electric contacts in solenoid (2). When the

circuit between the battery and the starting motor is

complete, starter pinion (4) will rotate the engine

flywheel. A clutch provides protection for the starting

motor so that the engine cannot turn the starting

motor too fast. When the switch is released, starter

pinion (4) will move away from the ring gear.

When the start switch is opened, current no longer

flows through the windings. The spring now returns

the plunger to the original position. At the same time,

the spring moves the pinion gear away from the


Other Components

Circuit Breaker

When two sets of windings in the solenoid are used,

the windings are called the hold-in winding and the

pull-in winding. Both of the windings wind around the

cylinder for an equal amount of times. The pull-in

winding uses a wire with a larger diameter in order to

produce a stronger magnetic field. When the start

switch is closed, part of the current flows from the

battery through the hold-in winding. The remainder of

the current flows through the pull-in windings, to the

motor terminal, and then to the ground. When the

solenoid is fully activated, the current is shut off

through the pull-in windings. Only the smaller hold-in

windings are in operation for the extended time period

that is necessary for the engine to be started. The

solenoid will now take a smaller amount of current

from the battery. Heat that is created by the solenoid

will be kept at an acceptable level.

Illustration 40


Circuit breaker schematic

Electric Starting Motor

(1) Reset button

(2) Disc in open position

(3) Contacts

(4) Disc

(5) Battery circuit terminals

The circuit breaker is a switch that opens the battery

circuit if the current in the electrical system is higher

than the rating of the circuit breaker. Metal disc (2) is

activated by heat. As the current in the electrical

system increases, the temperature of metal disc (2)

will increase. The heat that is caused by the

excessive current will cause a distortion in metal disc

(2). When a distortion occurs in metal disc (2),

contacts (3) open. A circuit breaker that is open can

be reset when the metal disc becomes cooler. Push

reset button (1) in order to close contacts (3) and

reset the circuit breaker.

Illustration 39


Starting motor cross section (typical example)

(1) Field

(2) Solenoid

(3) Clutch

(4) Starter pinion

(5) Commutator

(6) Brush assembly

(7) Armature

The starting motor rotates the engine flywheel at a

rate that is fast enough to start the engine.

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Fuel System

Testing And Adjusting


Work carefully around an  engine that is running.

Engine parts that  are hot, or  parts that are mov-

ing, can cause personal injury.

Fuel System

2. Install a suitable fuel flow tube with a visual sight

gauge in the fuel return line. When possible, install

the sight gauge in a straight section of the fuel line

that is at least 304.8 mm (12 inch) long. Do not

install the sight gauge near the following devices

that create turbulence:


Fuel System - Inspect

•   Elbows

A problem with the components that send fuel to the

engine can cause low fuel pressure. This can

decrease engine performance.

•   Relief valves

•   Check valves

Observe the fuel flow during engine cranking. Look

for air bubbles in the fuel. If there is no fuel that is

present in the sight gauge, prime the fuel system.

Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and

Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime” for more

information. If the engine starts, check for air in the

fuel at varying engine speeds. When possible,

operate the engine under the conditions which

have been suspect.

1. Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. Ensure that

the vent in the fuel cap is not filled with dirt.

2. Check all fuel lines for fuel leakage. The fuel lines

must be free from restrictions and faulty bends.

Verify that the fuel return line is not collapsed.

3. Inspect the fuel filter for excessive contamination. If

necessary, install a new fuel filter. Determine the

source of the contamination. Make the necessary


4. Service the primary fuel filter (if equipped).

5. If necessary, test for air in the fuel. Refer to Testing

and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel - Test” for more


6. Remove any air that may be in the fuel system.

Refer to Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel System -



Air in Fuel - Test

This procedure checks for air in the fuel system. This

procedure also assists in finding the source of the air.

1. Examine the fuel system for leaks. Ensure that the

fuel line fittings are properly tightened. Check the

fuel level in the fuel tank. Air can enter the fuel

system on the suction side between the fuel

priming pump and the fuel tank.

Illustration 41


(1) A steady stream of small bubbles with a diameter of

approximately 1.60 mm (0.063 inch) is an acceptable amount

of air in the fuel.

(2) Bubbles with a diameter of approximately 6.35 mm  (0.250 inch)

are also acceptable if there is 2 seconds to 3 seconds intervals

between bubbles.

(3) Excessive air bubbles in the fuel are not acceptable.

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Fuel System

3. If excessive air is seen in the sight gauge in the fuel

return line, install a second sight gauge at the inlet

to the fuel priming pump. If a second sight gauge is

not available, move the sight gauge from the fuel

return line and install the sight gauge at the inlet to

the fuel priming pump. Observe the fuel flow during

engine cranking. Look for air bubbles in the fuel. If

the engine starts, check for air in the fuel at varying

engine speeds.

If excessive air is not seen at the inlet to the fuel

priming pump, the air is entering the system after

the fuel priming pump. Refer to the Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel System -


If excessive air is seen at the inlet to the fuel

priming pump, air is entering through the suction

side of the fuel system.

Illustration 42


To  avoid personal  injury,  always  wear  eye and

face protection when using pressurized air.

1. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism

Cover - Remove and Install”.


To avoid damage, do not use more than 55 kPa

(8 psi) to pressurize the fuel tank.

2. Remove the glow plugs. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Glow Plugs - Remove and Install”.

3. Rotate the engine crankshaft until the exhaust

valve for No. 1 cylinder is nearly closed and the

inlet valve for No. 1 cylinder is starting to open.

Rotate the crankshaft through approximately 360

degrees and align the timing mark (2) on the

crankshaft pulley with the “TOP”  mark (1) on the

timing case.

4. Pressurize the fuel tank to 35 kPa  (5 psi). Do not

use more than 55 kPa (8 psi) in order to avoid

damage to the fuel tank. Check for leaks in the fuel

lines between the fuel tank and the fuel priming

pump. Repair any leaks that are found. Ensure that

the fuel transfer pump is operating correctly. Refer

to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel

Transfer Pump - Test” for the correct procedure.

4. Install the glow plugs. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Glow Plugs - Remove and Install”.

5. If the source of the air is not found, disconnect the

supply line from the fuel tank and connect an

external fuel supply to the inlet of the fuel priming

pump. If this corrects the problem, repair the fuel

tank or the stand pipe in the fuel tank.

5. Install the valve mechanism cover. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism

Cover - Remove and Install”.



Fuel Injection Timing - Check

Finding Top Center Position for

No. 1 Piston

Fuel injection timing is set in the factory. Fuel injection

timing cannot change during operation.

This procedure sets the No. 1 piston at the top center

position on the compression stroke.

Note: If a fuel injection pump is removed, replace the

old shims with new shims of the same thickness. Old

shims must not be reused.

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Fuel System

Note: If the thickness of the shim is 0.5 mm


Use a suitable container to  catch any fuel that might

spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately.

(0.0197 inch) or the thickness of the shim is below

0.5 mm (0.0197 inch), install beaded shims. If the

shim thickness is above 0.5 mm (0.0197 inch), install

the non-beaded shim. Then install the beaded shim.

Ensure that the beading on the beaded shim faces

upward, toward the bottom of the fuel injection pump.


Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly

clean the area around a  fuel system component that

will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-

nected fuel system component.

Note: If there are three shims installed, the non-

beaded  shim is always installed on the inside. If only

one or two shims are installed, all shims are beaded.

On 403F-15T engines, select the correct combination

of shims from table 1 .

Table 1

Shim Thickness (mm)

Part Number























On 404F-22, and 404F-22T engines, select the

correct combination of shims from table 2 .

Table 2

Shim Thickness (mm)

Part Number






















Illustration 43



Typical example

If the original shim thickness cannot be determined,

contact the Global Technical Support Center. The

user must provide the full engine number of the

product that is serviced.

1. Disconnect the inlet fuel hose (2) to the primary

fuel filter (1).

2. Place end of hose (2) into a suitable container.


3. Turn the keyswitch to the START position. The fuel

transfer pump (3) will begin to pump fuel. There will

be the sound of the fuel transfer pump operating.

Fuel Transfer Pump - Test

4. Record the time taken to fill the container with

400 mL (13.6 oz) of fuel. The minimum limit is

400 mL/min (13.6 oz/min).

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri-

cal components can cause a fire. To help prevent

possible  injury,  turn  the  start  switch  off when

changing fuel filters or water separator elements.

Clean up fuel spills immediately.

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Fuel System


Note: Extra care should be used in handling the fuel

injector in order to prevent damage to the nozzle tip.

A scratch or a burr could cause needle leakage or

spray distortion. Dirt in the orifices of the nozzle tip

can damage engine components. The dirt can also

distort the spray pattern of the nozzle.

Fuel Injector - Test

Perform the following procedures in order to

determine if a fuel injector does not work correctly.

Leakage Test

Illustration 44


(1) Fuel injector

(2) Sealing washer

1. Run the engine at low idle.

2. Loosen the nut for the fuel supply line at each fuel

injector (1). Listen for the low idle to decrease or

become rough when the nuts are loosened at each


Illustration 45


(1) Adapter

(2) Fuel injector

(3) Tube Assembly

(4) Extension

(5) Fuel Collector

(6) Filter

The fuel injector may be faulty if the following items

occur during the test:

•   Engine rpm does not decrease.

This procedure tests for leakage around all

components of the fuel injector.

•   The engine continues to run properly.

1. Connect the fuel injector (2) to suitable tooling that

3. If the fuel injector is worn or damaged, remove the

is similar to the Illustration 45 .

fuel injector for additional testing.

Position fuel injector (2) so that the direction of the

fuel spray is into the extension (4) and the fuel

collector (5).

Note: If leakage at the nut for the fuel supply line

occurs, make sure that the fuel supply line and the

nut for the fuel supply line are correctly aligned with

the inlet connection of the fuel injector. Do not tighten

the nut for the fuel supply line on the high pressure

fuel line more than the recommended torque. If the

nut is tightened more, the fuel line may become

restricted or the threads of the fuel injector and the

nut may be damaged.

2. Pump the pressure to about 2030 kPa  (294 psi)

below the opening pressure of the fuel injector (2).

Refer to Specifications, “Fuel Injectors” for the

correct setting of the opening pressure.

Release the handle. When the pressure begins to

decrease, note the time that is required for the

pressure to decrease to approximately 0 kPa

(0 psi). If the fuel injector (2) is not faulty, the time

will not be less than 5 seconds or more than 45


Inspection and Cleaning of the Fuel


Before a fuel injector is tested, remove any loose

carbon from the tip of the nozzle. Do not use abrasive

material or a wire brush in order to clean the nozzle.

If the time that is required for the pressure to

decrease to 0 kPa (0 psi) is less than 5 seconds,

too much fuel is leaking around the valve needle.

Replace fuel injector (2).

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