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Systems Operation

Testing and Adjusting

1204E-E44TA and  1204E-E44TTA

Industrial Engines

MK (Engine)

ML (Engine)

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Important Safety Information

Most  accidents    tha t involve  produc  t  op eration,  ma intena nc e and   repair   are  caus  ed  by  failure  to

ob serve  basic   safety   rules  or  precautions  .  An accident    can   often  be  avoided   by  recog nizing  pote ntially

ha za rdous  situations   before   an  accident    oc curs . A person    mus t be  alert   to pote ntial  ha za rds.  This

person   should   also  ha ve  the  ne cessary   training,  skills  and   tools  to perform   the se  func tions properly.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair  of this product can be dangerous and

could result in injury  or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this  product, until you have

read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Sa fety precautions     and  warning s  are   provided   in this  ma nua l and   on  the  produc t.  If the se  ha za rd

warning s  are  not  he eded,   bod ily injury  or death   could   oc cur to  you  or to  othe r persons  .

The  ha za rds are   identified   by  the  “Safety  Alert  Symb ol”  and  followed  by  a  “Signa l  Word” suc h  as

“DANGER”, “WARNING”  or “CAUTION”.  The Sa fety  Alert  “WARNING” label  is  shown   below.

The  me aning  of  this safety   alert   symb ol is  as  follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is  Involved.

The  me ssage   tha t appears     und er the   warning  explains    the  ha za rd and   can  be   either  written  or

pictorially   presente  d.

Op erations  tha t  ma y caus e  produc  t dama  ge  are  identified   by  “NOTICE” labels   on  the  produc  t and   in

this  pub lication.

Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The

warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,

work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,

you must satisfy yourself that it is safe  for you and for others. You should also ensure that the

product will not be damaged or be  made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or

repair procedures that you choose.

The  informa tion, specifications   ,  and  illustrations   in  this  pub lication  are   on the  basis    of informa tion tha t

was  available    at  the  time  tha t the  pub lication   was  written.   The  specifications   , torque  s,  pressure  s,

me asure me nts , adjustme  nts , illustrations ,  and  othe r  items  can  cha  ng e at  any  time.  These  cha ng es  can

affect   the  service   tha t is given   to the  produc  t.  Ob tain the  comp  lete  and  mos t current   informa tion before

you  start any   job. Pe  rkins  dealers   or   Pe rkins  distributors     ha ve  the  mos t current   informa tion  available.

When  replacement  parts  are  required  for  this

product Perkins recommends using Perkins

 replacement  parts.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

ture failures, product damage, personal injury or


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Table of  Contents

Table of Contents

Position the Valve Mechanism Before Maintenance

Procedures .......................................................... 86

Piston Ring Groove - Inspect ................................ 86

Connecting Rod - Inspect .....................................  87

Cylinder Block - Inspect ........................................ 88

Cylinder Head - Inspect ........................................  88

Piston Height - Inspect .......................................... 89

Flywheel - Inspect ................................................. 90

Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 90

Gear Group - Inspect ............................................ 92

Crankshaft Pulley - Check ....................................  92

Systems Operation Section

General Information

Introduction  ............................................................ 4

Engine Operation

Basic Engine ......................................................... 10

Air Inlet  and Exhaust  System (Single

Turbocharger) .....................................................  14

Air Inlet  and Exhaust  System (Series

Electrical System

Alternator - Test ....................................................  94

Battery - Test ......................................................... 96

Charging System - Test ........................................  96

V-Belt - Test ..........................................................  97

Electric Starting System - Test .............................. 98

Turbochargers) .................................................... 20

Clean Emissions Module ......................................  25

Cooling System  .................................................... 27

Lubrication System  ..............................................  29

Electrical System  .................................................  29

Cleanliness of Fuel System Components ............. 31

Fuel Injection  .......................................................  31

Electronic Control System  ...................................  39

Power Sources .....................................................  52

Glossary of Electronic Control Terms ...................  55

Index Section

Index ...................................................................  102

Testing and Adjusting Section

Fuel System

Fuel System - Inspect ........................................... 61

Air in Fuel - Test .................................................... 61

Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston ........ 63

Fuel Injection Timing - Check ...............................  64

Fuel Quality - Test ................................................. 65

Fuel System - Prime .............................................  65

Gear Group (Front) - Time .................................... 66

Air Inlet and  Exhaust System

Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect ................. 67

Turbocharger - Inspect (Series Turbochargers) .... 68

Turbocharger - Inspect (Single Turbocharger) ...... 71

Exhaust Cooler (NRS) - Test ................................  73

Compression - Test ............................................... 74

Engine Valve Lash - Inspect .................................  75

Valve Depth - Inspect ............................................ 77

Valve Guide - Inspect ............................................ 77

Lubrication System

Engine Oil Pressure - Test .................................... 79

Engine Oil Pump - Inspect .................................... 79

Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect ........................ 80

Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect ....... 80

Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ........  81

Cooling System

Cooling System - Check .......................................  82

Cooling System - Inspect ...................................... 82

Cooling System - Test ........................................... 83

Engine Oil Cooler - Inspect ................................... 84

Water Temperature Regulator - Test ..................... 85

Water Pump - Inspect ...........................................  85

Basic Engine

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Systems Operation  Section


Systems Operation Section

General Information

The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which then

turns the following gears:

•  the camshaft gear

•  the accessory drive gear (if equipped)

•  the fuel injection pump gear

•  the water pump gear



The camshaft runs at half the rpm of the crankshaft.

The fuel injection pump runs at the same rpm as the


The 1204E diesel engine is electronically controlled.

The 1204E engine has an Electronic Control Module

(ECM) that receives signals from the fuel injection

pump and other sensors  in order to control the

electronic unit injector. The  fuel injection pump

supplies fuel to the high-pressure manifold (Rail).

The high-pressure manifold (Rail) distributes fuel to

the electronic unit injectors.

The fuel injection pump that is installed on the left

side of the engine is  gear-driven from the timing

case. The fuel is transferred to  the fuel injection

pump by an external electric transfer  pump. The

electric transfer pump draws fuel across a suction

strainer that supplies fuel to the primary  fuel filter

and the secondary fuel filter. The fuel then travels to

the fuel injection pump. A pressure regulator that is

installed in the low-pressure fuel system controls the

fuel pressure to the fuel injection pump. The pressure

regulator regulates the fuel at an absolute pressure

of 150 kPa (22 psi) when the engine is at idle speed.

The four cylinders are arranged in-line. The cylinder

head assembly has two inlet valves and two exhaust

valves for each cylinder. The ports for the exhaust

valves are on the right side of the cylinder head. The

ports for the inlet valves are on the left side  of the

cylinder head. Each cylinder valve has a single valve


The fuel injection pump  increases the fuel to a

maximum pressure of 200 MPa (2900 psi). The fuel

injection pump delivers the fuel to the high-pressure

manifold (Rail). The  fuel injection pump is not

serviceable. The engine uses speed sensors and

the Electronic Control Module to control the engine


Each cylinder has a piston cooling jet that is installed

in the cylinder block. The piston cooling jet sprays

engine oil onto the inner surface of the piston in order

to cool the piston. The pistons  have a Quiescent

combustion chamber in the top of the piston in order

to achieve clean exhaust emissions. The piston pin is

off-center in order to reduce the noise level.

For the specifications of the 1204E engine, refer to

the Specifications, “Engine Design”.

The pistons have two compression rings and an oil

control ring. The groove for the top ring has a hard

metal insert in order to reduce wear of the groove.

The skirt has a layer of graphite in order to reduce

the risk of seizure when  the engine is new. The

correct piston height is important in order to ensure

that the piston does not contact the cylinder head.

The correct piston height also ensures the efficient

combustion of fuel which is necessary in  order to

conform to requirements for emissions.

The following model views show a  typical 1204E

engine. Due to individual applications, your engine

may appear different from the illustrations.

The crankshaft has five main bearing journals. End

play is controlled by thrust washers which are located

on both sides of the number 3 main bearing.

The timing case is made of aluminum or cast iron.

The timing gears are stamped with timing marks in

order to ensure the correct assembly of the gears.

When the number 1  piston is at the top  center

position of the compression stroke, the marked teeth

on the idler gear will align with the marks  that are

on the fuel injection pump gear, the camshaft gear,

and the gear on the crankshaft. There are no timing

marks on the rear face of the timing case.

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Systems Operation  Section

1204E-E44TTA Engine with Series



Illustration 1

Typical example

(1) Front lifting eye

(6) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(11) Oil sampling valve

(2) Crankcase breather

(3) NOx Reduction System (NRS)

(4) Primary fuel filter

(7) Fuel priming pump

(8) Oil gauge (dipstick)

(9) Fuel strainer

(12) Oil filler

(13) Fuel injection pump

(5) Secondary fuel filter

(10) Oil filter

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Illustration 2

Typical example

(14) Rear lifting eye

(18) Starting motor

(19) Oil drain plug

(20) Exhaust outlet

(21) Flywheel housing

(22) Flywheel

(23) Exhaust gas cooler (NRS)

(15) High-pressure turbocharger

(16) Low-pressure turbocharger

(17) Back pressure valve

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Illustration 3

Typical example

(24) Belt

(25) Connection for air inlet

(26) Coolant outlet connection

(27) Water temperature regulator housing

(28) Water pump

(29) Inlet connection for the coolant

(30) Crankshaft pulley

(31) Belt tensioner

(32) Alternator

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Systems Operation  Section


1204E-E44TA Engine with Single



Illustration 4

Typical example

(1) Front lifting eye

(5) Primary fuel filter

(9) Oil filter

(2) Crankcase breather

(3) NOx Reduction System (NRS)

(4) Secondary fuel filter

(6) Fuel priming pump

(7) Fuel strainer

(8) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(10) Oil sampling valve

(11) Fuel injection pump

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Illustration 5

Typical example

(12) Rear lifting eye

(13) Oil gauge (dipstick)

(14) Turbocharger

(16) Oil drain valve

(17) Oil drain plug

(18) Back pressure valve

(19) Flywheel housing

(20) Flywheel

(21) Exhaust outlet

(22) Exhaust gas cooler (NRS)

(15) Starting motor

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Systems Operation  Section


Illustration 6

Typical example

(23) Oil filler

(27) Water pump

(31) Alternator

(32) Belt

(24) Connection for air inlet

(25) Outlet connection for the coolant

(26) Water temperature regulator housing

(28) Inlet connection for the coolant

(29) Crankshaft pulley

(30) Belt tensioner

Engine Operation

Basic Engine


•  Connecting rods

•  Crankshaft


•  Crankshaft pulley

•  Timing gear case and gears

•  Camshaft

The eight major mechanical components of the basic

engine are the following parts:

•  Cylinder block

•  Cylinder head

•  Pistons

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Systems Operation  Section

Cylinder Block

Cylinder Head


Illustration 7

Typical example

The cast iron cylinder block  for the four cylinder

engine has four cylinders which are arranged in-line.

The cylinder block is made of cast iron. The cylinder

block provides support for  the full length of the

cylinder bores. The cylinder bores are machined into

the block.


Illustration 8

Typical example

(1) Valve keepers

(2) Valve spring retainer

(3) Valve spring

The cylinders are honed to a  specially controlled

finish in order  to ensure long life  and low oil


The engine has a cast iron cylinder head (5).  The

inlet manifold is integral within the cylinder  head.

There are two inlet valves and two exhaust valves for

each cylinder. Each pair of valves (6) are connected

by a valve bridge that is controlled by a pushrod valve

system. The ports for the inlet valves are on the left

side of the cylinder head. The ports for the exhaust

valves are on the right side of the cylinder head. The

valve stems move in valve guides that are pressed

into the cylinder head. There is a renewable stem

seal (4) that fits over the top of the valve guide. The

valve seats are replaceable.

The cylinder block has five  main bearings which

support the crankshaft. Thrust washers are installed

on both sides of number 3 main bearing in order to

control the end play of the crankshaft.  The thrust

washers can only be installed one way.

Passages supply the lubrication for the crankshaft

bearings. These passages are machined into the

cylinder block.

Cooling passages are cast into the cylinder block in

order to allow the circulation of coolant.

The cylinder block has a bush that is installed for the

front camshaft journal. The other camshaft journals

run directly in the cylinder block.

The engine has a cooling jet that is installed in the

cylinder block for each cylinder. The piston cooling

jet sprays lubricating oil onto the inner surface of the

piston in order to cool the piston.

A Multi-Layered Steel (MLS) cylinder head gasket is

used between the engine block and the cylinder head

in order to seal combustion gases, water, and oil.

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Systems Operation  Section

Pistons, Rings, and Connecting


The connecting rods (4) are machined from forged

steel. The connecting rods have bearing caps (6)

that are fracture split. Two connecting rod bearings

(5) are installed between the connecting rod (4) and

the bearing cap (6). The bearing caps  on fracture

split connecting rods are retained with Torx bolts (7).

Connecting rods with bearing caps that are fracture

split have the following characteristics:

•  The splitting produces an accurately  matched

surface on each side of the fracture for improved


•  The correct connecting rod must be installed with

the correct bearing cap. Each connecting rod and

bearing cap have an unique serial number. When a

connecting rod is assembled the serial numbers for

the connecting rod and bearing cap must match.



Illustration 9

Typical example

The pistons (9)  have a Quiescent combustion

chamber in the top of the piston in order to provide

an efficient mix of fuel and air. The piston pin (8) is

off-center in order to reduce the  noise level. The

position pin (8) is retained in the correct position by

two circlips (3).


Illustration 10

Typical example

(1) Crankshaft gear

(2) Crankshaft

(3) Crankshaft thrust washers

(4) Crankshaft timing ring

The pistons have two compression rings (1) and an

oil control ring (2). The groove for the top ring  has

a hard metal insert in order to  reduce wear of the

groove. The piston skirt has a low friction coating in

order to reduce the risk of seizure when the engine

is new.

The crankshaft can be a spheroidal graphite  iron

casting or a steel forging.

The crankshaft has  five main journals. Thrust

washers are installed on both sides  of number 3

main bearing in order to control the end play of the


The correct piston height is important  in order to

ensure that the piston does not contact the cylinder

head. The correct piston height also  ensures the

efficient combustion of fuel which is necessary  in

order to conform to requirements for emissions.

The crankshaft changes the linear energy  of the

pistons and connecting rods into rotary  torque in

order to power external equipment.

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Systems Operation  Section

A gear at the front of the crankshaft drives the timing

gears. The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which

then turns the following gears:

The camshaft rotates at half the engine speed. The

fuel injection pump rotates at engine speed.


•  Camshaft gear

The engine has a single camshaft. The  camshaft

is made of cast iron. The camshaft lobes  are chill


•  Fuel injection pump and fuel transfer pump

•  The idler gear is driven by  the crankshaft gear

which turns the gear of the lubricating oil pump.

The camshaft is driven  at the front end. As the

camshaft turns, the camshaft lobes move the valve

system components. The valve system components

move the cylinder valves.

Lip type seals are  used on both the front of the

crankshaft and the rear of the crankshaft.

A timing ring is installed to the crankshaft. The timing

ring is used by the ECM  in order to measure the

engine speed and the engine position.

The camshaft gear must be timed to the crankshaft

gear. The relationship between the lobes and  the

camshaft gear causes the valves in each cylinder to

open at the correct time. The relationship between

the lobes and the camshaft gear also  causes the

valves in each cylinder to close at the correct time.

A ring gear for the balancer can be installed to the

crankshaft. When a balancer is installed, the engine

oil pump is an integral part of the balancer assembly.

The ring gear for the balancer drives the balancer.

Gears and Timing Gear Case


Illustration 11

Typical example

(1) Hole for the water pump gear

(3) Position of the accessory drive gear

The crankshaft oil seal is mounted in the  cover of

the timing case. The timing case cover is made from

sound-deadened steel or cast iron.

The timing gears are made of steel.

The crankshaft gear (5) drives an upper idler gear

(4) and a lower idler gear. The upper idler gear (4)

drives the camshaft gear (6) and the fuel injection

pump gear (2). The lower idler gear drives  the oil

pump. The water pump drive gear is driven by the

fuel injection pump gear.

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Systems Operation  Section


Air Inlet and Exhaust System

(Single Turbocharger)


Illustration 12

Air inlet and exhaust  system

(1) Aftercooler core

(2) Air filter

(3) Diesel particulate filter

(4) Back pressure valve

(5) Turbocharger

(6) Wastegate actuator

(7) Exhaust cooler (NRS)

(8) Exhaust gas valve (NRS)

(9) Wastegate regulator

The components of the air inlet and exhaust system

control the quality of air and the amount of air that is

available for combustion. The air inlet and exhaust

system consists of the following components:

•  Cylinder head, injectors, and glow plugs

•  Valves and valve system components

•  Piston and cylinder

•  Air cleaner

•  Exhaust manifold

•  Exhaust cooler (NRS)

•  Exhaust gas valve (NRS)

•  Turbocharger

•  Diesel oxidation catalyst

•  Diesel particulate filter

•  Aftercooler

•  Inlet manifold

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Systems Operation  Section

Air is drawn in through the air cleaner into the air inlet

of the turbocharger by the turbocharger compressor

wheel. The air is compressed to a pressure of about

150 kPa (22 psi) and heated to about 120° C (248° F)

before the air is forced  to the aftercooler. As the

air flows through the aftercooler the temperature of

the compressed air lowers to about 55° C (131° F).

Cooling of the inlet  air assists the combustion

efficiency of the engine.  Increased combustion

efficiency helps achieve the following benefits:

•  Lower fuel consumption

•  Increased power output

•  Reduced NOx emission

•  Reduced particulate emission

From the aftercooler, the air flows to the exhaust gas

valve (NRS). A mixture of air and exhaust gas is then

forced into the inlet manifold. Air flow from the inlet

manifold to the cylinders is controlled by inlet valves.

There are two inlet valves and two exhaust valves for

each cylinder. The inlet valves open when the piston

moves down on the intake stroke. When  the inlet

valves open, cooled compressed air from the inlet

port is forced into the cylinder. The complete cycle

consists of four strokes:

•  Inlet

•  Compression

•  Power

•  Exhaust

On the compression stroke, the piston moves back

up the cylinder and the inlet valves close. The cool

compressed air is compressed further. This additional

compression generates more heat.

Note: If the cold starting system is  operating, the

glow plugs will also heat the air in the cylinder.

Just before the piston reaches the top center (TC)

position, the ECM operates  the electronic unit

injector. Fuel is injected into the cylinder. The air/fuel

mixture ignites. The ignition of the gases initiates the

power stroke. Both the inlet and the exhaust valves

are closed and the expanding gases force the piston

downward toward the bottom center (BC) position.

From the BC position, the piston  moves upward.

This initiates the exhaust stroke. The exhaust valves

open. The exhaust gases are forced  through the

open exhaust valves into the exhaust manifold.

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Systems Operation  Section


Illustration 13

Typical example

The NOx Reduction System (NRS) operates with

the transfer of the hot exhaust gas from the exhaust

manifold to the exhaust cooler (7). The hot exhaust

gas is cooled in the exhaust cooler. The now cooled

exhaust gas passes through the assembly of exhaust

gas valve.

Exhaust gases from the exhaust  manifold enter

the inlet of the turbocharger  in order to turn the

turbocharger turbine wheel. The turbine  wheel is

connected to a shaft that rotates. The exhaust gases

pass from the turbocharger through the following

components: exhaust outlet, back pressure valve,

Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), Diesel Particulate

Filter (DPF), and exhaust pipe.

The reed valves that are located in the exhaust gas

valve (NRS) has one main function. The one main

function is to prevent the reverse flow of charge air

from the inlet side of the engine to the exhaust side

of the engine.

As the electronically controlled valve (8) starts  to

open the flow of cooled exhaust gas from the exhaust

cooler (7) mixes with the air flow from the charge air

aftercooler. The mixing of the cooled exhaust gas and

the air flow from the charge air aftercooler reduces

the oxygen content of the gas mixture. This results in

a lower combustion temperature, so decreases the

production of NOx.

As the demand  for more cooled exhaust gas

increases the electronically controlled valve opens

further. The further opening of the valve increases

the flow of cooled exhaust gas  from the exhaust

cooler. As the demand  for cooled exhaust gas

decreases, the electronically controlled valve closes.

This decreases the flow of cooled exhaust gas from

the exhaust cooler.

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Illustration 15


Illustration 14

Typical example

(12) Wastegate actuator

(13) Actuating lever

(14) Line (boost pressure)

Typical example of a cross section of a turbocharger

(1) Air intake

(2) Compressor housing

(3) Compressor wheel

(4) Bearing

(5) Oil inlet port

(6) Bearing

(7) Turbine housing

(8) Turbine wheel

(9) Exhaust outlet

(10) Oil outlet port

(11) Exhaust inlet

The turbocharger is mounted on the  outlet of the

exhaust manifold. The exhaust gas from the exhaust

manifold enters the exhaust inlet (11) and passes

through the turbine housing (7) of the turbocharger.

Energy from the exhaust gas causes  the turbine

wheel (8) to rotate. The turbine wheel is connected

by a shaft to the compressor wheel (3).

As the turbine wheel rotates, the compressor wheel

is rotated. The rotation of  the compressor wheel

causes the intake air to be pressurized through the

compressor housing (2) of the turbocharger.


Illustration 16

Typical example

(15) Wastegate regulator

When the load on the engine increases, more fuel

is injected into the cylinders.  The combustion of

this additional fuel produces more exhaust gases.

The additional exhaust gases cause the turbine and

the compressor wheels of the turbocharger to turn

faster. As the compressor wheel turns faster, air is

compressed to a higher pressure and more  air is

forced into the cylinders. The increased flow of air

into the cylinders allows the fuel  to be burnt with

greater efficiency. This produces more power.

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Systems Operation  Section

Crankcase Breather

A wastegate is installed on the turbine housing  of

the turbocharger. The wastegate is  a valve that

allows exhaust gas to bypass the turbine wheel of

the turbocharger. The operation of the wastegate is

dependent on the pressurized air (boost pressure)

from the turbocharger compressor.  The boost

pressure acts on a diaphragm that is spring loaded

in the wastegate actuator which varies the amount of

exhaust gas that flows into the turbine.

The engine crankcase breather is a filtered system.

The crankcase breather system consists  of two

main elements, a primary separator  in the valve

mechanism cover and a  filtered canister that is

mounted on the cylinder head. The gases exit the

engine through the valve mechanism  cover. The

gases then pass through the primary separator. The

primary separator removes most of the liquid oil from

the gas. The liquid oil is then returned to the engine.

The wastegate regulator (15) is controlled by  the

engine Electronic Control Module  (ECM). The

ECM uses inputs from a number of engine sensors

to determine the optimum  boost pressure. This

will achieve the best exhaust emissions  and fuel

consumption at any given engine operating condition.

The ECM controls the wastegate  regulator, that

regulates the boost pressure  to the wastegate


The gas then passes through the filter element before

exiting to atmosphere in an open breather system

or back to the induction system in a closed breather

system via the breather vent pipe.

Any liquid oil that is captured by the filter drains from

the bottom of the canister. The liquid oil is returned

by the drain pipe that runs from the bottom  of the

canister back to the crankcase. A valve connects the

drain pipe to the crankcase. This valve prevents the

bypass of gas past the filter and oil from passing up

the drain pipe.

When higher boost pressure  is needed for the

engine performance, a signal is sent from the ECM

to the wastegate regulator. The wastegate regulator

reduces the pressure in the air inlet pipe  (14) that

acts upon the diaphragm  within the wastegate

actuator (12).

A pressure relief valve is located in the rear of  the

canister in the integral mounting  bracket. Under

normal operation of the engine, this valve will  not

operate. If part of the system becomes blocked the

valve will open at a pressure of 8.5 kPa (1.2 psi). The

open valve will allow gas to bypass the filter and the

pipes for venting.

The spring within the wastegate actuator (12) forces

the wastegate valve that is within the turbine housing

to close via the actuating rod and lever. When the

wastegate valve is closed, more exhaust gas is able

to pass over the turbine wheel. This  results in an

increase in turbocharger speed and boost pressure


The filter element can be accessed  by removing

the top cap of the canister. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Engine Crankcase Breather

Element - Replace” for the correct procedure.

When lower boost pressure is needed for the engine

performance, a signal is sent from the ECM to the

wastegate regulator. This causes high pressure in

the air inlet pipe (14) to act on the diaphragm within

the wastegate actuator (12). The actuating rod (13)

acts upon the actuating lever to open the  valve in

the wastegate. When the valve in the wastegate is

opened, more exhaust gas from the engine is able to

bypass the turbine wheel. The exhaust gases bypass

the turbine wheel results in a decrease in the speed

of the turbocharger.


The crankcase breather gases are part of the engines

measured emissions output.  Any tampering with the

breather system  could  invalidate the  engines emis-

sions compliance.

The shaft that connects the turbine to the compressor

wheel rotates in bearings (4) and (6). The bearings

require oil under pressure for lubrication and cooling.

The oil that flows to the lubricating oil inlet port (5)

passes through the center of the turbocharger which

retains the bearings. The oil exits the turbocharger

from the lubricating oil outlet port (10) and returns

to the oil pan.

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Systems Operation  Section

Valve System Components

The engine lubricating oil enters the lifter (4) through

a non-return valve.  The engine lubricating oil

increases the length of the lifter (4) until all valve lash

is removed. If the engine is stationary for a prolonged

period the valve springs will cause the  lifter (4) to

shorten so that when the engine is started engine

valve lash is present for the first few seconds.

After cranking restores oil pressure  the lifter (4)

increases in length and removes  the valve lash.

When load is removed from a lifter (4) during service

work by the removal of  the rocker shaft the lifter

(4) increases in length  to the maximum extent.

Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Position the Valve Mechanism Before Maintenance

Procedures” for the correct procedure.

During reassembly of the rocker shaft the  engine

must be put into a  safe position to avoid engine

damage. After load is  imposed on the lifters by

reassembling the rocker assembly, the engine must

be left in safe position for  a safe period until the

lifters have reduced to the correct length. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Shaft  and

Pushrod - Install” for the correct procedure.

Upward movement of the pushrod against rocker arm

(2) results in a downward movement that acts on the

valve bridge (1). This action opens a pair of valves (7)

which compresses the valve springs (6). When the

camshaft (5) has rotated to the peak of the lobe, the

valves are fully open. When the camshaft (5) rotates

further, the two valve springs (6) under compression

start to expand. The valve stems are under tension of

the springs. The stems are pushed upward in order

to maintain contact with the valve  bridge (1). The

continued rotation of the camshaft causes the rocker

arm (2), the pushrods (3) and the lifters (4) to move

downward until the lifter reaches the bottom of the

lobe. The valves (7) are now closed.  The cycle is

repeated for all the valves on each cylinder.


Illustration 17

Valve system components

(1) Bridge

(2) Rocker arm

(3) Pushrod

(4) Lifter

(5) Camshaft

(6) Spring

(7) Valve

The valve system components control the flow  of

inlet air into the cylinders during engine operation.

The valve system components also control the flow

of exhaust gases out of the cylinders during engine


The crankshaft gear drives the camshaft gear through

an idler gear. The camshaft (5) must be timed to the

crankshaft in order to get the correct relation between

the piston movement and the valve movement.

The camshaft (5) has two camshaft lobes for each

cylinder. The lobes operate either  a pair of inlet

valves or a pair of exhaust valves. As the camshaft

turns, lobes on the camshaft cause the lifter (4) to

move the pushrod (3) up and down.

The lifter (4) incorporates a hydraulic lash adjuster

which removes valve lash from the valve mechanism.

The lifter (4) uses engine lubricating oil to compensate

for wear of system components so that no service

adjustment of valve lash is needed.

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Systems Operation  Section


Air Inlet and Exhaust System

(Series Turbochargers)


Illustration 18

Air inlet and exhaust  system

(1) Aftercooler core

(2) Air filter

(3) Diesel particulate filter

(4) Back pressure valve

(5) Low-pressure turbocharger

(6) High-pressure turbocharger

(7) Wastegate actuator

(9) Exhaust gas valve (NRS)

(10) Wastegate regulator

(8) Exhaust cooler (NRS)

The components of the air inlet and exhaust system

control the quality of air and the amount of air that is

available for combustion. The air inlet and exhaust

system consists of the following components:

•  Inlet manifold

•  Cylinder head, injectors, and glow plugs

•  Valves and valve system components

•  Piston and cylinder

•  Air cleaner

•  Exhaust cooler (NRS)

•  Exhaust gas valve (NRS)

•  Turbochargers

•  Exhaust manifold

•  Diesel oxidation catalyst

•  Diesel particulate filter

•  Aftercooler

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Air is drawn in  through the air cleaner into  the

air inlet of the low-pressure  turbochar, ger by the

low-pressure turbocharger compressor wheel. The

air is compressed to a pressure  of about 75 kPa

(11 psi) and heated to about 120° C (248° F). From

the low-pressure turbocharger, the air passes to the

high-pressure turbocharger. The air is compressed

to a pressure of about 220 kPa (32 psi) and heated

to about 240° C (464° F) before the air is forced to

the aftercooler. The air flows through the aftercooler.

The temperature of the compressed air lowers  to

about 55° C (131° F). Cooling of the inlet air assists

the combustion efficiency of the engine. Increased

combustion efficiency helps achieve the following


From the BC position, the piston moves upward. The

piston moving upward initiates the exhaust stroke.

The exhaust valves open. The exhaust gases are

forced through the open exhaust  valves into the

exhaust manifold.

•  Lower fuel consumption

•  Increased power output

•  Reduced NOx emission

•  Reduced particulate emission

From the aftercooler, the air flows to the exhaust gas

valve (NRS). A mixture of air and exhaust gas is then

forced into the inlet manifold. Air flow from the inlet

manifold to the cylinders is controlled by inlet valves.

There are two inlet valves and two exhaust valves for

each cylinder. The inlet valves open when the piston

moves down on the intake stroke. When  the inlet

valves open, cooled compressed air from the inlet

port is forced into the cylinder. The complete cycle

consists of four strokes:

•  Inlet

•  Compression

•  Power

•  Exhaust

On the compression stroke, the piston moves back

up the cylinder and the inlet valves close. The cool

compressed air is compressed further. This additional

compression generates more heat.

Note: If the cold starting system is  operating, the

glow plugs will also heat the air in the cylinder.

Just before the piston reaches the top center (TC)

position, the ECM operates  the electronic unit

injector. Fuel is injected into the cylinder. The air/fuel

mixture ignites. The ignition of the gases initiates the

power stroke. Both the inlet and the exhaust valves

are closed and the expanding gases force the piston

downward toward the bottom center (BC) position.

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Systems Operation  Section


Illustration 19

Typical example

The NOx Reduction System (NRS) operates with

the transfer of the hot exhaust gas from the exhaust

manifold to the exhaust cooler (8). The hot exhaust

gas is cooled in the  exhaust cooler (8). The now

cooled exhaust gas passes through the assembly

of the exhaust gas valve.

As the demand  for more cooled exhaust gas

increases the electronically controlled valve opens

further. The further opening of the valve increases

the flow of cooled exhaust  gas from the exhaust

cooler. As the demand  for cooled exhaust gas

decreases, the electronically controlled valve closes.

This decreases the flow of cooled exhaust gas from

the exhaust cooler.

The reed valves that are located in the exhaust gas

valve (NRS) has one main function. The one main

function is to prevent the reverse flow of charge air

from the inlet side of the engine to the exhaust side

of the engine.

Exhaust gases from the exhaust manifold enter the

inlet of the high-pressure turbocharger in order to turn

the high-pressure turbocharger turbine wheel. The

turbine wheel is connected to a shaft that rotates.

The exhaust gases travel from the high-pressure

turbocharger. The exhaust gases then travel through

the duct on the turbine side into the turbine inlet of

the low-pressure turbocharger in order  to power

the low-pressure turbocharger. The exhaust gases

pass from the low-pressure turbocharger through the

following components: exhaust outlet, back pressure

valve, Diesel Oxidation Catalyst  (DOC), Diesel

Particulate Filter (DPF), and exhaust pipe.

As the electronically controlled valve (9) starts  to

open the flow of cooled exhaust gas from the exhaust

cooler (8) mixes with the air flow from the charge air

aftercooler. The mixing of the cooled exhaust gas and

the air flow from the charge air aftercooler reduces

the oxygen content of the gas mixture. This results in

a lower combustion temperature, so decreases the

production of NOx.

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Systems Operation  Section



Illustration 21


Illustration 20

Typical example

(12) Wastegate actuator

(13) Actuating lever

(14) Line (boost pressure)

Typical example of a cross section of a turbocharger

(1) Air intake

(2) Compressor housing

(3) Compressor wheel

(4) Bearing

(5) Oil inlet port

(6) Bearing

(7) Turbine housing

(8) Turbine wheel

(9) Exhaust outlet

(10) Oil outlet port

(11) Exhaust inlet

The high-pressure turbocharger is mounted on the

outlet of the exhaust manifold. The  low-pressure

turbocharger is mounted on the side of the cylinder

block. The exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold

enters the exhaust inlet (11) and passes  through

the turbine housing (7) of the turbocharger. Energy

from the exhaust gas causes the turbine wheel (8) to

rotate. The turbine wheel is connected by a shaft to

the compressor wheel (3).

As the turbine  wheel rotates, the compressor

wheel is rotated. This causes the intake  air to be

pressurized through the compressor housing (2) of

the turbocharger.


Illustration 22

Typical example

(15) Wastegate regulator

When the load on the engine increases, more fuel

is injected into the cylinders.  The combustion of

this additional fuel produces more exhaust gases.

The additional exhaust gases cause the turbine and

the compressor wheels of the turbocharger to turn

faster. As the compressor wheel turns faster, air is

compressed to a higher pressure and more  air is

forced into the cylinders. The increased flow of air

into the cylinders allows the fuel  to be burnt with

greater efficiency. This produces more power.

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Systems Operation  Section

Crankcase Breather

A wastegate is installed on the  compressor side

of the turbocharger. The wastegate is a valve that

allows exhaust gas to bypass the turbine wheel of

the turbocharger. The operation of the wastegate is

dependent on the pressurized air (boost pressure)

from the turbocharger compressor.  The boost

pressure acts on a diaphragm that is spring loaded

in the wastegate actuator which varies the amount of

exhaust gas that flows into the turbine.

The engine crankcase breather is a filtered system.

The crankcase breather system consists  of two

main elements, a primary separator  in the valve

mechanism cover and a  filtered canister that is

mounted on the cylinder head. The gases exit the

engine through the valve mechanism  cover. The

gases then pass through the primary separator. The

primary separator removes most of the liquid oil from

the gas. The liquid oil is then returned to the engine.

The wastegate regulator (15) is controlled by  the

engine Electronic Control Module  (ECM). The

ECM uses inputs from a number of engine sensors

to determine the optimum  boost pressure. This

will achieve the best exhaust emissions  and fuel

consumption at any given engine operating condition.

The ECM controls the wastegate  regulator, that

regulates the boost pressure  to the wastegate


The gas then passes through the filter element before

exiting to atmosphere in an open breather system

or back to the induction system in a closed breather

system via the breather vent pipe.

Any liquid oil that is captured by the filter drains from

the bottom of the canister. The liquid oil is returned

by the drain pipe that runs from the bottom  of the

canister back to the crankcase. A valve connects the

drain pipe to the crankcase. This valve prevents the

bypass of gas past the filter and oil from passing up

the drain pipe.

When higher boost pressure  is needed for the

engine performance, a signal is sent from the ECM

to the wastegate regulator. The wastegate regulator

reduces the pressure in the air inlet pipe  (14) that

acts upon the diaphragm  within the wastegate

actuator (13).

A pressure control valve is located in  the top cap

of the canister. This valve regulates the crankcase

pressure on the closed breather system.

The spring within the wastegate actuator (13) forces

the wastegate valve that is within the turbine housing

to close via the actuating rod and lever. When the

wastegate valve is closed, more exhaust gas is able

to pass over the turbine wheel. This  results in an

increase in turbocharger speed and boost pressure


A pressure relief valve is located in the rear of  the

canister in the integral mounting  bracket. Under

normal operation of the engine, this valve will  not

operate. If part of the system becomes blocked the

valve will open at a pressure of 8.5 kPa (1.2 psi). The

open valve will allow gas to bypass the filter and the

pipes for venting.

When lower boost pressure is needed for the engine

performance, a signal is sent from the ECM to the

wastegate regulator. This causes high pressure in

the air inlet pipe (14) to act on the diaphragm within

the wastegate actuator (13). The actuating rod (12)

acts upon the actuating lever to open the  valve in

the wastegate. When the valve in the wastegate is

opened, more exhaust gas from the engine is able to

bypass the turbine wheel. The exhaust gases bypass

the turbine wheel results in a decrease in the speed

of the turbocharger.

The filter element can be accessed  by removing

the top cap of the canister. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Engine Crankcase Breather

Element - Replace” for the correct procedure.


The crankcase breather gases are part of the engines

measured emissions output.  Any tampering with the

breather system  could  invalidate the  engines emis-

sions compliance.

The shaft that connects the turbine to the compressor

wheel rotates in bearings (4) and (6). The bearings

require oil under pressure for lubrication and cooling.

The oil that flows to the lubricating oil inlet port (5)

passes through the center of the turbocharger which

retains the bearings. The oil exits the turbocharger

from the lubricating oil outlet port (10) and returns

to the oil pan.

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Systems Operation  Section

Valve System Components

The engine lubricating oil enters the lifter (4) through

a non-return valve.  The engine lubricating oil

increases the length of the lifter (4) until all valve lash

is removed. If the engine is stationary for a prolonged

period the valve springs will cause the  lifter (4) to

shorten so that when the engine is started engine

valve lash is present for the first few seconds.

After cranking restores oil pressure  the lifter (4)

increases in length and removes  the valve lash.

When load is removed from a lifter (4) during service

work by the removal of  the rocker shaft the lifter

(4) increases in length  to the maximum extent.

Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Position the Valve Mechanism Before Maintenance

Procedures” for the correct procedure.

During reassembly of the rocker shaft the  engine

must be put into a  safe position to avoid engine

damage. After load is  imposed on the lifters by

reassembling the rocker assembly, the engine must

be left in safe position for  a safe period until the

lifters have reduced to the correct length. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Shaft  and

Pushrod - Install” for the correct procedure.

Upward movement of the pushrod against rocker arm

(2) results in a downward movement that acts on the

valve bridge (1). This action opens a pair of valves (7)

which compresses the valve springs (6). When the

camshaft (5) has rotated to the peak of the lobe, the

valves are fully open. When the camshaft (5) rotates

further, the two valve springs (6) under compression

start to expand. The valve stems are under tension of

the springs. The stems are pushed upward in order

to maintain contact with the valve  bridge (1). The

continued rotation of the camshaft causes the rocker

arm (2), the pushrods (3) and the lifters (4) to move

downward until the lifter reaches the bottom of the

lobe. The valves (7) are now closed.  The cycle is

repeated for all the valves on each cylinder.


Illustration 23

Valve system components

(1) Bridge

(2) Rocker arm

(3) Pushrod

(4) Lifter

(5) Camshaft

(6) Spring

(7) Valve

The valve system components control the flow  of

inlet air into the cylinders during engine operation.

The valve system components also control the flow

of exhaust gases out of the cylinders during engine



Clean Emissions Module

The crankshaft gear drives the camshaft gear through

an idler gear. The camshaft (5) must be timed to the

crankshaft in order to get the correct relation between

the piston movement and the valve movement.

To meet current emissions legislation requirements,

a small amount of certain chemical compounds that

are emitted by the engine must not  be allowed to

enter the atmosphere. The Clean Emissions Module

(CEM) that is installed to the engine is designed to

convert these chemical compounds into less harmful


The camshaft (5) has two camshaft lobes for each

cylinder. The lobes operate either  a pair of inlet

valves or a pair of exhaust valves. As the camshaft

turns, lobes on the camshaft cause the lifter (4) to

move the pushrod (3) up and down.

The lifter (4) incorporates a hydraulic lash adjuster

which removes valve lash from the valve mechanism.

The lifter (4) uses engine lubricating oil to compensate

for wear of system components so that no service

adjustment of valve lash is needed.

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Systems Operation  Section


Illustration 24

Typical example

(1) Clean emissions module (CEM)

(2) Inlet connection

(3) Outlet connection

(4) Mounting cradle

(5) Flexible exhaust pipe  from engine to


The Clean Emissions Module (CEM) for the engine

consists of the following components.

The rate of accumulation of ash is slow under normal

engine operating conditions. The filter is designed

to contain all the ash that is produced for the life of

the engine.

•  Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)

•  Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

The engine aftertreatment system is designed to

oxidize the soot in the DPF at the same rate as the

soot is produced by the engine. The oxidization of

the soot will occur when  the engine is operating

under normal conditions. The soot  in the DPF is

constantly monitored. If the engine is operated in a

way that produces more soot than the oxidized soot,

the engine management system will automatically

activate systems to raise the exhaust temperature.

The raising of the exhaust temperature will ensure

that more soot is  oxidized than the soot that is

produced by the engine. The oxidization  of more

soot returns the DPF to a reduced level of soot. The

systems are then deactivated when the soot level

has been reduced.

The Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) oxidizes the

carbon monoxide and the hydrocarbons that  are

not burnt in the exhaust  gas into carbon dioxide

and water. The Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) is

a through flow device that will continue to  operate

during all normal engine operating conditions.

The Diesel Particulate Filter  (DPF) collects all

particulate matter in the exhaust gas.

A flexible exhaust pipe  connects the engine to

the Clean Emissions  Module (CEM). Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly for the correct procedure

to install the flexible exhaust pipe.

The engine ECM must know how much soot is in the

DPF. Measurement of soot is accomplished through

the following means:

The solid particulate matter that is collected by the

DPF consists of soot  (carbon) from incomplete

combustion of the fuel and inorganic ash from the

combustion of any oil in the cylinder.

•  Radio frequency measurement across the DPF

•  Calculated model based on developed engine out

soot measurements

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Systems Operation  Section

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) uses the soot

measurement information to determine if the engine

operating conditions need to be adjusted in order to

oxidize the soot at an increased rate.

If a replacement Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)  is

required, contact your Perkins distributor.


Cooling System


The cooling system has the following components:

•  Radiator

•  Water pump

•  Cylinder block

•  Oil cooler

•  Exhaust gas cooler (NRS)

•  Cylinder head

•  Water temperature regulator

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Systems Operation  Section

Coolant Flow


Illustration 25

Typical example

(1) Radiator

(4) Exhaust gas cooler (NRS)

(5) Cylinder head

(6) Cylinder block

(8) Water pump

(2) Water temperature regulator and housing

(3) Bypass for  the water temperature


(7) Engine oil cooler

The coolant flows from the bottom of the radiator (1)

to the centrifugal water pump (8). The water pump

(8) is installed on the front of the timing case.  The

water pump (8) is driven by a gear. The gear of the

fuel injection pump drives the water pump gear.

Some coolant flows through a cavity in the front of

the cylinder head (5). Some coolant is diverted into

the exhaust gas cooler (4) by a coolant pipe in the

rear of the cylinder head (5). The coolant then flows

out of the exhaust gas cooler (4) to the cavity in the

cylinder head (5).

The water pump (8) contains a rotary seal that uses

the engine coolant as a lubricating medium. This will

ensure that an adequate sealing film is created. The

sealing film is maintained in order  to reduce heat

generation. Heat that is generated by the  rotating

sealing faces under normal operating  conditions

causes a small flow of coolant to be emitted into a

chamber. The water pump (8) pumps the  coolant

through a passage in the timing case to the front of

the cylinder block (6).

The coolant then flows into the housing of the water

temperature regulator (2). If the water temperature

regulator (2) is closed, the  coolant goes directly

through a bypass (3) to the inlet side of  the water

pump. If the water temperature regulator is open, and

the bypass is closed then the coolant flows to the top

of the radiator (1).

The coolant enters a passage in the left side of the

cylinder block (6). Some coolant enters the cylinder

block. Some coolant passes over the element of the

oil cooler (7). The coolant then enters the block (6).

Coolant flows around the outside of the  cylinders

then flows from the cylinder block into the cylinder

head (5).

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Systems Operation  Section

The hub of the idler gear is lubricated by oil from the

oil gallery. The timing gears are lubricated  by the

splash from the oil.


Lubrication System

An external line supplies oil to the high-pressure fuel

pump. The oil then flows through a return line into the

timing case and back to the oil pan.

Lubricating oil from the  oil pan flows through a

strainer and a pipe to the suction side of the engine

oil pump. Pressure for the  lubrication system is

supplied by the oil pump. The crankshaft gear drives

a lower idler gear. The lower idler gear drives the oil

pump gear. The pump has an inner rotor and an outer

rotor. The axis of rotation of the rotors are off-center

relative to each other. There is  an interference fit

between the inner rotor and the drive shaft.

Engines have piston cooling jets that are supplied

with oil from the oil gallery. The piston cooling jets

spray lubricating oil on the underside of the pistons in

order to cool the pistons.


Electrical System

If a balancer is installed, the  engine oil pressure

is provided by an integrated engine oil pump. The

integrated engine oil pump is located in the balancer.

The electrical system is a negative ground system.

The inner rotor has five lobes which mesh with the six

lobes of the outer rotor. When the pump rotates, the

distance increases between the lobes of the outer

rotor and the lobes of the inner rotor in order to create

suction. When the distance decreases between the

lobes, pressure is created.

The charging circuit operates  when the engine

is running. The alternator in  the charging circuit

produces direct current for the electrical system.

Starting Motor

The lubricating oil flows from the outlet side of the oil

pump through a passage to the oil filter head. The oil

then flows from the oil filter head through a passage

to a plate type oil cooler. The oil cooler is located on

the left side of the cylinder block.

From the oil cooler, the oil returns through a passage

to the oil filter head. The  oil then flows through a

bypass valve that permits the lubrication  system

to function if the oil filter becomes blocked. Under

normal conditions, the oil then flows to the oil filter.

The oil flows from the oil filter through a passage that

is drilled across the cylinder block to the oil gallery.

The oil gallery is drilled through the total length  of

the left side of the cylinder block. If the oil filter is on

the right side of the engine, the oil flows through a

passage that is drilled across the cylinder block to

the pressure gallery.

Lubricating oil from the  oil gallery flows through

high-pressure passages to the main bearings of the

crankshaft. Then, the oil flows through the passages

in the crankshaft to  the connecting rod bearing

journals. The pistons and the  cylinder bores are

lubricated by the splash of oil and the oil mist.


Illustration 26

Typical example

12 V 4 kW Starting  Motor

(1) Terminal 30 for connection of the battery cable

(2) Terminal 50 for connection of ignition switch

(3) Terminal 31 for connection of the ground

Lubricating oil from the main bearings flows through

passages in the cylinder block to the journals of the

camshaft. Then, the oil flows from the front journal of

the camshaft at a reduced pressure to the cylinder

head. The oil then flows through the center  of the

rocker shaft to the rocker  arm levers. The valve

stems, the valve springs and the  valve lifters are

lubricated by the splash and the oil mist.

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Systems Operation  Section

Certain higher powered starting motors are designed

with an Integrated Magnetic  Switch (IMS). The

Integrated Magnetic Switch (IMS) is activated by the

ignition switch. The solenoid circuit then engages the

starting motor. The benefit of Integrated Magnetic

Switch (IMS) is a lower current in the ignition circuit

that will allow the engine ECM  to control ignition

without the use of a relay.


The electrical outputs of the  alternator have the

following characteristics:

•  Three-phase

•  Full-wave

•  Rectified

The alternator is an electro-mechanical component.

The alternator is driven by a belt from the crankshaft

pulley. The alternator charges the storage battery

during the engine operation.


Illustration 27

Typical example

24 V 5.5 kW  Starting Motor

(4) Terminal 30 for connection of the battery cable

(5) Integrated Magnetic Switch (IMS)

(6) Terminal 50 for connection of ignition switch

(7) Terminal 31 for connection of the ground

The alternator is cooled by an external fan which is

mounted behind the pulley. The fan may be mounted

internally. The fan forces air through the holes in the

front of the alternator. The air exits through the holes

in the back of the alternator.

The starting motor turns the engine via a gear on the

engine flywheel. The starting motor speed must be

high enough in order to initiate a sustained operation

of the fuel ignition in the cylinders.

The alternator converts the mechanical energy and

the magnetic field into alternating current and voltage.

This conversion is done by rotating a direct current

electromagnetic field on the inside of a three-phase

stator. The electromagnetic field is generated  by

electrical current flowing through a rotor. The stator

generates alternating current and voltage.

The starting motor consists of the main armature and

a solenoid. The solenoid is a relay with two windings

Pull-In (PI) and Hold-In  (HI). Upon activation of

ignition switch, both windings move the iron  core

by electromagnets. The linkage from the iron core

acts to move the pinion  toward the flywheel ring

gear for engagement. Upon complete engagement,

the solenoid completes the high current circuit that

supplies electric power to the main armature in order

to provide rotation. During cranking of the engine,

only the Hold-In (HI) winding is active.

The alternating current is changed to direct current

by a three-phase, full-wave rectifier. Direct current

flows to the output terminal of  the alternator. The

direct current is used for the charging process.

A regulator is  installed on the rear end  of the

alternator. Two brushes conduct current through two

slip rings. The current then flows to the rotor field. A

capacitor protects the rectifier from high voltages.

The ignition switch is deactivated once the desired

engine speed has been achieved.  The circuit is

disconnected. The armature will stop rotating. Return

springs that are located  on the shafts and the

solenoid will disengage the pinion from flywheel ring

gear back to the rest position.

The alternator is connected to the battery for charging

and machine load requirements. A warning lamp can

be connected via the ignition switch. This wiring is


The armature of  the starting motor  and the

mechanical transmissions may be damaged if the

increases in the speed of the  engine are greater

than the pinion of the starting motor. Damage may

occur when the engine is started or after the engine

is started. An overrunning clutch prevents damage to

the armature of the starting motor and mechanical


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Systems Operation  Section



Cleanliness of Fuel System


In order to refuel the diesel fuel tank, the refueling

pump and the fuel tank cap assembly must be clean

and free from dirt and debris. Refueling should take

place only when the ambient conditions are free from

dust, wind, and rain.

Cleanliness of the Engine

Only use fuel that is free from contamination. Ultra

Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) must be used. The content

of sulfur in Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel must

be below 15 PPM 0.0015%.


It is important  to maintain extreme cleanliness when

working on the fuel  system, since even tiny particles

can cause engine or fuel system problems.

Biodiesel may be used. The neat  biodiesel must

conform to the latest “EN14214 or  ASTM D6751”

(in the USA). The biodiesel can only be blended in

mixture of up to 20% by volume in acceptable mineral

diesel fuel meeting latest edition of “EN590 or ASTM

D975 S15” designation.

The entire engine  should be washed  with a

high-pressure water system. Washing the engine will

remove dirt and loose debris before a repair on the

fuel system is started. Ensure that no high-pressure

water is directed at the seals for the injectors.

In United States, Biodiesel blends of B6 to B20 must

meet the requirements listed in the latest edition of

“ASTM D7467” (B6 to B20) and must be of an API

gravity of 30-45.


When possible, the service area should be positively

pressurized. Ensure that the components are not

exposed to contamination from airborne  dirt and

debris. When a component is  removed from the

system, the exposed fuel  connections must be

closed off immediately with suitable sealing plugs.

The sealing plugs should only be  removed when

the component is reconnected. The sealing plugs

must not be reused. Dispose of the sealing  plugs

immediately after use. Contact your nearest Perkins

distributor in order to obtain the correct sealing plugs.

For more information,  refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fluid Recommendations”.


Fuel Injection


New Components

High-pressure lines  are not reusable. New

high-pressure lines are manufactured for installation

in one position only. When a high-pressure line  is

replaced, do not bend or distort the new line. Internal

damage to the pipe may cause metallic particles to

be introduced to the fuel.

All new fuel  filters, high-pressure lines, tube

assemblies, and components are supplied  with

sealing plugs. These sealing plugs should only be

removed in order to install the new part. If the new

component is not supplied with sealing plugs then

the component should not be used.

The technician must wear suitable rubber gloves.

The rubber gloves should be disposed of immediately

after completion of the repair  in order to prevent

contamination of the system.

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Illustration 28

Typical example

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(1) Fuel strainer

(5) Secondary fuel filter

(6) Fuel Injection Pump

(7) Inlet pressure regulator

(8) Fuel manifold (rail)

(9) Pressure relief valve

(2) Electric transfer pump

(3) Primary fuel filter

(4) ECM that is fuel cooled.

(10) Electronic unit injector

(11) Fuel cooler (optional)

(A) Fuel tank

Fuel is drawn from  the fuel tank through a fuel

strainer to an external electric transfer pump. The

fuel then flows to the 10 micron primary fuel filter and

a water separator.

The fuel may flow to a fuel cooled  ECM. The fuel

then flows to a 4 micron secondary fuel filter.

The fuel flows from the  secondary fuel filter to a

pressure regulator. A pressure  regulator that is

installed in the low-pressure fuel system controls the

fuel pressure to the fuel injection pump. The pressure

regulator regulates the fuel at a pressure of 150 kPa

(22 psi) when the engine is at idle speed.

From the pressure regulator, the fuel flows to the fuel

injection pump. The fuel is pumped at an increased

pressure of 200 MPa (29000 psi) to the fuel manifold


Fuel that has too  high a pressure from the fuel

manifold (rail) returns through the pressure  relief

valve to the return line. Fuel that is leak off from the

electronic unit injectors flows to the return line. The

fuel may then flow through an optional fuel cooler on

the way back to the fuel tank.

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Systems Operation  Section

High Pressure Fuel System


Illustration 29

Typical example

(1) Fuel injection pump

(2) Fuel temperature sensor

(3) Suction control valve for the fuel injection


(4) Fuel pressure sensor

(5) Electronic unit injector

(6) Fuel manifold (rail)

(7) Pressure relief valve

(8) Fuel transfer pump

The fuel injection  pump (1) feeds fuel  to the

•  Fuel transfer pump

high-pressure fuel manifold (rail) (6).  The fuel is

at a pressure of 200 MPa (29000 psi). A pressure

sensor (4) in the high-pressure fuel manifold (rail) (6)

monitors the fuel pressure in the high-pressure fuel

manifold (rail) (6). The ECM controls a suction control

valve (3) in the fuel injection pump  (1) in order to

maintain the actual pressure in the high-pressure fuel

manifold (6) at the desired level. The high-pressure

fuel is continuously available at each injector. The

ECM determines the correct time for activation of the

correct electronic unit injector (5) which allows fuel

to be injected into the cylinder. The leakoff fuel from

each injector passes into a drilling which runs along

the inside of the cylinder head. A pipe is connected

to the rear of the cylinder head in order to return the

leakoff fuel to the fuel tank.

•  Secondary fuel filter

•  Fuel injection pump

•  Fuel injectors

•  Fuel manifold

•  Pressure relief valve

•  Fuel pressure sensor

•  Fuel temperature sensor

The following list contains examples of  both

service and repairs when you must prime  the


Components of the Fuel Injection System

•  A fuel filter is changed.

The fuel injection system  has the following

mechanical components:

•  A low-pressure fuel line is replaced.

•  The fuel injection pump is replaced.

•  The ECM is replaced.

•  Primary filter/water separator

•  Electric transfer pump

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Systems Operation  Section

Secondary Fuel Filter

For the correct procedure to prime the fuel system,

refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Fuel System - Prime”.

Primary Filter/Water Separator


Illustration 31

Typical example

The secondary fuel filter (1)  is located after the

primary fuel filter.  The secondary fuel filter (1)

provides a 4 micron filtration level.

Fuel Pump Assembly


Illustration 30

Typical example

The primary filter/water separator  (1) is located

between the electric lift pump and the secondary fuel

filter. The primary filter/water separator (1) provides a

10 micron filtration level.

The primary filter/water separator can  either be

engine mounted or supplied loose.  The primary

filter/water separator is supplied with water in fuel

sensor (2).


Illustration 32

Typical example

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The fuel pump assembly consists of a low-pressure

transfer pump and a high-pressure  fuel injection

pump. The pump assembly is driven from  a gear

in the front timing case at engine speed.  The fuel

injection pump (1) has two plungers that are driven

by a camshaft. The fuel injection pump (1) delivers

a volume of fuel two times for each revolution. The

stroke of the plungers are fixed.

The injector will use only  part of the fuel that is

delivered by each stroke of the pistons in the pump.

The suction control valve (3) for the  fuel injection

pump (1) is controlled by the ECM. This maintains

the fuel pressure in the fuel  manifold (rail) at the

correct level. A feature of the fuel injection pump (1)

allows fuel to return to the tank continuously.

The fuel temperature sensor  (2) measures the

temperature of the fuel. The ECM receives the signal

from the fuel temperature sensor  (2). The ECM

calculates the volume of fuel.

The fuel injection  pump has the following


•  Generation of high-pressure fuel

The fuel output of the fuel injection pump is controlled

by the ECM in response to changes in the demand of

fuel pressure.


The engine shuts off by preventing the electronic unit

injectors from injecting. The ECM then closes  the

suction control valve to prevent the pressure in the

fuel manifold (rail) from increasing.

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Illustration 33

Typical example of the electrical control  system for the fuel system

(1) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(2) Throttle position sensor

(3) Wastegate regulator

(4) Fuel rail pressure sensor

(5) Inlet manifold pressure sensor

(6) Atmospheric pressure sensor

(7) Coolant temperature sensor

(8) Inlet manifold air temperature sensor

(9) Secondary speed/timing sensor

(10) Primary speed/timing sensor

(11) Fuel injection pump

(12) Suction control  valve for the  fuel

injection pump

(13) Fuel temperature sensor

(14) Electronic unit injectors

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The ECM determines  the quantity, timing, and

pressure of the fuel in order to be injected into the

fuel injector.

The fuel injectors contain no serviceable parts apart

from the O-ring seal and the combustion washer. The

clamp and setscrew are serviced separately.

The ECM uses input from the sensors on the engine.

These sensors include the speed/timing sensors and

the pressure sensors.

The pressurized fuel from the fuel manifold is injected

into the combustion chamber  by the electronic

unit injector. The desired injection timing, injection

quantity and injection pattern are controlled by the

ECM depending on engine operating conditions.

The ECM controls the timing and the flow of fuel by

actuating the injector solenoid.

The injection process is controlled using a two-way

valve. The supply of electrical current to the solenoid

controls the two-way valve. When the two-way valve

is not energized the out orifice is closed and there

is no fuel leak. In this condition the pressure in the

control chamber and the pressure  at the nozzle

needle are the same. In this  condition the spring

pressure on the command piston keeps the needle


The amount of fuel is proportional to the duration of

the signal to the injector solenoid.

The ECM controls the fuel pressure by increasing

or decreasing the flow of fuel from the fuel injection


Fuel Injectors

When an injection of fuel is required, the electrical

current from the ECM charges the solenoid, which in

turn energizes the two-way valve and lifts the valve.

When the valve lifts the valve uncovers the out orifice.

The fuel starts to flow and reduces the pressure in the

control chamber. When the pressure difference at the

nozzle needle exceeds the combined pressure of the

control chamber pressure and the spring pressure,

the nozzle lifts to start the injection process. The fuel

coming out of the nozzle is atomized and injected,

as a very fine spray.

When the injection needs to be stopped the electrical

current to the solenoid is cut off and  the pressure

difference in the control chamber starts increasing.

The increased pressure difference stops the injection

process when the combined pressure exceeds the

nozzle pressure.

The electronic unit injectors can be instructed to inject

fuel multiple times during the combustion process. A

close pilot injection occurs before the main injection.

The close pilot injection helps to reduce NOx  and

noise. The main injection period helps to increase the

torque of the engine. The after injection period helps

to reduce the amount of smoke that is produced.


Illustration 34

Typical example

(1) Electrical connections

(2) Bolt

(3) Clamp

(4) Combustion washer

(5) O-ring

(6) Fuel inlet

Note: If a  replacement electronic unit injector

is installed, the  correct injector code must be

programmed into the electronic control module. Refer

to Troubleshooting, “Injector Code - Calibrate” for

more information. The code that is required is located

at Position (X). Record Code (X) before the electronic

unit injector is installed.

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Systems Operation  Section

Fuel Manifold

The electronic control system  has the following


•  ECM

•  Pressure sensor

•  Temperature sensors

•  Crankshaft speed/timing sensor

•  Camshaft speed/timing sensor

•  The suction control valve for the fuel injection pump

•  Wastegate solenoid

•  Electronic unit injectors

•  Soot sensors


Illustration 35

Typical example

The fuel manifold (2) stores high-pressure fuel from

the fuel injection pump. The high-pressure fuel will

flow to the injectors.

The fuel pressure sensor (1)  measures the fuel

pressure in the fuel manifold (3).

The pressure relief valve (3) will  prevent the fuel

pressure from getting too high.

The fuel pressure sensor must be replaced with the

fuel manifold (rail). The pressure relief valve can be

serviced as a separate component.


Electronic Control System


The engine is designed for electronic control. The

engine has an Electronic Control Module (ECM), a

fuel injection pump and electronic unit injectors. All

of these items are electronically controlled. There

are also a number of engine sensors. The engine is

equipped with an electronically controlled wastegate

system for the turbocharger. The ECM controls the

engine operating parameters through the software

within the ECM and  the inputs from the various

sensors. The software contains parameters  that

control the engine operation. The parameters include

all of the operating maps and  customer-selected


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Systems Operation  Section

Engines with Series Turbochargers


Illustration 36

(1) Air cleaner

(12) Exhaust  gas valve for  the NOx

(25) Oil pressure sensor

(2) Air inlet temperature sensor

(3) Exhaust back pressure valve

(4) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)  and

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

(5) Inlet temperature sensor for the DPF

(6) Soot sensor

(7) Exhaust Cooler for the NOx Reduction

System (NRS)

(8) Turbochargers

(9) Valve for the  NOx Reduction System


(10) Temperature sensor  for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(11) Inlet pressure  sensor for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

Reduction System (NRS)

(13) Air-to-air aftercooler

(14) Wastegate regulator

(15) Outlet pressure sensor  for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(16) Engine

(17) Coolant temperature sensor

(18) Crankshaft speed/timing sensor

(19) Electronic unit injectors

(20) Fuel cooler

(26) Atmospheric pressure sensor

(27) ECM

(28) Fuel transfer pump

(29) Primary fuel filter

(30) Fuel strainer

(31) Boost pressure sensor

(32) Inlet manifold temperature sensor

(33) Transfer pump inlet regulator

(34) Secondary fuel filter

(35) Fuel tank

(21) Fuel pressure relief valve

(22) Camshaft speed/timing sensor

(23) Fuel  injection pump  and fuel

temperature sensor

(24) Fuel pressure sensor

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Systems Operation  Section

Engines with a Single Turbocharger


Illustration 37

Typical example

(1) Air cleaner

(12) Exhaust  gas valve for  the NOx

(25) Oil pressure sensor

(2) Air inlet temperature sensor

(3) Exhaust Cooler for the NOx Reduction

System (NRS)

(4) Exhaust back pressure valve

(5) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)  and

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

(6) DPF inlet temperature sensor

(7) Soot sensor

(8) Turbocharger

(9) Valve for the  NOx Reduction System


(10) Temperature sensor  for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(11) Inlet pressure  sensor for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

Reduction System (NRS)

(13) Air-to-air aftercooler

(14) Wastegate regulator

(15) Outlet pressure sensor  for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(16) Engine

(17) Coolant temperature sensor

(18) Crankshaft speed/timing sensor

(19) Electronic unit injectors

(20) Fuel cooler

(26) Atmospheric pressure sensor

(27) ECM

(28) Fuel transfer pump

(29) Primary fuel filter

(30) Fuel strainer

(31) Inlet manifold pressure sensor

(32) Inlet manifold air temperature sensor

(33) Transfer pump inlet regulator

(34) Secondary fuel filter

(35) Fuel tank

(21) Fuel pressure relief valve

(22) Camshaft speed/timing sensor

(23) Fuel  injection pump  and fuel

temperature sensor

(24) Fuel pressure sensor

Sensor Locations for the Engine

The illustrations in this  section show the typical

locations of the sensors for the  industrial engine.

Specific engines may appear  different from the

illustration due to differences in applications.

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Systems Operation  Section


Illustration 38

(1) Coolant temperature sensor

(2) Fuel pressure sensor

(3) Inlet manifold temperature sensor

(4) Boost pressure sensor

(8) Engine oil pressure sensor

(9) Fuel temperature sensor

(10) Suction control  valve for the fuel

injection pump

(13) Outlet pressure sensor  for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(14) Exhaust  gas valve for  the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(5) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(6) Atmospheric pressure sensor

(7) Crankshaft speed/timing sensor

(11) Wastegate regulator

(12) Inlet pressure  sensor for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(15) Temperature sensor  for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

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Illustration 39

(16) Exhaust back pressure valve

(17) Camshaft speed/timing sensor

(18) Water in fuel switch

(19) Oil level switch (if equipped)

(20) Electric fuel transfer pump


Illustration 40

(1) Coolant temperature sensor

(2) Fuel pressure sensor

(3) Inlet manifold temperature sensor

(4) Boost pressure sensor

(5) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

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Illustration 41

(6) Atmospheric pressure sensor

(7) Crankshaft speed/timing sensor

(8) Engine oil pressure sensor


Illustration 42

(9) Fuel temperature sensor

(10) Suction control  valve for the  fuel

injection pump

(11) Wastegate regulator

(12) Inlet pressure  sensor for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(13) Outlet pressure sensor  for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

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Illustration 43

(14) Exhaust  gas valve for  the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(15) Temperature sensor  for the NOx

Reduction System (NRS)

(16) Exhaust back pressure valve


Illustration 44

(17) Camshaft speed/timing sensor

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Illustration 45

(18) Water in fuel switch

(19) Oil level switch (if equipped)

(20) Electric fuel transfer pump

Sensor Locations for the  Clean

Emissions Module


Illustration 46

(1) Temperature sensor

(2) Connector for temperature sensor

(3) Soot sensor connection

(4) Aftertreatment identification module

(5) Soot sensor connection

(6) Soot sensor module

Note: The location of the soot sensor module  will

depend on the application.

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Systems Operation  Section


The ECM has an excellent record of reliability. Any

problems in the system are most  likely to be the

connectors and the wiring harness. The ECM should

be the last item in troubleshooting the engine.

The programmable software contains all the  fuel

setting information. The information determines the

engine performance.

Flash programming is the method of programming

or updating the programmable  software. Refer

to Troubleshooting, “Flash  Programming” for

the instructions on the flash programming  of the

programmable software.

The ECM is sealed and the ECM needs no routine

adjustment or maintenance.

Engine Speed

The electronic controls determine the injection timing,

the amount of fuel that is delivered to the cylinders

and the intake manifold pressure if an electronically

controlled wastegate is installed. These decisions

are based on the actual conditions and the desired

conditions at any given time.

The ECM has software that compares the desired

engine speed to the actual engine speed. The actual

engine speed is determined through the crankshaft

speed/timing sensor and the camshaft speed/timing

sensor. If the desired engine speed is greater than

the actual engine speed, the ECM will instruct the

electronic unit injector to inject more fuel in order to

increase engine speed.


Illustration 47

Typical example

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) (1) functions

as a governor and a computer for the fuel system.

The ECM receives signals from the sensors in order

to control the timing and the engine speed.

Timing Considerations

The electronic system consists of  the ECM, the

engine sensors, and inputs from the parent machine.

The ECM is the computer. The personality module

is the software for the computer.  The personality

module contains the operating maps. The operating

maps define the following  characteristics of the


Once the ECM has determined the amount of fuel

that is required, the software must determine  the

timing of the fuel injection. Fuel injection timing  is

determined by the ECM after considering input from

the following components:

•  Engine coolant temperature sensor

•  Engine rating

•  The sensor for the intake manifold air temperature

•  The sensor for the intake manifold pressure

•  Torque curves

•  High and low idle speed (rpm)

•  Emissions

•  Injection timing

The factory passwords restrict changes to authorized

personnel. Factory passwords are required to clear

any event code. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Factory

Passwords” for more information on the passwords.

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Systems Operation  Section

Diagnostic Codes

At start-up, the ECM  determines the top center

position of the number 1 cylinder from the secondary

speed/timing sensor in the  fuel injection pump.

The ECM decides when fuel injection should occur

relative to the top center position. The ECM optimizes

engine performance by  control of each of the

electronic unit injectors so that the required amount

of fuel is injected at the precise point of the engines

cycle. The electronic unit  injectors are supplied

high-pressure fuel from the fuel manifold. The ECM

also provides the signal to the solenoid in the  fuel

injection pump. The solenoid in the  fuel injection

pump controls a valve in the fuel injection pump. This

valve controls the pressure in the fuel manifold. Fuel

that is not required for the engine is diverted away

from the fuel injection pump back to the fuel tank.

When the ECM detects an electronic system problem,

the ECM generates a diagnostic code. Also, the ECM

logs the diagnostic code in order to indicate the time

of the problems occurrence. The ECM also logs the

number of occurrences of the problem. Diagnostic

codes are provided in order to indicate that the ECM

has detected an electrical problem or an electronic

problem with the engine control system.  In some

cases, the engine performance can be affected when

the condition that is causing the code exists.

If the operator indicates that a performance problem

occurs, the diagnostic code may indicate the cause

of the problem. Use a laptop computer  to access

the diagnostic codes. The problem should then be


The ECM adjusts injection timing and fuel pressure

for the best engine  performance, the best fuel

economy, and the best control of exhaust emissions.

The actual timing can be viewed with an electronic

service tool. Also, the desired timing can be viewed

with an electronic service tool.

Event Codes

Event Codes are used to indicate that the ECM has

detected an abnormal engine operating condition.

The ECM will log the occurrence of the event code.

This does not indicate an electrical malfunction or

an electronic malfunction. If the temperature of the

coolant in the engine is higher than  the permitted

limit, then the ECM will detect  the condition. The

ECM will then log an event code for the condition.

Fuel Injection

The programmable software inside the ECM sets

certain limits on the  amount of fuel that can be


The FRC Limit is a  limit that is based on intake

manifold air pressure and engine rpm.  The FRC

Limit is used to control the air/fuel ratio in order  to

control the engines exhaust emissions. When the

ECM senses a higher intake manifold air pressure,

the ECM increases the FRC Limit. A higher intake

manifold air pressure indicates that there is more air

in the cylinder. When the ECM increases the FRC

Limit, the ECM allows more fuel into the cylinder.


System Configuration Parameters are protected by

factory passwords. This will prevent unauthorized

reprogramming of the system and the unauthorized

removal of logged events. Factory passwords are

calculated on a computer system that is available

only to Perkins distributors. Since factory passwords

contain alphabetic characters, only an electronic

service tool may change  System Configuration

Parameters. System Configuration Parameters affect

the power rating or the emissions. Passwords also

allow the customer to control certain programmable

engine parameters.

The Rated Fuel Limit is a limit that is based on the

power rating of the engine and on the engine rpm.

The Rated Fuel Limit enables the engine power and

torque outputs to conform to the power and torque

curves of a specific engine model.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Programming Parameters”

and Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords”.

These limits are in the programmable software and

these limits cannot be changed.

The ECM controls the following characteristics:

•  Boost pressure

•  Operation of the NOx reduction system

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Systems Operation  Section

Speed/Timing Sensors

The secondary speed/timing sensor is located on the

right-hand side of the cylinder block toward the rear

of the engine. The secondary speed/timing sensor

generates a signal that is related to the  camshaft

position. The secondary speed/timing sensor detects

the movement of the teeth on the timing ring (2) for

the camshaft. The signal that is generated by  the

speed/timing sensor is transmitted to the ECM. The

ECM calculates the speed and the rotational position

of the engine by using the signal.  The secondary

speed/timing sensor is required for starting purposes.


Illustration 48

Typical example

The primary speed/timing sensor is located on the

left-hand side of the  cylinder block close to the

flywheel housing. The primary speed/timing sensor

generates a signal by detecting the movement of the

teeth that are located on the crankshaft timing ring

(1). The signal that is generated by the speed/timing

sensor is transmitted to the ECM. The ECM uses the

signal from the speed/timing sensor to calculate the

position of the crankshaft. The signal is also used to

determine the engine speed.


Illustration 49

Typical example

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Systems Operation  Section


Illustration 50

Schematic for speed/timing sensor

When the engine is cranking, the  ECM uses the

signal from the speed/timing sensor on the camshaft.

When the engine is running the ECM uses the signal

from the speed/timing sensor on the crankshaft. This

speed/timing sensor is the primary source  of the

engine position.

Pressure Sensors


Illustration 51

Schematic for the pressure  sensors

The boost pressure sensor  and the engine oil

pressure sensor are active sensors.

The boost pressure sensor provides the ECM with a

measurement of inlet manifold pressure in order to

control the air/fuel ratio. This will reduce the engine

smoke during transient conditions.

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Systems Operation  Section

The operating range of the boost pressure sensors is

39 to 400 kPa (6 to 58 psi).

The engine oil pressure sensor provides the ECM

with a measurement of engine oil pressure. The ECM

can warn the operator of possible conditions that can

damage the engine. This includes the detection of

an oil filter that is blocked.

The operating range for the  engine oil pressure

sensor ......................... 13 to 1200 kPa (2 to 174 psi)

Temperature Sensors


Illustration 52

Schematic for the engine temperature  sensors


Illustration 53

Schematic for the temperature sensors for the engine aftertreatment  system

The air inlet temperature sensor and  the coolant

temperature sensor are passive  sensors. Each

sensor provides a temperature input to the ECM. The

ECM controls following operations:

The operating range for the sensors ... −40° to 125°C

(−40° to 257°F)

The operating range  for the fuel temperature

sensor ....................... −40° to 120°C (−40° to 248°F)

•  Fuel delivery

The sensors are also used for engine monitoring.

•  Injection timing

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Systems Operation  Section

Sensors for the NOx Reduction

System (NRS)


Illustration 54

A typical example of a schematic of the position sensors for the  NOx Reduction System (NRS)


Power Sources


The engine supplies power to the ECM. The ECM

powers the following components:

•  All sensors on the engine

•  The suction control valve for the fuel injection pump

•  The solenoid for the wastegate

•  Diagnostic connector

•  Electronic unit injectors

The glow plugs are powered directly from the battery.

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Systems Operation  Section

ECM Power Supply


Illustration 55

Typical example

The power supply to the ECM  and the system is

drawn from the 24 V or the 12 V battery. The power

supply for the ECM has the following components:

•  Battery

•  Disconnect switch

•  Ignition keyswitch

•  Fuses

•  Ground bolt

•  ECM connector

•  Machine interface connector

The Schematic for  the ECM shows the  main

components for a typical power supply circuit. Battery

voltage is normally connected to the ECM. The input

from the ignition keyswitch turns on the ECM.

The wiring  harness can be  bypassed for

troubleshooting purposes.

The display screen on the electronic service tool can

be used in order to check the voltage supply.

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Systems Operation  Section

Power Supply for the  Pressure



Illustration 56

Schematic for pressure sensors

The ECM supplies 5 VDC volts through  the ECM

connector to each sensor.  The power supply is

protected against short circuits. A short in a sensor or

a wiring harness will not cause damage to the ECM.

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Systems Operation  Section

Power Supply for the Glow plugs


Illustration 57

Typical example

Air-To-Air Aftercooler – An air-to-air aftercooler is a

device that is used on turbocharged engines in order

to cool inlet air that has undergone compression. The

inlet air is cooled after the inlet air passes through

the turbocharger. The inlet air is passed through an

aftercooler (heat exchanger) that uses ambient air for

cooling. The inlet air that has been cooled advances

to the inlet manifold.


Glossary of Electronic Control


Active Diagnostic Code  – An active diagnostic

code alerts the operator or the service technician that

an electronic system malfunction is currently present.

Refer to the term “Diagnostic Trouble Code” in this


Alternating Current (AC)  – Alternating current is an

electric current that reverses direction at a regular

interval that is reoccurring.

Before Top Center (BTC) – BTC is the 180 degrees

of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches the

top center position in the normal direction of rotation.

Aftertreatment  – Aftertreatment is a system that is

used to remove pollutants from exhaust gases. The

system consists of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)

and a Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF).

Inlet Manifold Pressure  – The difference between

the turbocharger outlet pressure and atmospheric

pressure is commonly referred to as inlet manifold

pressure. The sensor for  the inlet manifold air

pressure measures the amount of boost.

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Breakout Harness  – The breakout harness is a

test harness that is designed to  connect into the

engine harness. This connection allows a normal

circuit operation and the connection simultaneously

provides a Breakout T  in order to measure the


Desired Engine Speed  – The desired engine speed

is input to the electronic governor within the ECM.

The electronic governor uses the signal  from the

throttle position sensor, the engine speed/timing

sensor, and other sensors in order to determine the

desired engine speed.

Bypass Circuit  – A bypass circuit is a circuit that is

used as a substitute circuit for an existing circuit. A

bypass circuit is typically used as a test circuit.

Diagnostic Trouble Code  – A diagnostic trouble

code is sometimes referred to as a fault code. These

codes indicate an electronic system malfunction.

CAN Data Link (see also J1939 CAN Data Link) –

The CAN Data Link  is a serial communications

port that is used  for communication with other

microprocessor-based devices.

Diagnostic Lamp  – A diagnostic lamp is sometimes

called the check engine light. The diagnostic lamp

is used to warn the operator of the presence of an

active diagnostic code. The diagnostic lamps are

red and orange. The lamp may not be included  in

all applications.

Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter – The Catalyzed

Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF) filters particulates

from the exhaust gases. A coating on the  internal

surfaces reacts with the hot exhaust gases in order

to burn off the particulates. This process prevents the

CDPF from becoming blocked with soot.

Diesel Oxidation Catalyst   – The Diesel Oxidation

Catalyst is also known as the (DOC). The DOC is a

device in the exhaust system that oxidizes certain

elements in the exhaust gases. These  elements

can include carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons

and the soluble organic fraction (SOF) of particulate


Code  – Refer to “Diagnostic Trouble Code”.

Cold Mode  – Cold mode is a mode for cold starting

and for cold engine operation. This mode is used for

engine protection, reduced smoke emissions, and

faster warm-up time.

Digital Sensor Return  – The common line (ground)

from the ECM is  used as ground for the digital


Communication Adapter  Tool  –  The

communication adapter provides a communication

link between the ECM and the Electronic  Service


Digital Sensors  – Digital sensors produce a pulse

width modulated signal. Digital sensors are supplied

with power from the ECM.

Digital Sensor Supply  – The power supply for the

digital sensors is provided by the ECM.

Coolant Temperature Sensor  – The coolant

temperature sensor detects the  engine coolant

temperature for all normal operating conditions and

for engine monitoring.

Direct Current (DC)  – Direct current is the type of

current that flows consistently in only one direction.

Customer Specified Parameters  – A customer

specified parameter is a  parameter that can be

changed in the ECM with the Electronic Service Tool.

A customer specified parameter's value is  set by

the customer. These parameters are protected by

customer passwords.

DT, DT Connector, or Deutsch  DT – This  is a

type of connector that is used on this engine.  The

connectors are manufactured by Deutsch.

Duty Cycle  – See “Pulse Width Modulation”.

Electronic Engine Control  – The  electronic

engine control is a complete  electronic system.

The electronic engine control monitors the engine

operation under all conditions. The electronic engine

control also controls the engine operation under all


Data Link  – The Data Link is a serial communication

port that is used  for communication with other

microprocessor-based devices.

Derate  – Certain engine conditions will generate

event codes. Also, engine derates may be applied.

The map for the engine derate is programmed into

the ECM software. The derate can be one or more

of three types: reduction of rated power, reduction of

rated engine speed, and reduction of rated machine

speed for OEM products.

Electronic Control Module (ECM)  – The ECM

is the control computer of  the engine. The ECM

provides power to the electronics. The ECM monitors

data that is input from the sensors of the engine. The

ECM acts as a governor in order to control the speed

and the power of the engine.

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Systems Operation  Section

Electronic Service Tool  – The electronic service

tool is used for diagnosing various electronic controls

and the electronic service  tool is also used for

programming various electronic controls.

5  – The current is below normal or the circuit is open.

6  – The current is above normal or the  circuit is


Engine Monitoring  – Engine Monitoring is the part

of the electronic engine control that  monitors the

sensors. This also warns the operator of detected


7  – The mechanical system is  not responding


8  – There is an abnormal frequency, an abnormal

pulse width, or an abnormal time period.

Engine Oil Pressure Sensor  – The engine  oil

pressure sensor measures engine oil pressure. The

sensor sends an electronic signal to the ECM that is

dependent on the engine oil pressure.

9  – There has been an abnormal update.

10  – There is an abnormal rate of change.

11  – The failure mode is not identifiable.

12  – The device or the component is damaged.

13  – The device requires calibration.

Engine Speed/Timing Sensor  – An  engine

speed/timing sensor is a  hall effect switch that

provides a digital signal  to the ECM. The ECM

interprets this signal as the crankshaft position and

the engine speed. Two sensors are used to provide

the speed and timing signals to the ECM. The primary

sensor is associated with the crankshaft  and the

secondary sensor is associated with the camshaft.

14  – There is a special instruction for the device.

15  – The signal from the device is high (least severe).

Estimated Dynamic Timing  – Estimated dynamic

timing is the estimate of the actual injection timing

that is calculated by the ECM.

16  – The signal from the device is high (moderate


Event Code  – An event code may be activated

in order to indicate an abnormal engine operating

condition. These codes usually indicate a mechanical

problem instead of an electrical system problem.

17  – The signal from the device is low (least severe).

18  – The signal from the device is low (moderate


Exhaust Back Pressure Valve  – The exhaust back

pressure valve regulates the gas pressure in  the

exhaust system. The valve can restrict the flow of

exhaust gases in order to increase the exhaust back

pressure. An increase in exhaust back pressure will

increase the temperature of the exhaust gases which

will improve the process that burns off the soot in the


19  – There is an error in the data from the device.

31  – The device has failed and the engine has shut


Flash File  – This file is  software that is inside

the ECM. The  file contains all the instructions

(software) for the ECM and  the file contains the

performance maps for a specific engine. The file may

be reprogrammed through flash programming.

Failure Mode Identifier (FMI)  – This  identifier

indicates the type of failure that is associated with

the component. The FMI has been adopted from the

SAE practice of J1587 diagnostics. The FMI follows

the parameter identifier (PID) in the descriptions of

the fault code. The descriptions of the FMIs are in

the following list.

Flash Programming  – Flash programming is the

method of programming or updating an ECM with

an electronic service tool over the data link instead

of replacing components.

Fuel Injection Pump  – This item is sometimes

referred to as the High Pressure Fuel Pump.  This

is a device that supplies fuel under pressure to the

fuel manifold (rail).

0  – The data is valid but the data is above the normal

operational range.

1  – The data is valid but the data is below the normal

operational range.

Fuel Manifold (Rail)  – This item is  sometimes

referred to as the High Pressure Fuel Rail. The fuel

rail supplies fuel to the electronic unit injectors. The

fuel injection pump and the fuel pressure sensor work

with the ECM in order to maintain the desired fuel

pressure in the fuel rail. This pressure is determined

by calibration of the  engine in order to  enable

the engine to meet  emissions and performance


2  – The data is erratic, intermittent, or incorrect.

3  – The voltage is above normal or the voltage is

shorted high.

4  – The voltage is below normal or the voltage is

shorted low.

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Systems Operation  Section

Fuel Manifold (Rail) Pressure Sensor  – The fuel

rail pressure sensor sends an electronic signal to the

ECM that is dependent on the pressure of the fuel

in the fuel rail.

Injector Trim Codes  – Injector trim codes are codes

that contain 30 characters. The codes are supplied

with new injectors. The code is  input through the

electronic service tool into the ECM. The injector trim

codes compensate for variances in manufacturing

of the electronic unit injector and for the life of  the

electronic unit injector.

Fuel Pump  – See “Fuel Injection Pump”.

Fuel Ratio Control (FRC)  – The FRC is a limit that

is based on the control of the fuel to the air ratio. The

FRC is used for emission control. When the  ECM

senses a higher turbocharger outlet pressure, the

ECM increases the limit for the FRC in order to allow

more fuel into the cylinders.

Inlet Manifold Air Temperature Sensor  –  The

inlet manifold air temperature sensor detects  the

air temperature in the  inlet manifold. The ECM

monitors the air temperature and other data in the

inlet manifold in order to adjust injection timing and

other performance functions.

The Suction Control Valve for the Fuel Injection

Pump  – This is sometimes referred to as the High

Pressure Fuel Rail Pump Sunction Control Valve.

This is a control device in the fuel injection  pump.

The ECM controls the pressure in  the fuel rail by

using this valve to divert excess fuel from the pump

to the fuel tank.

Inlet Manifold Pressure  Sensor –  The Inlet

Manifold Pressure Sensor measures the pressure in

the inlet manifold. The pressure in the inlet manifold

may be different to the pressure outside the engine

(atmospheric pressure). The difference in pressure

may be caused by an increase in air pressure by a


Full Load Setting (FLS)  – The FLS is the number

that represents the fuel system adjustment.  This

adjustment is made at the factory in order to fine-tune

the fuel system. The correct value for this parameter

is stamped on the engine information ratings plate.

This parameter must be programmed.

Integrated Electronic Controls  – The engine is

designed with the electronic controls as a necessary

part of the system.  The engine will not operate

without the electronic controls.

J1939 CAN Data Link  – This data link is a  SAE

standard diagnostic communications data link that is

used to communicate between the ECM and other

electronic devices.

Glow Plug  – The glow plug is an optional starting aid

for cold conditions. One glow plug is installed in each

combustion chamber in order to improve the ability of

the engine to start. The ECM uses information from

the engine sensors such as the engine temperature

to determine when the glow plug relay must provide

power to each glow plug. Each  of the glow plugs

then provides a very hot surface in the combustion

chamber in order to vaporize the mixture of air and

fuel. This improves ignition during the compression

stroke of the cylinder.

Logged Diagnostic Codes  – Logged diagnostic

codes are codes which are stored in the  memory.

These codes are an indicator of possible causes for

intermittent problems. Refer to the term “Diagnostic

Trouble Codes” for more information.

NOx Reduction System  – The NOx Reduction

System recycles a portion of the exhaust gases back

into the inlet air in order  to reduce the amount of

oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the exhaust gases. The

recycled exhaust gas passes through a cooler before

being introduced into the inlet air.

Glow Plug Relay  – The glow plug relay is controlled

by the ECM in order to provide high current to  the

glow plugs that are used in the starting aid system.

Harness  – The harness is the bundle of  wiring

(loom) that connects all components of the electronic


OEM  – OEM is an abbreviation for the  Original

Equipment Manufacturer. This is the manufacturer of

the machine or the vehicle that uses the engine.

Hertz (Hz)  – Hertz is the measure of frequency in

cycles per second.

Open Circuit  – An open circuit is a condition that is

caused by an open switch, or by an electrical wire

or a connection that is broken. When this condition

exists, the signal or the supply voltage can no longer

reach the intended destination.

High Pressure Fuel  Rail Pump –  See “Fuel

Injection Pump”.

High Pressure Fuel Rail Pump Suction Control

Valve  – See “The Suction Control Valve for the Fuel

Injection Pump”.

Parameter  – A parameter is a value or a limit that

is programmable. This helps  determine specific

characteristics or behaviors of the engine.

High Pressure Fuel Rail  – See “Fuel Manifold


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Systems Operation  Section

Password  – A password is a group of  numeric

characters or a group of alphanumeric characters

that is designed to restrict access to parameters. The

electronic system requires correct passwords in order

to change some parameters (Factory Passwords).

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords” for

more information.

Relay  – A relay is an electromechanical switch. A

flow of electricity in one circuit is used to control the

flow of electricity in another circuit. A small , current or

voltage is applied to a relay in order to switch a much

larger current or voltage.

Secondary Speed/Timing Sensor  – This sensor

determines the position of the camshaft during engine

operation. If the primary speed/timing sensor fails

during engine operation, the secondary speed/timing

sensor is used to provide the signal.

Programmable Software  – The software  is

programmed into the ECM. The software contains

all the instructions (software) for the ECM and the

software contains the performance  maps for a

specific engine. The software may be reprogrammed

through flash programming.

Sensor  – A sensor is used to detect a change in

the pressure, in the temperature, or in mechanical

movement. When any of these changes are detected,

a sensor converts the change into an electrical signal.

Power Cycling  – Power cycling refers to the action

of cycling the keyswitch from any position to the OFF

position, and to the START/RUN position.

Short Circuit  – A short circuit is a condition that has

an electrical circuit that is inadvertently connected to

an undesirable point. An example of a short circuit

is a wire which rubs against  a vehicle frame and

this rubbing eventually wears off the wire insulation.

Electrical contact with the frame is made and a short

circuit results.

Primary Speed/Timing Sensor  – This sensor

determines the position of the  crankshaft during

engine operation. If  the primary speed/timing

sensor fails during engine operation, the secondary

speed/timing sensor is used to provide the signal.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)  – The PWM is a

signal that consists of pulses that  are of variable

width. These pulses occur at fixed intervals. The ratio

of “TIME ON” versus total “TIME OFF” can be varied.

This ratio is also referred to as a duty cycle.

Signal  – The signal is a voltage or a waveform that

is used in order to transmit information typically from

a sensor to the ECM.

Suction Control Valve (SCV)  – The SCV  is a

control device in the high-pressure fuel pump. The

ECM controls the pressure in the fuel rail by using

this valve to control the amount of fuel that  enters

the chambers in the pump.

Supply Voltage – The supply voltage is a continuous

voltage that is supplied to a component in order to

provide the electrical power that is required for the

component to operate. The power may be generated

by the ECM or the power may be battery voltage that

is supplied by the engine wiring.

System Configuration Parameters  –  System

configuration parameters are parameters that affect

emissions and/or operating characteristics of the



Illustration 58

Rated Fuel Limit  – This is a limit that is based on

the power rating of the engine and on the engine rpm.

The Rated Fuel Limit enables the engine power and

torque outputs to conform to the power and torque

curves of a specific engine model. These limits are in

the flash file and these limits cannot be changed.

Tattletale  – Certain parameters that affect the

operation of the engine  are stored in the ECM.

These parameters can be changed by use  of the

electronic service tool. The tattletale logs the number

of changes that have been made to the parameter.

The tattletale is stored in the ECM.

Reference Voltage  – Reference voltage is  a

regulated voltage and a  steady voltage that is

supplied by the ECM to  a sensor. The reference

voltage is used by the sensor to generate a signal


“T” Harness  – This harness is a test harness that

is designed to permit normal circuit operation and

the measurement of the voltage  simultaneously.

Typically, the harness is inserted between the two

ends of a connector.

Throttle Position  – The throttle position is  the

interpretation by the ECM of  the signal from the

throttle position sensor or the throttle switch.

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Throttle Position Sensor  – The throttle position

sensor is an  electronic sensor that is  usually

connected to an accelerator pedal or a hand lever.

This sensor sends a signal to the ECM that is used

to calculate desired engine speed.

Throttle Switch  – The throttle switch sends a signal

to the ECM that is used to calculate desired engine


Top Center Position – The top center position refers

to the crankshaft position when the engine piston

position is at the highest point of travel. The engine

must be turned in the normal direction of rotation in

order to reach this point.

Total Tattletale  – The total tattletale is the  total

number of changes to all the parameters  that are

stored in the ECM.

Wait To Start Lamp  – This is a lamp that is included

in the cold starting aid circuit in order to indicate when

the wait to start period has expired. The glow plugs

have not deactivated at this point in time.

Wastegate  – This is a device in a turbocharged

engine that controls the maximum boost pressure

that is provided to the inlet manifold.

Wastegate Regulator  – The wastegate regulator

controls the pressure in the  intake manifold to a

value that is determined by the ECM. The wastegate

regulator provides the interface between the ECM

and the wastegate.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

Testing and  Adjusting



Air in Fuel - Test

Fuel System

Table 1

Required Tools

Part Description






Fuel System - Inspect



Sight gauge




Ensure that  all adjustments and  repairs that  are

carried out  to the  fuel system are  performed by

authorized personnel that  have the correct train-


Ensure that  all adjustments and  repairs that  are

carried out  to the  fuel system are  performed by

authorized personnel that  have the correct train-


Before beginning ANY work on the fuel system, re-

fer to Operation  and Maintenance Manual, “Gen-

eral Hazard  Information and  High Pressure  Fuel

Lines” for safety information.

Before beginning ANY work on the fuel system, re-

fer to Operation  and Maintenance Manual,  “Gen-

eral Hazard  Information and  High Pressure  Fuel

Lines” for safety information.

Refer to Systems  Operation, Testing and Adjust-

ing, “Cleanliness of Fuel System Components” for

detailed information  on the standards  of cleanli-

ness that must be  observed during ALL work on

the fuel system.

Refer to Systems  Operation, Testing and Adjust-

ing, “Cleanliness of Fuel System Components” for

detailed information  on the standards  of cleanli-

ness that must be  observed during ALL work  on

the fuel system.

Note: Ensure that the tools are stored with the caps

A problem with the components that transport fuel

to the engine can cause low fuel pressure. This can

decrease engine performance.

in place. Store the tools in a clean plastic bag.

1.  Ensure that the fuel level in the fuel tank is above

the level of the suction pipe in the fuel tank.

1.  Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. Ensure that

the vent in the fuel cap is not filled with dirt.

2.  Inspect the fuel system thoroughly for leaks. If

necessary, repair the fuel system.

2.  Check that the valve in the fuel return line is open

before the engine is started.

3.  Check all low-pressure fuel lines from the fuel

tank for restrictions. Replace  any damaged


3.  Check all low-pressure fuel lines for fuel leakage.

The fuel lines must be free from restrictions and

faulty bends. Verify that the fuel return line is not


4.  Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for

the correct procedure. If the electric fuel transfer

pump is not operating, refer to Troubleshooting,

“Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”.

4.  Install new fuel filters.

5.  Cut the old filter open with a suitable filter cutter.

Inspect the filter  for excess contamination.

Determine the source of the contamination. Make

the necessary repairs.

5.  Start the engine. Refer  to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Starting the Engine” for

the correct procedure. Check if the problem has

been resolved. Run the engine at low idle speed

for 5 minutes.

6.  Stop the engine. Refer  to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Stopping the Engine” for

the correct procedure.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section


Illustration 59

Typical example

7.  If necessary, remove the low-pressure fuel line

from the retaining clips. Remove the low-pressure

fuel line from the  inlet connection (1) of the

secondary fuel filter base.

Note: Ensure that the low-pressure fuel lines  are

not deformed.


Illustration 60

8.  Connect Tooling (A) to the low-pressure fuel line

and the secondary fuel filter base. Connect the

open end of the tube to the inlet connection (1) of

the secondary fuel filter base. Ensure that Tooling

(A) is secured and clear of rotating parts.

9.  Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for

the correct procedure.

10. Start the engine. Refer  to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Starting the Engine” for the

correct procedure. Refer to steps 10.a to 10.d for

the procedure for testing the air in fuel.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

a.  Run the engine a low idle speed.

b. Run the  engine for 2 minutes. There should

be no air in the  fuel flow through the sight

tube. Small bubbles that are  spaced more

than 2.5 cm (1.0 inch) are acceptable. Do not

manipulate the connections during the test for

the air in fuel.

c.  The presence of large bubbles or a continuous

stream of bubbles indicates a leak.

d. Investigate  potential leaks and rectify any

potential leaks in the low-pressure fuel system.

Check for leaks in the connections of the inline

fuel strainer. Check for leaks between the fuel

tank and the inlet at the fuel transfer pump. If

necessary, replace the low-pressure fuel lines.

11. Remove Tooling (A). Reconnect the low-pressure



Illustration 61

12. Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for

the correct procedure.

Typical example


Finding Top Center Position

for No. 1 Piston

Table 2

Required Tools


Part Number






Part Description

Crankshaft Turning Tool

Barring Device Housing











Timing Pin (Camshaft)

Timing Pin (Crankshaft)





Illustration 62

(1)  The Crankshaft Turning Tool is used on the front pulley.

(2)  This Tool is used in the aperture for the electric starting motor.

Typical example

2.  Use Tooling (A) in order to rotate the crankshaft

until the Hole (X) in the camshaft gear (1) aligns

with the hole  in the front housing. Refer  to

illustration 61. Remove the  plug (2) from the

cylinder block. Install Tooling (C) into the Hole (Y)

in the cylinder block. Use Tooling (C) in order to

lock the crankshaft in the correct position.

Note: Either Tooling (A) can be used. Use the Tooling

that is most suitable.

1.  Remove the front cover. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Front Cover - Remove and Install”.

Note: Do not use excessive force to install Tooling

(C). Do not use Tooling (C) to hold  the crankshaft

during repairs.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

3.  Install Tooling (B) through the hole  (X) in the

camshaft gear (1) into the  front housing. Use

Tooling (B) in order to lock the  camshaft in the

correct position.


Fuel Injection Timing - Check

Table 3

Required Tools


Part Number





Part Description

Crankshaft Turning Tool

Barring Device Housing











Timing Pin (Crankshaft)



Illustration 63

Timing Pin (Fuel Injection





Typical example

(1)  The Crankshaft Turning Tool is used on the front pulley.

(2)  This Tool is used in the aperture for the electric starting motor.

2.  Install Tooling (C) into hole  in adapter plate

at Position (Y). Use  Tooling (A) to rotate the

crankshaft until Tooling (C) locates into the slot in

the gear for the fuel injection pump.


Ensure that  all adjustments and  repairs that  are

carried out  to the  fuel system are  performed by

authorized personnel that  have the correct train-


Before beginning ANY work on the fuel system, re-

fer to Operation  and Maintenance Manual,  “Gen-

eral Hazard  Information and  High Pressure  Fuel

Lines” for safety information.

Refer to Systems  Operation, Testing and Adjust-

ing, “Cleanliness of Fuel System Components” for

detailed information  on the standards  of cleanli-

ness that must be  observed during ALL work  on

the fuel system.

This procedure must be done before any of the


•  Removal of the fuel injection pump.

•  The bolts that hold the fuel injection pump to the

front housing are loosened.


Illustration 64

Typical example

1.  If necessary, install the fuel injection pump. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injection

Pump - Install” for the correct procedure.

3.  Remove plug (1) from the  cylinder block. If

necessary, use Tooling (A) in order to rotate the

crankshaft until the number one piston is at the

top center position.

Note: The number  one piston may be on  the

compression stroke or the exhaust stroke.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

4.  Install Tooling (B) into Hole (X) in the  cylinder

block. Use Tooling (B)  in order to locate the

crankshaft in the correct position.

3.  If fuel quality is still suspected  as a possible

cause to problems regarding engine performance,

disconnect the fuel inlet line. Temporarily operate

the engine from a separate source of  fuel that

is known to be good. This will  determine if the

problem is caused by fuel quality. If fuel quality

is determined to  be the problem, drain the

fuel system and replace the fuel filters.  Engine

performance can be affected by  the following


Note: Do not use excessive force to install Tooling

(B). Do not use Tooling (B) to hold  the crankshaft

during repairs.

5.  Remove Tooling (C) from the adapter plate.

6.  Remove Tooling (B) from the cylinder block.

•  Cetane number of the fuel

•  Viscosity of the fuel

•  Lubricity of the fuel

•  Air in the fuel


Fuel Quality - Test

Note: Refer to  Systems Operation, Testing

and Adjusting, “Cleanliness of  Fuel System

Components” for detailed information on the

standards of cleanliness that must be observed

during ALL work on the fuel system.

•  Other fuel characteristics

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Fuel Recommendations” for more information on

the cetane number of the fuel.

Ensure that all adjustments and repairs are performed

by authorized personnel that have had the correct



Fuel System - Prime

Use the following procedure to  test for problems

regarding fuel quality:

1.  Determine if water and/or contaminants are

present in the fuel. Check the water separator.

Drain the water separator, if  necessary. A full

fuel tank minimizes the potential for  overnight


Note: Refer to Systems  Operation, Testing,

and Adjusting, “Cleanliness of  Fuel System

Components” for detailed information on  the

standards of cleanliness that must be observed

during ALL work on the fuel system.

Note: A water separator can appear to be full of fuel

when the water separator is full of water.

Ensure that all adjustments and repairs are performed

by authorized personnel that have had the correct


2.  Determine if contaminants are present in the

fuel. Remove a sample of fuel from the  bottom

of the fuel tank. Visually inspect the fuel sample

for contaminants. The color of  the fuel is not

necessarily an indication of fuel quality. However,

fuel that is black, brown, and/or like sludge can

be an indication of the growth of bacteria  or oil

contamination. In cold temperatures, cloudy fuel

indicates that the fuel may  not be suitable for

operating conditions.


Do not crank  the engine continuously  for more than

30 seconds. Allow  the starting motor  to cool for two

minutes before cranking the engine again.

If air enters the fuel system, the air must be purged

from the fuel system  before the engine can be

started. Air can enter  the fuel system when the

following events occur:

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Fuel Recommendations” for more information.

•  The fuel tank is empty or the fuel tank has been

partially drained.

•  The low-pressure fuel lines are disconnected.

•  A leak exists in the low-pressure fuel system.

•  The fuel filter has been replaced.

Use the following procedure in order to remove air

from the fuel system:

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